

Yen diperdagangkan mendekati level terendahnya hampir tiga bulan terhadap dolar dan mencapai level dua minggu terendah versus euro pada hari Selasa (28/9), karena kenaikan imbal hasil obligasi di AS dan Eropa memikat investor Jepang. Yen sedikit berubah pada 110,985 per dolar, tidak jauh dari...

Dolar memperpanjang penurunannya pada hari Rabu, mencapai level terendah dalam lebih dari enam minggu, setelah Presiden AS Donald Trump meningkatkan harapan untuk paket stimulus fiskal yang besar, mendorong beberapa pedagang untuk meningkatkan taruhan pada mata uang berisiko. Anggota parlemen di...

Dolar turun ke level terendah satu bulan pada hari Rabu setelah Presiden AS Donald Trump meningkatkan harapan untuk paket stimulus fiskal yang besar, mendorong gelombang optimisme pasar yang membuat para pedagang meningkatkan taruhan mereka pada mata uang berisiko. Anggota parlemen di Washington...

Dolar catat kenaikan moderat pada hari Rabu, seiring para pedagang melihat progres pada kemungkinan hasil dari pembicaraan perdagangan AS-China, sementara perkiraan pelonggaran kebijakan moneter menekan Aussie. Terhadap yen, dolar diperdagangkan pada 109,12 yen dari tertinggi dua minggu di...

Dolar bertahan pada Kamis (18/2) pasca kenaikan back-to-back pertama dalam dua minggu karena data ekonomi yang optimis mendorong ekspektasi bagi AS untuk pulih dari pandemi lebih cepat daripada sebagian besar rekan-rekannya. Bitcoin diperdagangkan sedikit di bawah rekor tertinggi baru $ 52.640...

The euro, pound and yen were all pinned at multi-month lows on Tuesday, with the Japanese currency on the brink of weakening past the psychological 150 per dollar level, as surging U.S. Treasury yields kept the dollar firmly on the front foot. The euro was steady on the day at $1.0476, around its...

Gold Shrugs Off a Weaker Dollar and Closes With a Loss
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 01:58 WIB | Gold

Gold closed with a loss on Monday amid a weaker dollar and mixed treasury yields. Gold for December delivery was closed down US$4.40 to US$1,980.30 per ounce. The precious metal failed to rise above the US$2,000 mark last week despite a weakening dollar amid economic reports showing a slowing US...

Gold closed with a loss on Wednesday, giving up early gains as the dollar and bond yields moved higher. Gold for August delivery was closed down US$2.40 to settle at US$1,927.10 per ounce. The drop came as the dollar rose ahead of the release of minutes from the last meeting of the Federal...

Dolar AS jatuh bersama dengan treasury sepuluh tahun. Ketakutan Coronavirus telah meningkat karena tiga negara Eropa telah mengkonfirmasi kasus penyakit pernapasan tersebut. Pasar Amerika awalnya dibuka lebih tinggi sebelum berbalik turun. Investor berbondong-bondong beralih ke obligasi, mendorong...

Franc Swiss menahan kenaikan terhadap dolar pada hari Selasa karena para pedagang mencari tempat berlindung di tengah meningkatnya kekhawatiran tentang kemungkinan pembalasan Iran atas serangan pesawat tak berawak A.S. yang menewaskan komandan militer paling terkemuka pada pekan lalu. Yen, mata...

Nilai tukar euro-dolar stabil di atas $ 1,18 pada hari Senin, pasca data pekerjaan AS terbaru dan jelang pertemuan Bank Sentral Eropa pada hari Kamis untuk melihat apakah pembuat kebijakan akan mengajukan lebih banyak stimulus. Dolar telah jatuh ke posisi terendah lebih dari dua tahun terhadap...

Euro and sterling rose against the safe-haven U.S. dollar on Monday, supported by a risk-on sentiment across markets with European stocks rising on persistent hopes China will ease COVID restrictions. A survey showed on Monday that investor morale in the euro zone improved in November, the first...

Euro dan pound keduanya diperdagangkan lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis di Asia menjelang pembicaraan perdagangan UK dan Uni Eropa yang ditetapkan pada 2 Maret mendatang. Pasangan EUR / USD dan pasangan GBP / USD naik masing-masing 0,3% dan 0,2% pada pukul 1:45 ET (05:45 GMT). Terlepas dari...

Euro diperdagangkan dekat posisi terendah tiga setengah bulan versus dolar pada Kamis (22/7) jelang pertemuan ECB yang berpotensi penting, sementara mata uang yang berfokus pada pertumbuhan seperti dolar Australia naik karena risiko global sell-off mereda lebih lanjut. Indeks dolar AS dan yen...

Euro baru saja turun dari level terendahnya dalam hampir dua dekade terhadap dolar karena kekhawatiran tentang dampak lonjakan harga energi pada ekonomi zona euro terus membebani. Pemerintah Norwegia pada Selasa (5/7) melakukan intervensi untuk mengakhiri pemogokan di sektor perminyakan yang...

Dolar AS diperdagangkan mendekati level tertinggi 16-bulan terhadap euro pada hari Senin (22/11) di tengah meningkatnya kecemasan atas dampak lonjakan infeksi COVID-19 di Eropa, dengan Austria memberlakukan kembali lockdown penuh dan Jerman mempertimbangkan untuk mengikutinya. Dollar AS mendekati...

Euro, pound, dan dolar stabil pada hari Kamis (9/12) karena harapan pada vaksin COVID-19 mungkin dapat menetralkan varian baru Omicron dari virus corona mengalihkan fokus investor yang kembali ke pertemuan bank sentral akan datang. Yuan China,  jatuh dari level tertinggi 3-1/2-tahun dan...

Euro terjebak di level terendah lima minggu pada Rabu (13/4) dan mata uang komoditas mendapat dukungan karena prospek perdamaian di Ukraina semakin tidak menemui titik terang, sementara para pedagang bersiap untuk volatilitas dolar Selandia Baru jelang kenaikan suku bunga yang...

Euro stabil pada hari Jumat setelah jatuh ke level terendah satu minggu terhadap dolar AS pada sesi sebelumnya di Bank Sentral Eropa yang membuka untuk pelonggaran kebijakan moneter lebih lanjut, tetapi menjaga suku bunga tidak berubah. Fokus akan bergeser minggu depan pada pertemuan Federal...

Euro stabil pada hari Selasa setelah naik ke tertinggi dua bulan di sesi sebelumnya versus dolar karena para pedagang menunggu parlemen Inggris untuk memberikan suara pada RUU Penarikan karena akan menjelaskan kapan dan bagaimana Inggris akan keluar dari Uni Eropa. Inggris diperkirakan akan...

Euro stabil terhadap dolar pada hari Jumat, meskipun greenback menuju minggu terburuk sejak pertengahan Oktober, terseret oleh kegelisahan di sekitar hubungan perdagangan AS-China dan isyarat pelemahan dalam ekonomi AS. Kiwi yang bangkit kembali menikmati pemulihan yang kuat berkat beberapa...

Euro Stabil pada hari Rabu (9/3) menjelang pertemuan bank sentral minggu ini, sementara mata uang komoditas turun dari puncaknya baru-baru ini karena investor memperhitungkan lonjakan energi, biji-bijian dan logam yang di picu oleh perang dapat menekan permintaan dalam jangka panjang. Euro stabil...

The euro dropped on Thursday as Europe's largest economy Germany was confirmed to be in a recession, while the dollar hit a two-month peak, benefitting from safe-haven demand as worries mounted about a U.S. default. The latest concern was raised by ratings agency Fitch, who put the United States'...

Euro Set for Worst Daily Run Since July on ECB Bets
Wednesday, 6 December 2023 16:24 WIB | Eur/usd

The euro headed for a sixth day of losses for the first time in five months as traders ramped up bets on the extent of monetary easing from the European Central Bank next year. EUR/USD drops as much as 0.2% to 1.0775 before paring losses; money markets now see 150 basis points of...

Euro turun ke level terendah dua bulan terhadap dolar pada hari Rabu, diperdagangkan tepat di atas $ 1,20, karena investor melihat perbedaan yang melebar antara kekuatan pemulihan pandemi AS dan Eropa. Pandangan itu didukung oleh pergerakan di Washington menuju pengeluaran stimulus yang lebih...

Euro terus meningkat pada hari Kamis, didorong oleh 750 miliar euro (673,70 miliar poundsterling) rencana Uni Eropa untuk menopang ekonomi blok yang terkena virus corona, meskipun kenaikan terbatas karena keraguan terkait pengiriman skema yang masuk. Eksekutif Uni Eropa meluncurkan sebuah rencana...

Euro mengalami kerugian pada Rabu (27/7) setelah penurunan paling tajam dalam dua minggu, karena pengurangan pasokan gas Rusia mengirim harga energi melonjak, sementara dolar bertahan menjelang kenaikan suku bunga AS yang diharapkan hari ini. Euro turun sekitar 1% menjadi $1,0108 semalam,...

Euro menahan sebagian besar kenaikan semalam pada hari Kamis (10/3), setelah mencatat lonjakan harian tertajam dalam hampir enam tahun pasca pertemuan antara menteri luar negeri Ukraina dan Rusia serta penurunan harga minyak membuat beberapa kepanikan baru-baru ini dari pasar. Pedagang sekarang...

Euro naik tipis pada hari Kamis (7/7), didukung oleh meningkatnya selera risiko tetapi masih di dekat level terendah dua dekade karena melonjaknya harga energi memicu kekhawatiran resesi. Sementara itu, volatilitas tersirat di pasar valas masih pada level tertinggi sejak akhir Maret 2020 di...

Euro menguat terhadap dolar ke level tertinggi di bawah empat bulan pada hari Jumat, setelah dimulainya KTT Uni Eropa yang diharapkan para pelaku pasar yang akan meningkatkan dana pemulihan yang akan membantu mengangkat Uni Eropa keluar dari resesi. Tidak ada hasil yang diharapkan pada KTT hingga...

Euro menguat pada hari Jumat, mendorong dolar lebih rendah dan pound lebih tinggi, seiring spekulan melepas posisi jual mereka sebelum akhir tahun, dengan likuiditas yang tipis selama musim liburan memperkuat pergerakan. Data ekonomi Eropa yang lesu mebatasi dana yang berspekulasi pada euro yang...

Euro menguat pada hari Kamis (17/3) di tengah harapan untuk kemajuan dalam pembicaraan antara Rusia dan Ukraina, sementara keputusan Federal Reserve untuk menaikkan suku bunga dan mengatasi inflasi secara agresif gagal mempengaruhi pasar. Proyeksi Fed menunjukkan pembuat kebijakan siap untuk...

Dolar bertahan tepat di bawah tertinggi dua tahun terhadap sekeranjang mata uang pada hari Senin (11/4), masih didukung oleh kenaikan imbal hasil Treasury AS, sementara euro menguat setelah pemimpin Prancis Emmanuel Macron mengalahkan penantang sayap kanan Marine Le Pen di putaran pertama...

Euro merosot hampir setara dengan dolar pada hari Selasa (12/7) dan pasar saham jatuh karena prospek pengetatan bank sentral lebih lanjut dan kekhawatiran tentang kesehatan ekonomi di seluruh dunia membuat investor bingung. Peran dolar sebagai mata uang tujuan safe-haven bagi investor yang...

Euro naik terhadap dolar AS dalam sesi berombak pada hari Kamis (21/7), setelah Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB) menyampaikan kenaikan suku bunga 50 basis poin untuk menjinakkan inflasi dalam kenaikan suku bunga pertama sejak 2011. ECB menaikkan suku bunga deposito acuan menjadi 0%, melanggar panduannya...

Euro mempertahankan kenaikan baru-baru ini pada hari Selasa (28/6) menjelang angka inflasi Eropa minggu ini yang diperkirakan akan memanas dan pidato dari kepala bank sentral Christine Lagarde, sementara reli harga minyak mendorong mata uang komoditas. Euro naik 0,28% semalam dan berada pada satu...

Euro dan yen naik pada hari Kamis (2/6), membalikkan beberapa kerugian baru-baru ini terhadap dolar AS, sementara franc Swiss mencapai level tertinggi satu bulan terhadap euro pasca inflasi Swiss melonjak ke level tertinggi dalam 14 tahun. Di perdagangan Asia, dolar telah naik ke level tertinggi...

Dolar turun , euro dan pound Inggris menguat pada hari Senin, karena investor memulai minggu ini dengan suasana hati yang optimis pasca data yang kuat dari Asia dan di tengah harapan untuk vaksin yang berhasil melawan COVID-19. Terlepas dari kekhawatiran kebangkitan kasus global COVID-19,...

Euro memantul dari dekat paritas terhadap dolar pada hari Selasa (12/7) dan didorong ke wilayah positif dalam perdagangan London yang bergejolak. Terhadap greenback, euro naik 0,2% menjadi $1,0057 setelah jatuh 0,4% serendah $1.00005 sebelumnya. Pedagang melaporkan adanya pesanan beli besar di...

Euro melonjak ke puncak lebih dari tiga minggu terhadap dolar pada Senin (12/9), karena pejabat Bank Sentral Eropa berpendapat untuk pengetatan moneter agresif selanjutnya dan dolar melemah terhadap sebagian besar mata uang utama kecuali yen Jepang. Mata uang bersama Eropa naik 1,45% menjadi...

Euro jatuh ke level terendah baru 22-bulan pada dolar dan mencapai terendah beberapa tahun terhadap yen, Swiss franc dan sterling karena perang di Ukraina mendorong harga komoditas dan memicu kekhawatiran akan stagflasi yang akan merugikan Eropa. Mata uang bersama turun sebanyak 0,6% menjadi $...

Euro melayang tepat di atas paritas dengan dolar AS pada hari Rabu (13/7) sementara para pedagang fokus pada data AS yang akan dirilis di sesi nanti yang diperkirakan akan menunjukkan inflasi pada level tertinggi 40 tahun. Pasar saham Eropa berada di zona merah dan pasar mata uang tenang di awal...

Dolar sedikit berubah dalam perdagangan awal di Eropa pada selasa tetapi mulai membangun momentum terhadap euro pada awal hari di mana politik cenderung mendominasi ekonomi. Euro berada di $ 1,1079 pada pukul 3:30 pagi waktu timur AS (07:30 GMT) dan lebih rendah pada minggu lalu di $ 1,1066...

The euro stood at a 15-year high on the yen on Thursday on signs of sticky inflation in Europe, while the dollar was squeezed ahead of consumption, inflation and jobs data that could add to evidence of a softening economy. Annual inflation in Germany and Spain barely slowed in August, against...

Dukungan kebijakan moneter di China dan harapan bahwa varian Omicron dari COVID-19 akan lebih ringan dari yang diperkirakan sebelumnya mendorong selera risiko pasar mata uang pada hari Selasa (7/12), dengan dolar Australia rebound dan euro kembali ke posisi terendah 2021. Pasar saham global dan...

Euro jatuh ke level terendah sejak Oktober pada hari Jumat pasca output industri Jerman untuk Desember mencatat penurunan terbesar dalam satu dekade dan angka lapangan kerja yang kuat di Amerika Serikat mendorong investor untuk membeli dolar. Dolar telah menguat dalam sesi baru-baru ini dari data...

Euro Gains; Yen Flounders ahead of C.Bank Bonanza
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 07:59 WIB | Eur/usd

The euro clung to gains on Tuesday following hawkish comments from European Central Bank (ECB) policymakers, while the yen languished near a 10-month low ahead of a key rate decision from the Bank of Japan (BOJ) later in the week. Currency moves were subdued in early Asia trade as markets stayed...

The euro briefly fell back below parity with the dollar on Thursday after the European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates, and U.S. data showed that the world's biggest economy rebounded more than expected in the third quarter. The ECB raised its deposit rate by 75 basis points to 1.5%, the...

The euro briefly hit a seven-month high against the dollar on Wednesday but held within a narrow range as traders avoided making big moves ahead of U.S. inflation data on Thursday, which may offer a clearer picture of where interest rates are headed. The euro touched $1.07765, its highest since...

The euro slid on Monday after activity data in key economies came in much softer than expected, giving markets a jolt at the start of a week packed with central bank meetings at which investors expect rate hikes in Europe and the United States. The European common currency fell 0.43% to $1.1076 ,...

Euro lanjutkan kenaikan pada hari Jumat ke level tertinggi 2-bulan seiring para pedagang menunggu tanggapan Presiden AS Donald Trump terhadap kontrol pengetatan China atas Hong Kong, yang selanjutnya dapat memperburuk ketegangan antara keduanya karena pusat keuangan. Yen menguat terhadap mata...

Euro mendapat dorongan pada hari Selasa dari dolar yang lebih lemah seiring meningkatnya optimisme tentang pemulihan global dari pandemi COVID-19 yang didukung mata uang berisiko. Namun, langkah tersebut tidak memiliki kegembiraan pasar ekuitas karena ketegangan China-AS menjaga suasana hati...

The euro scaled a nine-month high on the dollar on Monday as more hawkish comments on European interest rates contrasted with market pricing for a less aggressive Federal Reserve. The euro reached as far as $1.0903 , breaking the recent peak of $1.08875 and opening the way to a spike top from...

Euro bounce dari level terendah lebih dari tiga setengah bulan terhadap dolar AS pada Kamis (15/7) setelah komentar dovish oleh kepala Fed mematahkan lonjakan baru-baru ini dalam imbal hasil Treasury. Dalam kesaksian kepada Kongres AS, Ketua Fed Jerome Powell mengatakan ekonomi AS "masih jauh"...

Euro bertahan pada hari Senin menjelang pertemuan Bank Sentral Eropa akhir pekan ini di mana pembuat kebijakan diharapkan untuk memberikan stimulus baru untuk meningkatkan ekonomi regional yang lesu. Ekspektasi tinggi untuk pelonggaran ECB datang ketika bank sentral global lainnya bergerak untuk...

Aussie dan dolar Kanada naik pada hari Selasa (28/6) di tengah penguatan harga minyak, sementara euro bertahan di bawah $ 1,06 karena Presiden Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB) Christine Lagarde tidak memberikan wawasan baru tentang prospek kebijakan bank sentral. Euro bertahan di bawah $ 1,06 pasca...

Euro berada di bawah $ 1,18 pada hari Senin (29/3) karena prospek pembatasan virus korona yang lebih ketat di Prancis dan Jerman membebani prospek jangka pendek untuk ekonomi Eropa. Mata uang bersama menuju penurunan bulanan terbesar sejak pertengahan 2019 karena program vaksinasi yang lesu di...

Euro melayang lebih rendah pada hari Selasa (31/5), tetapi masih dijalur untuk kenaikan bulan dalam setahun menjelang data inflasi terbaru yang akan meningkatkan ekspektasi kenaikan suku bunga dari Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB). Harga konsumen Jerman melonjak 8,7% dan tingkat inflasi Spanyol...

Euro naik tipis pada hari Kamis terhadap dolar yang lebih lemah tetapi kenaikan dibatasi oleh kemungkinan bahwa Bank Sentral Eropa dapat menandai lebih banyak pelonggaran kebijakan jika dianggap pemulihan ekonomi dan inflasi berada dalam risiko dari apresiasi mata uang. Sebagian besar mata uang...

Euro berada di dekat tertinggi empat bulan terhadap dolar pada Senin karena investor berpegang pada harapan bahwa para pemimpin Eropa akan memecahkan kebuntuan dan menuntaskan kesepakatan penyelamatan ekonomi karena KTT maraton mereka mencapai rekor panjang. Euro berpindah tangan pada $ 1,1439,...

PMI Manufaktur Jerman Markit untuk Februari mengalahkan perkiraan dengan skor 47,8 poin, jauh di atas yang diharapkan 44,8 dan 45,3 yang tercatat pada Januari. Skor tersebut masih di bawah 50 - mencerminkan kontraksi yang berkelanjutan meskipun lebih lambat di sektor industri ekonomi terbesar zona...

The EUR/USD rose even further during the American session and climbed to 0.9977, reaching the highest level in a week. It remains near the top, up more than 150 pips for the day and 440 above last week's low. The next critical level on the upside is the parity area and the 1.0015 resistance area....

The dollar and sterling were buoyant on Wednesday, after a surprise rebound in business activity in the United States and the UK raised the likelihood that their respective central banks would have further to go in raising interest rates. Elsewhere, the kiwi surged after the Reserve Bank of New...

The dollar ebbed on Monday on renewed expectations of a rate cut by the Federal Reserve in March, while the Chinese yuan struggled near a one-month low ahead of a slew of economic data this week. China's fourth-quarter gross domestic product (GDP), December industrial production, retail sales and...

The dollar wavered on Wednesday, as traders awaited results from U.S. midterm elections and inflation data that could disappoint hopes for a slowdown in rate hikes, while cryptocurrency markets attempted to steady after news of a bailout of exchange FTX. The greenback has been under downward...

Dollar Wobbles in Thin Trading; Yen Firms
Tuesday, 26 December 2023 15:09 WIB | Us dollar

The dollar was trying to find a floor on Tuesday in holiday-thinned trade, pressured by signs that inflation in the world's largest economy is cooling which will likely give the Federal Reserve room to ease interest rates next year. The yen meanwhile steadied near its recent five-month peak on...

The U.S. dollar edged lower in early European trade Wednesday, retreating after a relatively dovish speech from Fed chair Jerome Powell raised hopes the central bank may soon ease monetary policy. At 03:10 ET (08:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar weakened in early European trade Tuesday and the Chinese yuan gained on hopes the Chinese government was set to ease its tight COVID-related mobility restrictions, boosting risk appetite. At 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six...

The U.S. dollar edged lower in early European trade Thursday, continuing the previous session's selloff after the minutes from the latest Federal Reserve meeting signaled a slowdown in future rate hikes. At 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six...

The U.S. dollar edged lower in early European trade Friday, continuing the previous session’s selloff after cooling U.S. inflation opened the way for the Federal Reserve to ease the pace of its interest rate hikes. At 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the US Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a...

The dollar retreated in early European trading on Monday, as investors looked ahead to the release of crucial inflation data later this week and made bets about the Federal Reserve's future interest rate decisions. By 03:18 ET (07:18 GMT), the dollar index - which tracks the greenback against a...

Dollar Weakens as China Steps Up Yuan Support
Friday, 18 August 2023 09:16 WIB | Us dollar

The US dollar fell against Group-of-10 peers as China ramped up support for the yuan. The yen gained.  Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index fell 0.2%, extending its loss after the People’s Bank of China delivered its strongest ever push-back against a weaker yuan via its daily reference...

The U.S. dollar slipped lower in early European trade Monday as traders reassessed the likelihood of another rate hike by the Federal Reserve later this month given the ongoing U.S. banking crisis. At 03:10 ET (08:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar struggled to gain foothold on Wednesday after a sharp dive overnight on cooler-than-expected inflation data which fuelled expectations that the Federal Reserve will chart a moderate rate hike path later in the day. After delivering four consecutive 75 basis points hikes, the U.S....

Dollar Wavers, Yen Bullish Options Back in Demand
Thursday, 28 September 2023 15:54 WIB | Usd/jpy

The dollar swung between gains and losses while the yen rose first day in five as repeated verbal warnings by Japanese authorities over the currency’s weakness spurred intervention speculation. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index drops 0.1% after six straight days of gains, fails to follow US yields...

The dollar was roughly flat in choppy trading on Thursday after the release of the latest Federal Reserve minutes. Details of the discussion from the central bank's December policy meeting, released on Wednesday, showed policymakers remain focused on curbing inflation and do not envisage interest...

The dollar was up in early trading as the market adjusted its view of the likely path for U.S. interest rates again in the wake of February's inflation report on Tuesday. The U.S. consumer price index had fallen to 6.0%, but core elements of the report continued to show prices rising at an...

The dollar rose against the euro on Tuesday after data showed U.S. business activity contracting for the seventh straight month in January but with signs the downturn was moderating. While U.S. business activity shrank in January, the downturn moderated across both the manufacturing and services...

The dollar began the week under pressure on Monday, with traders betting it might have peaked along with U.S. interest rates, and selling it against peers that seem to have hikes ahead, though with a wary eye on looming inflation and loans data. Sterling , hovering at an 11-month high of $1.2652,...

The dollar slumped on Friday after the U.S. nonfarm payrolls report for October showed the world's largest economy created more new jobs than expected, but also flashed signs of slowdown with the higher unemployment rate and lower wage inflation. The greenback initially rose immediately after the...

The dollar headed for its worst two-day run since mid-July as quarter-end flows put consensus positioning to the test ahead of key data releases out of the US later Friday. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index falls 0.4% on the day, trimming its weekly advance to 0.3%; it’s up 2.5% this...

The dollar was rangebound on Tuesday, hovering around its weakest level in seven months versus the euro and a group of other major currencies, as traders awaited U.S. inflation data later this week to help firm up interest rate hike expectations. The euro was up 0.1% against the greenback to...

The dollar hovered near its lowest levels since June against the euro and pound on Wednesday, as traders awaited the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision, a day after tamer U.S. consumer inflation data that seemed to allow scope to slow its tightening pace. The dollar index was nearly flat,...

The U.S. dollar edged lower Wednesday, trading in a tight range with traders on edge before key U.S. inflation data that could influence the future path of interest rates. At 04:35 ET (09:35 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded 0.1%...

Dollar Tracks Global Yields Lower; Sterling Heavy
Wednesday, 21 February 2024 09:27 WIB | Gbp/usd

The dollar fell broadly on Wednesday as it tracked a global decline in bond yields, while sterling struggled to retain gains following dovish comments from Bank of England (BoE) Governor Andrew Bailey on the central bank's rate outlook. The greenback slipped below 150 yen in early Asia trade and...

The dollar nudged at the closely watched 150 level against the yen on Friday, encouraged by a rise in U.S. 10-year Treasury yields towards 5% after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell suggested there was scope for more rate rises. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury, which nudged at 5%...

The dollar was perched near a three-month high on Thursday as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's message that interest rates would have to go higher and possibly faster to tame inflation dominated sentiment and kept the U.S. currency in bid. In the second day of his testimony to Congress on...

The dollar tracked toward a second consecutive quarterly loss on Friday, as investors see U.S. interest rates close to peaking and expect the dollar's yield advantage is in decline. A modest boost from a rush to safety around mid-March as banking jitters hit global markets seems to be fading, and...

The dollar ticked up slightly on Wednesday as traders prepared for the conclusion of a Federal Reserve policy meeting that could offer some insight into when the U.S. central bank will begin lowering interest rates. Sterling was among the weakest performers on the day, after data showed the UK...

The dollar edged up on Friday to pull away from multi-month lows against the euro and sterling, as investors began to train their sights on a slew of major central bank meetings next week. The U.S. Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Bank of England are all due to make rate decisions next...

The dollar hovered near a 32-year peak above 149 yen on Tuesday even as it took a breather from a rally against other major peers, with traders bracing for possible further intervention by Tokyo to support its currency. The Aussie strengthened after minutes from the Reserve Bank of Australia's...

Dollar Tentative As Investors Await Fed Minutes
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 09:08 WIB | Currencies

The U.S. dollar was steady on Wednesday as investors tempered their risk appetites ahead of the release of minutes of the Federal Reserve's policy meeting that could offer clues on the outlook for inflation and interest rates. The Fed on Wednesday will release the minutes from its most recent...

The dollar steadied marginally on Monday but remained near multi-week lows against some major currencies as traders stayed on guard ahead of monetary policy decisions due this week from several central banks, including the Federal Reserve. The U.S. currency was pinned near a one-month low against...

The dollar wobbled near an over one-year low against its major peers on Tuesday, as investors awaited fresh catalysts to gauge if the greenback has further downside in the wake of last week's cooler-than-expected U.S. inflation report. The U.S. dollar index , which measures the greenback against...

The dollar was under pressure on Thursday after the Federal Reserve's latest economic projections indicated that the interest-rate hike cycle has come to an end and lower borrowing costs are coming in 2024. Both the euro and Japanese yen jumped in response, with the European Central Bank (ECB)...

The dollar was soft on Thursday as traders assessed the U.S. interest rates outlook in the wake of comments from Federal Reserve officials that cemented expectation of monetary settings remaining restrictive for a while longer. The dollar has been rising in recent weeks as a slew of strong U.S....

A bruised dollar was nudged lower still in Asia on Thursday, as traders took surprisingly slow U.S. inflation as a signal U.S. interest rate rises will be all but finished by month's end. The dollar had its worst session in five months overnight, falling more than 1% against the euro to its...

The U.S. dollar rose strongly in early European trade Monday as surging oil prices raised inflation concerns, which could prompt the U.S. Federal Reserve to lift interest rates at its next meeting. At 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

Dollar Surges, on Cusp of 150 Yen
Tuesday, 3 October 2023 15:00 WIB | Usd/jpy

The euro, pound and yen all traded at multi-month lows on Tuesday, with the Japanese currency on the brink of weakening past the psychological 150 per dollar level, as surging U.S. Treasury yields kept the dollar firmly on the front foot. The euro was steady on the day at $1.0477, still around...

The U.S. dollar rallied in early European trade Thursday, boosted by the Federal Reserve’s hawkish projection of more tightening this year, while the euro weakened ahead of the latest European Central Bank policy meeting. At 02:05 ET (06:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback...

The U.S. dollar seems to have emerged a clear winner from the week's magical mystery tour of world central banks - with record high Wall St and world stocks getting a shot across the bow from Apple's antitrust bust. A whistle stop look at the week's multiple central bank readouts shows a surprise...

The U.S. dollar made a tentative start to the week on Monday as investors awaited testimony from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and looked towards for a February jobs report that will likely influence how hawkish the U.S. central bank will be. The dollar index, which measures the U.S....

The U.S. dollar struggled for direction on Friday as fears of an economic slowdown dented risk sentiment, while the yen slipped as speculation continue to swirl that the Bank of Japan will eventually move away from its ultra-easy policy. The dollar index , which measures the U.S. currency against...

Dollar Subdued Ahead Of Powell Testimony
Tuesday, 7 March 2023 08:39 WIB | Currencies

The dollar was subdued on Tuesday ahead of testimony by Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell, which investors will focus on for cues of the path the U.S. central bank is likely to take in tackling sticky inflation. The dollar index, which measures the U.S. currency against six major rivals, was...

The U.S. dollar traded largely unchanged in early European trade Tuesday ahead of the latest inflation data that could determine the path of U.S. monetary policy, while sterling gained as U.K. workers continued to receive healthy wage increases. At 03:10 ET (08:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which...

Dollar Subdued Ahead of Fed Rate Decision
Wednesday, 22 March 2023 08:32 WIB | Currencies

The dollar was pinned near five-week lows on Wednesday ahead of the conclusion of the U.S. Federal Reserve's policy meeting, with investors awaiting clarity on the path the central bank is likely to take in the wake of global banking turmoil. Investor attention is zeroed in on whether the Fed...

The dollar hovered near a nine-month low against the euro and surrendered recent gains against the yen on Tuesday, as traders weighed the risks of a U.S. recession against the outlook for Federal Reserve monetary policy. Euro zone data on Tuesday reinforced the view that the economy is surviving...

The dollar was trying to find a floor on Tuesday in holiday-thinned trade, pressured by signs that inflation in the world’s largest economy is cooling that will likely give the Federal Reserve room to ease interest rates next year. The yen meanwhile steadied near its recent five-month peak on the...

The U.S. dollar was stuck near two-month lows on Wednesday as weak economic data bolstered views that the Federal Reserve is near the end of its monetary tightening cycle. Data overnight showed U.S. job openings dropped to their lowest level in nearly two years in February, suggesting that labour...

Dollar retained its gains against peers on Friday, following strong U.S. economic data and a rate hike by the European Central Bank (ECB). The currency's strengthening came in response to higher-than-expected U.S. retail sales and an ECB decision that prompted a drop in European yields. U.S....

The U.S. dollar rose for a second day on Tuesday, briefly touching a six-month peak against Japan's yen, on expectations that U.S. interest rates will remain higher for longer, while ongoing debt ceiling negotiations kept investors on edge. Among a slew of Federal Reserve heavyweights who spoke...

The U.S. dollar rose in European trade Wednesday ahead of the Federal Reserve latest policy decision, while sterling fell after signs of cooling U.K. inflation and the Japanese yen continued to retreat. At 05:55 ET (09:55 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six...

The dollar slipped on Tuesday after better-than-forecast growth data from China, while upbeat pay data from Britain supported the pound. China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 4.5% year-on-year in the first three months of the year, data showed on Tuesday, beating analyst forecasts for a 4%...

The U.S. dollar steadied on Wednesday, while the yen slipped as investors eagerly awaited the Bank of Japan's policy decision, which could set the stage for Tokyo to end its ultra-easy monetary policy. The central bank stunned the market last month by raising its cap on the 10-year yield to 0.5%...

The dollar was broadly steady on Wednesday, keeping the yen rooted near 34-year lows after comments from Federal Reserve officials, including Chair Jerome Powell, suggested U.S. interest rates are likely to stay higher for longer. Top U.S. central bank officials including Powell backed away on...

The dollar held its ground on Monday but was still near multi-week lows against some of its major peers as traders were on guard ahead of central bank meetings this week, including the Federal Reserve's where it will announce its rates decision. The U.S. currency was pinned near a one-month low...

The dollar started Monday on the front foot, with a reading on U.S. inflation and the Federal Reserve's last policy meeting for the year likely to set the tone for the week, while rising deflationary pressure in China leant on the yuan. The greenback pushed back above 145 yen and last bought...

The dollar held steady against the euro on Tuesday as investors looked towards the European Central Bank's rate decision and U.S. jobs numbers later in the week. Bitcoin neared a record high as the latest bout of crypto-mania showed no signs of dimming, while China's yuan was little changed after...

Major global currencies were steady early on Monday but seemed poised to extend last week's uptrend as the dollar nursed its losses after the Federal Reserve dialled down its hawkish rhetoric. The dollar index was flat at 105.11, with the euro at $1.0726. The dollar index declined more than 1%...

The U.S. dollar was treading water against other major currencies on Wednesday as traders waited for the release of minutes from the Federal Reserve's last meeting that could offer clues to the outlook for interest rates. Australia's dollar fell in line with the Chinese yuan after data showed...

Dollar Steady Before Fed In Data-Heavy Week
Monday, 29 January 2024 16:27 WIB | Us dollar

The dollar was steady on Monday as investors took stock of U.S. economic data ahead of the Federal Reserve policy meeting this week, while escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East kept a lid on risk sentiment. The dollar index, which measures the U.S. currency against six rivals, was...

The dollar hovered near a five-week peak against major peers on Thursday after robust U.S. retail sales data added to expectations the Federal Reserve will not rush to lower interest rates. The U.S. dollar index, which measures the currency against a basket of six rivals, was steady at 103.33 in...

The dollar index was steady on Friday, a rare spot of calm in volatile global markets ahead of key U.S. payrolls data later in the day, while the yen weakened after the Bank of Japan kept stimulus settings steady. The dollar jumped as much as 0.64% against the yen , a knee-jerk move after the BOJ...

The dollar was on the back foot on Thursday, though it drew some support from higher U.S. Treasury yields as traders contemplated the possibility of another rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve, even if it pauses next week. The increased expectations that U.S. and global interest rates may have...

The U.S. dollar was clinging close to a more than one week peak on Friday as a slew of data overnight pointed to a slowing U.S. economy, with investors betting that the Federal Reserve will pause its interest rate increases. The dollar index , which measures the U.S. currency against six rivals,...

The dollar was steady on Monday after data last week showing U.S. inflation remained sticky cast doubts on when the Federal Reserve would start its easing cycle, while the yen remained rooted near the psychologically key 150 per dollar level. The yen has hovered around 150 level in the last few...

The dollar held steady on Friday as traders weighed an ambiguous U.S. inflation report and tensions in the Middle East, where the United States and Britain launched air and sea strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen. The U.S. dollar index , which tracks the currency against six major peers, was...

The dollar was broadly steady on Monday as data showing easing U.S. prices bolstered bets that the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates in June, while the yen loitered near 152 per dollar keeping traders on edge on the threat of intervention. The personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price...

The dollar was broadly steady on Monday, with U.S. debt ceiling negotiations set to resume and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell having indicated he favours a meeting-by-meeting approach when it comes to future policy moves. The greenback was little changed at 137.975 yen to start the week,...

The dollar was steady against its major peers on Thursday, as new data showed a still-tight U.S. labor market, underpinning convictions that the Federal Reserve's monetary policy tightening may be far from over. The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell...

The dollar was firm on Monday, while the yen hovered near its seven-week peak as investors assessed moves made by authorities and regulators to rein in worries over the global banking system. The dollar index , which measures the currency against six rivals, was up 0.078% at 103.060, having...

The dollar headed for its first weekly loss in a month on Friday, but pulled away from two-week lows, ahead of a key U.S. jobs report later in the day, while tensions in the Middle East kept investors on edge. Demand for safe-haven currencies, along with more warnings from Japanese authorities,...

The dollar steadied on Wednesday in the wake of more strong U.S. economic data, nudging the Japanese yen closer to a test of levels that drew official market intervention back in 2022. The yen traded at 151.52 per dollar early in the Asia session, within a whisker of 151.94 where Japanese...

The U.S. dollar edged lower in early European trade Thursday, handing back some of the previous session’s gains, but activity is limited as traders look for more monetary policy cues from speeches by a series of central bankers, including Fed Chair Jerome Powell. At 03:20 ET (07:20 GMT), the...

The dollar was on the front foot on Friday as solid U.S. economic data reinforced the need for the Federal Reserve to stay on its aggressive monetary policy tightening path and further raised the odds of higher-for-longer rates. The greenback gave back some of its gains in Asia trade after rising...

The U.S. dollar steadied near a six-month peak in early European trade Thursday, boosted by signs of a resilient U.S. economy even as the global outlook weakened. At 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded 0.1% higher to...

Dollar Steadies Near Seven-Week Low
Friday, 24 March 2023 15:27 WIB | Currencies

The U.S. dollar steadied near its seven-week low in early European trade Friday as traders contemplated the Federal Reserve's next move as confidence in the banking sector remained fragile. At 03:55 ET (07:55 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The dollar was firm on Tuesday leading in to the release of U.S. inflation data and the final Federal Reserve meeting of the year, with investors waiting to update interest rate outlooks. The dollar gained 0.8% on the yen on Monday and was steady at 137.70 yen through the Asia session on Tuesday....

The U.S. dollar steadied Wednesday near to new 10-month highs on worries of higher U.S. interest rates, while the euro and sterling fell to six-month lows. At 03:20 ET (07:20 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded 0.1% higher at...

The dollar caught its footing on Thursday as strong U.S. retail data cast doubt on market bets that inflation is in retreat and U.S. interest rates need not rise too much further. The euro was also firm after NATO said a missile that crashed inside Poland was probably a stray fired by Ukraine's...

The U.S. dollar held steady against a handful of rival currencies on Wednesday, as traders weighed what impact hotter-than-expected inflation data could have on chances of an interest rate cut at the Federal Reserve's June meeting. The U.S. consumer price index (CPI) increased solidly in...

The dollar steadied on Thursday after riding long-end U.S. Treasury yields higher overnight, as initial optimism over China's reopening fizzled. Following China's removal of its quarantine rule for inbound travellers beginning Jan. 8, countries such as the United States, Japan and India said they...

The U.S. dollar steadied on Monday after Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller said the central bank was not softening its fight against inflation, which made some investors think that the steep sell-off last week was probably overdone. A slightly cooler-than-anticipated inflation data on...

Dollar Steadies As Fed Looms; Yen Fragile
Monday, 31 October 2022 15:01 WIB | Currencies

The dollar advanced on Monday as bets cooled that the U.S. Federal Reserve could signal a slowdown in its aggressive rate-hiking cycle, ahead of its key policy meeting this week and as domestic data points to underlying inflation pressure. The greenback moved broadly higher in Asia trade,...

Dollar Steadies as Fed Cautions on Inflation
Monday, 14 November 2022 09:14 WIB | Currencies

The U.S. dollar held firm on Monday following last week's bruising dive as Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller said that the central bank was not softening its fight against inflation. A slightly cooler-than-anticipated inflation data on Thursday sent the greenback on a tailspin, with the...

Dollar Steadies As China COVID Fears Linger
Tuesday, 22 November 2022 08:23 WIB | Currencies

The dollar pared some of its strong overnight gains on Tuesday after investors flocked to the safe-haven currency on nerves over China's COVID flare ups, though cautious risk sentiment kept the greenback in demand. The fresh bout of risk aversion had weighed particularly on the antipodean...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Wednesday, as traders cautiously awaited the latest U.S. inflation data, while sterling weakened after the U.K. economy contracted by more than expected in July. At 03:20 ET (07:20 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a...

The U.S. dollar steadied on Thursday after strong U.S. banking results firmed up expectations that the Federal Reserve will keep monetary policy tight for a while longer. Morgan Stanley reported first quarter profit on Wednesday that beat expectations, adding to rosy results from major U.S....

The dollar was steady on the first trading day of the year as traders weighed the prospect of steep interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve in 2024 and looked to economic data this week for clues on the central bank's next moves. The dollar index , which measures the U.S. currency against six...

The dollar steadied on Monday, holding its biggest weekly gain since 2022, as escalating conflict in the Middle East and the prospect of stubbornly high U.S. interest rates gave support. The dollar went up 1.6% against a basket of six major currencies last week after a small but unnerving upside...

The safe-haven dollar held just below the month's high against the yen on Friday and maintained overnight gains versus other peers amid growing worries that continued monetary tightening at the world's biggest central banks could trigger a recession. European Central Bank President Christine...

Dollar Stalls As Chinese Economy Beats Expectations
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 15:05 WIB | Us dollar

Better-than-expected Chinese growth data on Wednesday boosted Asian currencies, driving the yuan to a one-week high and putting a dampener on the U.S. dollar. A blast at a Gaza hospital, however, kept moves modest and traders on edge at the prospect of a widening conflict. U.S. President Joe...

Dollar Stable, Yen Weakens After BOJ Meeting
Friday, 28 October 2022 14:47 WIB | Currencies

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Friday ahead of the release of key inflation data, while the Japanese yen edged lower after the Bank of Japan on Friday maintained its ultra-low interest rates and dovish stance. At 03:05 ET (07:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trading Thursday near a two-month high as traders digested progress in the U.S. debt ceiling bill, comments from a number of Fed speakers, and Chinese manufacturing activity data. At 03:55 ET (07:55 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Tuesday, just off a five-week high helped by its safe haven status as the standoff in Washington over the U.S. debt ceiling continued. At 03:15 ET (07:15 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies,...

The dollar stabilized and the euro weakened in early trading on Tuesday in Europe, as the shock from the collapse of three U.S. banks in a week began to recede. By 04:00 ET (08:00 GMT), the dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of advanced economy currencies, was up 0.3% at...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Thursday, after hefty losses this week as signs of a cooling U.S. economy pointed to limited headroom for the Federal Reserve to keep raising interest rates. At 03:10 ET (07:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Thursday ahead of a widely awaited U.S. consumer inflation release, while the Japanese yen surged ahead of next week's Bank of Japan meeting. At 03:00 ET (08:00 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Wednesday, remaining close to last session’s two-month high given the lack of progress in negotiations over raising the U.S. debt ceiling. At 02:55 ET (06:55 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar edged higher in early European trade Wednesday, stabilizing after the previous session's sharp declines as investors look for clues on the path for Federal Reserve policy. At 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European trade Thursday, after early gains as strong U.S. retail data and hawkish comments by Federal Reserve officials cast doubt about the U.S. central bank pausing interest rate hikes in the near future.  At 03:55 ET (08:55 GMT), the Dollar Index, which...

The U.S. dollar stabilized in early European hours Monday after suffering its worst weekly drop this year, while weak Chinese growth data pressured the yuan. At 03:05 ET (07:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded marginally lower at...

The dollar found its feet on Thursday while the Chinese yuan dipped to a two-month low after more evidence of weakness in China's post-COVID recovery clouded the outlook for the global economy. The U.S. currency had started the day on the back foot, sliding against the yen under the weight of...

Dollar Squeezed as Inflation Drives Up Euro
Thursday, 2 March 2023 07:20 WIB | Currencies

The dollar nursed losses on Thursday as optimism about China's reopening was supported by encouraging data and underpinned Asian currencies, while sticky inflation had the euro eying its best week in a month and a half. The dollar lost 0.9% on the euro overnight, and since it moved lower despite...

The dollar was on the front foot on Friday, as solid U.S. economic data reinforced the need for the Federal Reserve to stay on its aggressive monetary policy tightening path and further raised the odds of higher-for-longer rates. The greenback rose broadly overnight, though was hobbled against...

The dollar weakened broadly on Wednesday after U.S. President Joe Biden and top lawmakers failed to break a deadlock on the debt ceiling crisis, though currency moves were marginal amid caution ahead of U.S. inflation data later in the day. Biden and House of Representatives Speaker Kevin...

The dollar was on the back foot on Monday after a miss in U.S. jobs data scaled back market expectations on how much further the Federal Reserve would need to raise rates, while focus in the Asia day was on China's inflation data release. The U.S. economy added 209,000 jobs last month, data on...

The dollar was tentative on Tuesday as traders resisted placing large bets ahead of a slew of economic data this week, while the yen struggled near levels that triggered intervention last year. The dollar index, which measures U.S. currency against six key rivals, eased 0.077% at 103.85, after...

The U.S. dollar gained in early European trade Monday, as worries that the escalating COVID situation in China would stunt the global economic recovery prompted safe haven flows. At 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, rose...

Dollar Soars Ahead of Fed Minutes, Jobs Data
Tuesday, 3 January 2023 15:53 WIB | Currencies

The U.S. dollar climbed strongly Tuesday ahead of the week's key economic data. At 03:55 ET (08:55 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, rose 1% to 104.345. Tuesday's main economic release is the U.S. manufacturing PMI for December, which is...

The U.S. dollar slumped in early European trade Thursday after Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell pointed to smaller rate hikes ahead, boosting risk appetite to the detriment of this safe haven. At 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The dollar fell broadly on Wednesday to hit its lowest against the yen in more than two months and languished near a three-month trough against its major peers, as expectations mount the Federal Reserve could begin lowering rates by early next year. The Australian dollar held near a four-month...

The U.S. dollar slumped to a seven-week low in early European trade Thursday following the latest Federal Reserve interest rate increase, while the pound surged ahead of a Bank of England get-together. At 04:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six...

The dollar fell sharply on Thursday after U.S. consumer prices rose less than expected last month and pointed to underlying inflation having peaked, data that markets cheered as it may allow the Federal Reserve to ease up on aggressively hiking interest rates. The consumer price index rose 0.4%...

The U.S. dollar slipped lower in early European trade Thursday, with traders digesting a series of comments from Federal Reserve policymakers ahead of next week's crucial inflation data release. At 03:10 ET (08:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar weakened in early European trading Monday, while sterling gained on the news that the U.K. will bring forward its tax and spending plans in a bid to reassure markets after the turmoil associated with the start of new Prime Minister Liz Truss’s premiership. At 03:10 ET (07:10 GMT),...

The U.S. dollar weakened in early European trade Monday, with the yen in demand following a report that the Japanese authorities could be set to adjust the country's inflation target. At 03:00 ET (08:00 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies,...

The dollar edged down against the euro as upbeat German business morale data supported the common currency, while a modest improvement in investors' appetite for riskier currencies weighed on the safe-haven dollar. German business morale rose more than expected in December as the outlook for...

The dollar was pinned near a five-month low against a basket of major currencies on Friday ahead of key U.S. labour market data, while the yuan was set for its biggest weekly gain since China abandoned its dollar peg and revalued its currency in 2005. The dollar index , which measures the...

The U.S. dollar weakened in early European trade Monday, as traders reassessed the path of U.S. rate hikes in the wake of last week's jobs report while risk appetite benefited from China reopening its borders. At 03:05 ET (08:05 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket...

The U.S. dollar edged lower in early European trade Friday, handing back some overnight gains, while sterling edged higher after the release of first quarter U.K. growth data. At 03:15 ET (07:15 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded...

The U.S. dollar slipped lower in early European trade Tuesday ahead of a testimony by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell before U.S. Congress, while sterling gained after signs of a resilient housing market. At 03:10 ET (08:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket...

The U.S. dollar slipped lower in early European trade Tuesday, while the Japanese yen appreciated in the wake of the latest Bank of Japan policy meeting. At 04:20 ET (09:20 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded 0.1% lower at 102.997,...

The safe-haven U.S. dollar eased from a one-week high on Wednesday amid increasing optimism for a loosening of China's COVID restrictions, although moves were muted ahead of a speech by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell later in the day. The risk-sensitive New Zealand and Aussie dollars rose,...

The U.S. dollar edged higher in early European trade Friday, adding to the previous session’s strong gains, while the Japanese yen gained after the Bank of Japan shifted its monetary policy. At 03:15 ET (07:15 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

The U.S. dollar edged lower Thursday after weak employment data resulted in a moderation in U.S. Treasury yields, while the euro gained despite the weak economic outlook. At 03:40 ET (07:40 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other currencies, traded 0.1%...

The U.S. dollar fell slightly from a five-week high on Monday after a period of strength that has confused analysts. Meanwhile, The Turkish lira sank to a two-month low as weekend elections looked headed for a runoff, while the Thai baht rallied after a more decisive election result. The euro...

The dollar edged lower as traders awaited another round of comments from Federal Reserve officials in the coming days and key US inflation data due next week. The greenback fell against most of its Group-of-10 peers, but its moves were largely range bound, as traders weighed hawkish comments by...

The U.S. dollar edged lower in early European trade Monday, while the Japanese yen gave back some of last week’s gains ahead of the conclusion of a key policy meeting by the Bank of Japan. At 05:35 ET (09:35 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

A gauge of the dollar slipped for a third session as investors awaited a slew of US data which may help determine the Federal Reserve’s next policy move. Traders are likely to parse reports on US economic growth, initial jobless claims and a core price index due Thursday to gauge if the Fed will...

The dollar moved broadly lower on Tuesday, while Australia's and New Zealand's currencies climbed with a rise in risk appetite after China said it would scrap its COVID-19 quarantine rule for inbound travellers - a major step in reopening its borders. The New Zealand dollar surged more than 0.5%...

The dollar fell on Tuesday after China said it would scrap its COVID-19 quarantine rule for inbound travellers - a major step in reopening its borders that boosted risk-related currencies such as the New Zealand and Australian dollars. China will stop requiring inbound travellers to go into...

The dollar was on the back foot on Thursday after the Federal Reserve delivered what some expected to be its last rate hike, while market focus shifted across the Atlantic to the European Central Bank's (ECB) rate decision later in the day. The Fed on Wednesday raised interest rates by a quarter...

The dollar edged lower on Monday as traders stayed on guard ahead of policy decisions this week from several central banks, including the Federal Reserve, who are expected to keep interest rates on hold for the first time since January 2022. Monetary policy meetings of the Fed, the European...

The dollar weakened on Tuesday after Federal Reserve officials signalled that the central bank was nearing the end of its tightening cycle, though it traded in a tight range ahead of a key U.S. inflation report. Several Fed officials said on Monday the central bank will likely need to raise...

Dollar Slips Ahead of U.S. Inflation Data
Wednesday, 12 April 2023 15:02 WIB | Currencies

The dollar dipped on Wednesday with investors expecting U.S. inflation data out later in the day to hold some clues on how soon U.S. interest rates will peak. Against a basket of currencies, the U.S. dollar index fell 0.1% to 102.02. The U.S. inflation data for March is forecast to come in at...

The U.S. dollar retreated in early European trade Tuesday ahead of the latest readout of U.S. consumer inflation, while the yen gained upon the nomination of the next governor of the Bank of Japan. At 02:10 ET (07:10 GMT), the Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six other...

Dollar Slips Ahead of Fed Rate Decision
Wednesday, 1 February 2023 18:30 WIB | Currencies

The dollar weakened slightly against the euro ahead of Wednesday's eagerly awaited Federal Reserve policy decision, with investors hoping the U.S. central bank will signal an end to interest rate tightening cycle. The euro, meanwhile, was barely moved by data showing inflation in the bloc had...

The U.S. dollar slipped lower in early European trade Friday, adding to the previous session’s sharp losses after the U.S. Congress approved the debt ceiling bill, while traders awaited the widely watched monthly payrolls release. At 02:55 ET (06:55 GMT), the US Dollar Index, which tracks the...

The U.S. dollar retreated in early European trade Tuesday, with risk sentiment helped by China’s short-term lending rate cut, although the upcoming U.S. inflation data and Federal Reserve policy meeting has resulted in a degree of uncertainty. At 03:15 ET (07:15 GMT), the Dollar Index, which...


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