

Market Review Friday, January 05, 2024
Saturday, 6 January 2024 03:56 WIB | Market update

Nikkei Japanese equities climbed, lifting the Topix to its highest in more than three months, as exporters such as automakers gained on a weaker yen and banks advanced on the prospect of higher yields. Topix rose 0.6% to 2,393.54 as of close in Tokyo. Nikkei advanced 0.3% to 33,377.42. Toyota...

Market Review Friday, December 29, 2023
Saturday, 30 December 2023 04:00 WIB | Market update

Nikkei Tokyo's benchmark Nikkei 225 index gained 28.2 percent in 2023, its best yearly performance in a decade. The Nikkei closed at 33,464.17 on Friday, the final trading day of the year ahead of a lengthy New Year's holiday break. Hang Seng Hong Kong shares closed flat on Friday, ending the...

Market Review Friday, June 2, 2023
Saturday, 3 June 2023 02:54 WIB | Market update

Nikkei Tokyo shares closed higher on Friday, extending Wall Street rallies on hopes that the Federal Reserve could slow rate hikes, with investors also eyeing US jobs data. The benchmark Nikkei 225 index gained 1.21 percent, or 376.21 points, to end at 31,524.22, while the broader Topix index...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan catatan positif pada Jumat ini setelah Joe Biden meluncurkan rencana pemulihan ekonomi senilai $1,9 triliun, sementara para pedagang tetap optimis mengenai prospek pemulihan jangka panjang. Indeks Hang Seng bertambah 0,27 persen atau 77,00 poin menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup turun pada Jumat (7/6) karena catatan negatif para profit-takers yang bergerak mengikuti kenaikan pada sesi pagi, dengan fokus sekarang pada rilisan data pekerjaan AS. Indeks Hang Seng merosot 0,09% atau 26,81 poin menjadi 28.610,65. Indeks Shanghai Composite turun 0,65%...

Bursa saham Hong Kong ditutup sedikit lebih tinggi pada hari Rabu (18 Mei), setelah seharian goyah menyusul reli di Wall Street. Hang Seng naik 0,20%, atau 41,76 poin, menjadi 20.644,28. Indeks Shanghai Composite turun 0,25%, atau 7,72 poin, menjadi 3.085,98, sedangkan bursa kedua daratan,...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup turun pada hari Kamis (19/5), mengikuti penurunan besar di Wall Street. Indeks Hang Seng turun 2,54%, atau 523,68 poin, menjadi 20.120,60. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,36%, atau 10,99 poin, menjadi 3.096,96, sedangkan bursa kedua China daratan, Shenzhen Composite,...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis (14/4), sejalan dengan kenaikan di seluruh Asia meskipun masih ada kekhawatiran akan dampak melonjaknya inflasi terhadap prospek ekonomi global. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,67%, atau 143,71 poin, yang ditutup pada 21.518,08. Indeks Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir pada hari Senin (20/6) dengan catatan positif karena reli di perusahaan properti mengimbangi kerugian di raksasa teknologi China, meskipun investor tetap khawatir mengenai kenaikan inflasi dan suku bunga. Indeks Hang Seng bertambah 0,42%, atau 88,91 poin, menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan kerugian besar pada hari Senin (22/2), yang melanjutkan kerugian pekan lalu karena kekhawatiran mengenai valuasi yang tinggi serta inflasi mengalahkan optimisme atas peluncuran vaksin. Indeks Hang Seng terkoreksi 1,06 persen atau 324,90 poin menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong dan Shanghai berakhir lebih rendah pada Selasa (26/10) karena kekhawatiran investor akan dampak ekonomi dari wabah baru Covid di China yang telah memaksa para pejabat di negara tersebut untuk melockdown jutaan warganya untuk mencegah penyebaran. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,36%, atau...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir pada hari Jumat (4/6) dengan catatan negatif menyusul petunjuk lesu dari Wall Street dan menjelang rilis data pekerjaan utama AS, sementara para pedagang membebani hubungan China-AS setelah Joe Biden menambahkan lebih banyak perusahaan China ke daftar hitam...

Indeks Saham HK Ditutup Lebih Tinggi (Review)
Wednesday, 29 December 2021 04:08 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup lebih tinggi pada Selasa (28/12) pasca saham operator kasino Makau turun tajam karena pihaknya melaporkan kasus Omicron pertama. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,24% atau 56,80 poin menjadi 23.280,56. Idneks Shanghai Composite naik 0,39% atau 14,14 poin menjadi 3.630,11 sementara...

Indeks Saham HK Ditutup Lebih Rendah (Review)
Friday, 13 September 2019 03:29 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan sedikit menurun pada Kamis ini terkait aksi profit-taking dari reli baru-baru ini mengimbangi harapan perang perdagangan China-AS setelah kedua belah pihak mengatakan mereka akan menunda beberapa tarif menjelang pembicaraan bulan depan. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,26...

Saham-saham Hong Kong berakhir sedikit naik pada Senin ini, yang tertopang oleh komentar optimis ketua negosiator China mengenai kemajuan dalam pembicaraan perdagangan dengan Amerika Serikat. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,08 persen, atau 20,66 poin, menjadi 26.740,24. Indeks Shanghai Composite...

Indeks Saham HK Ditutup Lebih Tinggi (Review)
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 04:04 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan gain pada hari Selasa (23/2) menyusul aksi jual baru-baru ini karena investor menyambut kemajuan vaksin serta penurunan tingkat infeksi, meskipun kekhawatiran inflasi terus mereda. Indeks Hang Seng naik 1,03% atau 312,81 poin menjadi 30.632,64. Indeks Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup Rabu (9/3) dengan berlajutnya penurunan menyusul beberapa aksi jual di New York karena lonjakan harga minyak lainnya yang meningkatkan kekhawatiran inflasi. Indeks Hang Seng kehilangan 0,67%, atau 138,16 poin, menjadi 20.627,71. Shanghai Composite turun 1,13%, atau 37,14...

Saham Hong Kong melemah pada awal perdagangan hari Jumat mengikuti petunjuk hangat dari Wall Street dan karena investor mengukur prospek ekonomi global dan tanda-tanda gelombang kedua infeksi virus. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,37 persen, atau 91,58 poin, ke level 24.373,36. Indeks Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong memulai minggu ini dengan keuntungan pada Senin, mengikuti kenaikan di seluruh Asia, karena negara-negara terus melonggarkan langkah-langkah lockdown yang telah menyeret ekonomi global. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,58 persen, atau 137,30 poin, menjadi 23.934,77. Indeks  Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong memulai minggu ini dengan keuntungan pada Senin, mengikuti kenaikan di seluruh Asia, karena negara-negara terus melonggarkan langkah-langkah lockdown yang telah menyeret ekonomi global. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,58 persen, atau 137,30 poin, menjadi 23.934,77. Indeks  Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir sedikit lebih rendah pada hari Kamis (10/6) karena investor berjuang untuk mempertahankan kenaikan di awal sesi dan meskipun ada kenaikan di sebagian besar pasar Asia, dengan sekarang berfokus pada rilisan data inflasi AS. Indeks Hang Seng datar, turun tipis 3,75 poin...

Indeks Hong Kong reli saat dibuka
Tuesday, 2 July 2019 09:13 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong menguat pada perdagangan awal Selasa seiring investor kembali dari akhir pekan yang panjang ke berita bahwa pembicaraan China-AS kembali dimulai, meskipun keuntungannya berkurang pasca kota itu dilanda protes keras semalam. Indeks Hang Seng melonjak 0,82 persen, atau 234,02 poin,...

Indeks Hong Kong melemah pada pembukaan
Thursday, 18 June 2020 09:00 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada Kamis seiring aksi ambil untung menyusul kenaikan dua hari. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,39 persen, atau 95,10 poin ke level 24.386,31. Indeks Shanghai Composite turun 0,20 persen, atau 5,99 poin ke level 2.929,88 dan Indeks Shenzhen Composite di...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka lebih rendah pada hari Kamis dengan investor khawatir tentang penyebaran virus corona baru. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,48 persen, atau 130,02 poin, ke level 27.030,61. Pasar Cina Daratan masih ditutup untuk liburan. (Tgh) Sumber: AFP

Indeks Hong Kong Ditutup Melemah Tajam (Review)
Saturday, 27 November 2021 02:55 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong jatuh pada Jumat (26/11) di tengah kekhawatiran akan varian baru virus corona yang menurut para ahli dapat lebih menular dan mampu melawan vaksin, diikuti oleh tertekannya perusahaan travel dan pariwisata. Indeks Hang Seng merosot 2,67%, atau 659,64 poin, menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan keuntungan kecil pada Rabu seiring optimisme atas pelonggaran lockdown global dan harapan untuk vaksin mengimbangi kekhawatiran tentang kedalaman luka ekonomi yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi. Indeks Hang Seng menambahkan 0,05 persen, atau 11,82 poin, menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan keuntungan kecil pada Rabu seiring optimisme atas pelonggaran lockdown global dan harapan untuk vaksin mengimbangi kekhawatiran tentang kedalaman luka ekonomi yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi. Indeks Hang Seng menambahkan 0,05 persen, atau 11,82 poin, menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan kerugian pada Kamis karena kekhawatiran tentang tekanan terhadap ekonomi global mulai muncul, membayangi harapan untuk melonggarkan langkah-langkah lockdown di beberapa negara. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,65 persen, atau 156,85 poin, menjadi 23.980,63. Indeks acuan...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir pada Jumat (18/3) sedikit lebih rendah karena pergerakan para profit-takers setelah naik lebih dari 16% pada dua hari sebelumnya menyusul janji dukungan China untuk pasar. Indeks Hang Seng tergelincir 0,41%, atau 88,83 poin, menjadi 21.412,40. Indeks Shanghai Composite...

Saham Hong Kong menutup pekan ini dengan catatan positif pada hari Jumat (11/6) menyusul kinerja yang memecahkan rekor di Wall Street dengan investor mengabaikan data inflasi AS yang mengalahkan perkiraan. Indeks Hang Seng bertambah 0,36%, atau 103,25 poin menjadi 28.842,13. Indeks Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup lebih rendah karena terseret oleh penurunan saham minyak dan bank. Indeks Hang Seng berakhir turun 0,2% di level26391.30. Di antara saham energi yang menyeret indeks, China Petroleum & Chemical Corp mengalami penurunan 0,9%, sementara PetroChina dan CNOOC masing-masing...

Indeks Hang Seng dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada level 28.349,83 di Hong Kong. Tencent Holdings Ltd memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap penurunan indeks, yaitu turun 0,6 persen. Hang Lung Properties Ltd mengalami penurunan terbesar, jatuh 2,4 persen. Pada awal perdagangan, 23 dari 55 saham...

Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,2 persen ke level 25.979,40 di Hong Kong pada awal perdagangan. AIA Group Ltd. memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap kenaikan indeks, menguat 0,7 persen. Want Want China Holdings Ltd. mengalami kenaikan terbesar, naik 2,9 persen. Pada awal perdagangan, 28 dari 50 saham...

Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,7 persen ke level 25.213,72 di Hong Kong pada awal perdagangan. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap kenaikan indeks, menguat 2,3 persen. Want Want China Holdings Ltd. mengalami kenaikan terbesar, naik 3,0 persen. Pada...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik naik pada hari Selasa karena saham Hong Kong memimpin kenaikan secara regional. Indeks Hang Seng melonjak 3,27% pada hari Selasa menjadi ditutup pada 20.602,52 karena saham teknologi China melonjak. Tencent naik 5,26% sementara Alibaba melonjak 7,03% dan Meituan naik 6,24%....

Bursa saham Hong Kong terus melakukan aksi jual pada hari Selasa (27/7), memperpanjang kerugian dari hari Senin. Sementara itu, pasar Asia-Pasifik yang lebih luas, beragam. Indeks Hang sempat turun lebih dari 5% pada perdagangan Selasa siang sebelum memangkas sebagian dari kenaikan tersebut,...

Bursa saham Hong Kong terus melakukan aksi jual pada hari Selasa (27/7), memperpanjang kerugian dari hari Senin. Sementara itu, pasar Asia-Pasifik yang lebih luas, beragam. Indeks Hang sempat turun lebih dari 5% pada perdagangan Selasa siang sebelum memangkas sebagian dari kenaikan tersebut,...

Indeks Hang Seng berakhir turun untuk hari keempat, turun 0,4 persen, atau 105,8 ke level 24.589,65 di Hong Kong. Indeks turun ke level penutupan terendah sejak 10 Agustus. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap penurunan indeks, yaitu turun 3,1 persen. Wuxi Biologics...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik turun pada hari Selasa (22/2) karena ketegangan di sekitar Rusia dan Ukraina terus membuat investor gelisah. Indeks Hang Seng Hong Kong memimpin penurunan secara regional, jatuh 2,69% menjadi ditutup pada 23.520. Saham Alibaba yang terdaftar di Hong Kong turun 3,05%...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik turun pada hari Selasa (22/2) karena ketegangan di sekitar Rusia dan Ukraina terus membuat investor gelisah. Indeks Hang Seng Hong Kong memimpin penurunan secara regional, jatuh 2,69% menjadi ditutup pada 23.520. Saham Alibaba yang terdaftar di Hong Kong turun 3,05%...

Pasar China naik di awal perdagangan pada hari Rabu (12/1), mengikuti kenaikan di pasar Asia-Pasifik lainnya. Pasar AS juga reli semalam terkait komentar dari ketua Fed yang tampaknya meyakinkan investor. Indeks Hang Seng Hong Kong memimpin kenaikan di wilayah tersebut, karena melonjak 1,71%....

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan kerugian yang lebih tajam pada Selasa (8/3) karena perang Ukraina mengirim harga minyak mentah melonjak dan meningkatkan kekhawatiran mengenai dampaknya terhadap ekonomi global. Indeks Hang Seng merosot 1,39%, atau 291,76 poin, menjadi 20.765,87. Indeks Shanghai...

Indeks Hang Seng Ditutup Melemah (Review)
Thursday, 21 April 2022 03:10 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong berakhir turun pada hari Rabu (20/4) setelah Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) menurunkan perkiraan pertumbuhannya untuk tahun 2022 dan bank-bank China mempertahankan suku bunga pinjaman tidak berubah. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,40%, atau 83,09 poin, menjadi ditutup pada...

Saham hong kong ditutup sedikit lebih tinggi pada selasa (4/1) setelah berfluktuasi sepanjang hari, yang didukung oleh rekor di wall street tetapi saat ini investor masih khawatir dengan berbagai kekhawatiran termasuk omicron dan inflasi. Indeks hang seng naik tipis 0,06%, atau 15,09 poin,...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup naik tipis pada hari Kamis (30/12), dalam perdagangan liburan yang hati-hati menyusul penutupan beragam di Wall Street. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,11%, atau 25,47 poin, menjadi 23.112,01. Shanghai Composite naik 0,62%, atau 22,19 poin, menjadi 3.619,19, sedangkan Shenzhen...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup turun hampir empat persen pada Senin (7/3) karena dampak invasi Rusia ke Ukraina terus mengguncang pasar global. Indeks Hang Seng turun 3,93%, atau 860,08 poin, menjadi 21.045,21. Shanghai Composite turun 2,17%, atau 74,79 poin, menjadi 3.372,86, sedangkan Shenzhen...

Hong Kong ditutup pada posisi terdepan pada Kamis (10/3), mengurangi kerugian yang dipicu oleh Ukraina baru-baru ini, sebagai bagian dari reli di pasar dunia yang dibantu oleh penurunan harga minyak serta aksi bargain-buying. Indeks Hang Seng mengakhiri hari dengan naik 1,27%, atau 262,55 poin,...

HongKong: Saham Ditutup Sedikit Lebih Tinggi
Wednesday, 14 October 2020 15:30 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup Rabu dengan keuntungan kecil karena investor kembali dari hari libur akibat topan terhadap data perdagangan China yang mengalahkan perkiraan, meskipun keuntungan dibatasi oleh kekhawatiran virus. Indeks Hang Seng naik tipis 0,07 persen atau 17,41 poin menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup sedikit lebih rendah pada Senin (10/5) karena investor gagal mempertahankan momentum awal menyusul rekor kinerja di Wall Street, karena data pekerjaan AS yang lemah meredakan kekhawatiran tentang lonjakan inflasi yang diperkirakan karena pemulihan ekonomi global. Indeks...

Saham Hong Kong memulai perdagangan Senin dengan catatan positif, mengikuti rekor lain di Wall Street, didorong oleh optimisme anggota parlemen yang hampir menyetujui stimulus baru untuk ekonomi AS yang tersendat. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,13 persen atau 34,66 poin menjadi 26.870,58. Indeks...

HongKong: Saham Berakhir Melemah (Review)
Saturday, 10 October 2020 03:22 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong tergelincir pada hari Jumat, seiring ketidakpastian tentang prospek stimulus baru AS, sementara pasar China daratan menguat karena investor kembali dari liburan panjang Golden Week mereka. Indeks Hang Seng melemah 0,31 persen atau 74,22 poin menjadi 24.119,13. Namun Indeks...

HongKong: Saham Berakhir Melemah
Friday, 9 October 2020 15:30 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong tergelincir pada hari Jumat, seiring ketidakpastian tentang prospek stimulus baru AS, sementara pasar China daratan menguat karena investor kembali dari liburan panjang Golden Week mereka. Indeks Hang Seng melemah 0,31 persen atau 74,22 poin menjadi 24.119,13. Namun Indeks...

HongKong: Saham Berakhir Kenaikan
Wednesday, 7 October 2020 15:35 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan kenaikan lebih banyak pada Rabu pasca Donald Trump membatalkan pembicaraan stimulus di AS tetapi mendesak anggota parlemen untuk mengesahkan undang-undang yang memberikan bantuan yang ditargetkan kepada orang Amerika dan bisnis di ekonomi teratas dunia. Indeks Hang...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan penurunan tajam pada hari Senin terkait lonjakan baru kasus virus di kota itu meningkatkan prospek penerapan kembali langkah-langkah penahanan. Indeks Hang Seng turun 2,06 persen atau 553,19 poin menjadi 26.341,49. Indeks Shanghai Composite turun 0,49 persen atau...

HongKong: Saham Berakhir dengan Keuntungan
Wednesday, 23 December 2020 15:30 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan keuntungan pada Rabu pasca tiga hari penurunan, karena investor tidak menghawatirkan terkait seruan Donald Trump kepada anggota parlemen AS untuk mengubah stimulus ekonomi yang disahkan awal pekan ini. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,86 persen atau 223,85 poin dan ditutup...

HongKong Stocks Rally at Open
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 08:22 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened higher on Tuesday as fears of a banking sector crisis eased after a regional US lender agreed to buy most of collapsed rival Silicon Valley Bank. The Hang Seng Index jumped 0.99 percent, or 194.22 points, to 19,761.91. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.24 percent, or...

HongKong Stocks Open on Front Foot
Friday, 20 January 2023 08:32 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks started Friday on a positive note after stuttering for most of the week, as renewed recession concerns offset hopes for China's economic reopening. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.75 percent, or 161.48 points, to 21,812.46. The Shanghai Composite Index gained 0.21 percent, or 6.92...

HongKong Stocks Open Lower
Monday, 27 March 2023 08:27 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares opened lower on Monday after fears over the share price of Deutsche Bank sparked renewed jitters over the global banking sector. The Hang Seng Index fell 0.68 percent, or 134.61 points, to 19,781.07. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.49 percent, or 16.05 points, to 3,249.61,...

HongKong Stocks Open Higher
Wednesday, 29 March 2023 08:33 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares opened significantly up on Wednesday despite losses on Wall Street, as fears of a banking crisis ebbed after weeks of turmoil. The Hang Seng Index gained 2.73 percent, or 539.35 points, to 20,324.00 in early trade. The Shanghai Composite Index was up 0.06 percent, or 1.89...

HongKong Stocks Open Higher
Friday, 5 May 2023 08:30 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened higher on Friday despite another bruising session on Wall Street. The Hang Seng Index opened up 0.56 percent, or 112.17 points, at 20,061.00. The Shanghai Composite Index opened flat at 3,350.65, while the Shenzhen Composite Index on China's second exchange was down 0.14...

HongKong Stocks Finish with Gains
Thursday, 6 April 2023 15:09 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares ended slightly higher Thursday, as a strong reading on Chinese service sector activity offset concerns about a US recession. The Hang Seng Index added 0.28 percent, or 56.61 points, to 20,331.20. The Shanghai Composite Index was flat, inching up 0.07 points to 3,312.63, while...

HongKong Stocks End with Losses
Thursday, 2 March 2023 14:57 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks closed lower Thursday as US rate hike worries returned to the fore after two Federal Reserve officials warned they would have to go higher for longer to rein in inflation. The Hang Seng Index sank 0.92 percent, or 190.25 points, to 20,429.46. The Shanghai Composite Index eased...

HongKong Stocks Close Lower
Thursday, 29 December 2022 14:54 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks closed lower on Thursday, tracking losses across the region, with markets impacted by a Covid surge in China darkening investor outlook. The Hang Seng Index dropped 0.79 percent, or 157.77 points, to 19,741.14. The Shanghai Composite Index slipped 0.44 percent, or 13.70 points,...

HongKong Stocks Close Higher
Wednesday, 28 December 2022 15:01 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks closed higher on Wednesday following China's move to end quarantine for overseas arrivals and as the city's chief executive John Lee announced a further easing of its Covid restrictions. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.56 percent, or 305.85 points to 19,898.91. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong: Saham Turun Saat Pembukaan
Wednesday, 27 April 2022 09:17 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong jatuh pada awal perdagangan Rabu (27 April) menyusul penurunan di Wall Street yang dipicu oleh kekhawatiran tentang prospek ekonomi karena berbagai masalah termasuk lockdown Covid di China dan rencana kenaikan suku bunga AS. Indeks Hang Seng turun 1,06 persen atau 211,25 poin...

Saham Hong Kong memulai perdagangan Rabu ini (2/6) sedikit lebih rendah pasca kenaikan dua hari, di mana Wall Street memberikan sedikit dorongan hangat meskipun perusahaan energi telah mendapat dukungan oleh lonjakan harga minyak. Indeks Hang Seng tergelincir 0,18 persen atau 53,36 poin menjadi...

Saham-saham Hong Kong dimulai pada hari Selasa dengan keuntungan kecil setelah kerugian besar hari sebelumnya, dengan semua mata tertuju pada musim pendapatan perusahaan yang berada pada ayunan penuh di Amerika Serikat. Indeks Hang Seng naik tipis 0,07 persen, atau 20,78 poin, menjadi...

Hong Kong: Saham Reli Saat Pembukaan
Wednesday, 16 February 2022 08:51 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong naik lebih dari 1 persen pada pembukaan hari Rabu (16 Februari) menyusul kenaikan kuat di Wall Street yang didorong oleh optimisme bahwa upaya diplomatik untuk menghindari invasi Rusia ke Ukraina membuahkan hasil. Indeks Hang Seng naik 1,08 persen atau 262,59 poin menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka menguat pada Selasa, melanjutkan reli hari sebelumnya, mengikuti petunjuk positif lainnya dari Wall Street dan Eropa. Indeks Hang Seng menambahkan 0,46 persen atau 108,56 poin menjadi 23.584,61. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,45 persen atau 14,32 poin menjadi 3.231,86,...

Saham Hong Kong memulai perdagangan Senin dengan keuntungan menyusul rekor lainnya di Wall Street, dengan fokus minggu ini pada pertemuan para bankir sentral dunia. Indeks Hang Sang naik 0,95 persen, atau 238,95 poin, ke level 25.352,79. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,31 persen, atau 10,43...

Hong Kong: Saham Menguat pada Pembukaan
Wednesday, 9 December 2020 08:57 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong pulih pada Rabu dari dua hari penurunan, mengikuti rekor baru di Wall Street seiring investor menyambut tanda-tanda kemajuan paket stimulus AS yang baru. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,78 persen atau 205,86 poin menjadi 26.510,42. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,17 persen, atau 5,90...

Saham- Hong Kong ditutup dengan kerugian pada hari Rabu (1/6) seiring para profit-taker masuk menyusul kenaikan yang sehat di sesi-sesi terakhir pasca pelemahan dari Wall Street yang dipicu oleh kecemasan inflasi. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,56 persen, atau 120,26 poin, menjadi 21.294,94. Indeks...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka dengan catatan positif pada Senin pagi pasca penurunan minggu lalu, dengan semua perhatian pada pemilihan presiden AS minggu ini. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,69 persen atau 167,41 poin menjadi 24.274,83. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik tipis 0,13 persen atau 4,18 poin menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka lebih rendah pada Jumat, dimana para pedagang mengabaikan proposal stimulus Joe Biden $ 1,9 triliun, yang menurut pengamat sebagian besar telah diperhitungkan ke dalam pasar. Indeks Hang Seng tergelincir 0,36 persen atau 102,49 poin ke level 28.394,37. Indeks Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka sedikit lebih tinggi pada Senin (31/5), melanjutkan keuntungan minggu lalu karena kekhawatiran atas inflasi membuka jalan bagi optimisme atas pemulihan ekonomi. Indeks Hang Seng bertambah 0,35 persen atau 101,05 poin menjadi 29.225,46. Indeks Shanghai Composite datar,...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada Kamis pagi karena para pedagang menunggu pidato penting oleh ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell hari ini. Indeks Hang Sang turun 0,09 persen atau 22,02 poin ke level 25.469,77. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,11 persen, atau 3,75 poin ke level...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan lebih banyak kerugian pada hari Senin (19 September), sejalan dengan aksi jual di seluruh Asia, karena investor bersiap untuk pertemuan Federal Reserve minggu ini di mana diperkirakan akan mengumumkan kenaikan suku bunga besar lainnya. Indeks Hang Seng merosot 1,04...

Saham Hong Kong dimulai dengan kenaikan kecil pada Jumat (29/7) pagi karena para pedagang menilai prospek setelah data dirilis menunjukkan ekonomi AS jatuh ke dalam resesi teknis pada kuartal kedua. Indeks Hang Seng naik tipis 0,12 persen, atau 24,77 poin, menjadi 20.647,45. Indeks Shanghai...

Saham Hong Kong naik pada pembukaan Senin pagi, melanjutkan reli pekan lalu, mengikuti penguatan dari Wall Street dengan investor menunggu rencana Joe Biden untuk stimulus baru AS. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,45 persen atau 125,76 poin ke level 28.003,98. Indeks Shanghai Composite sedikit lebih...

Saham Hong Kong jatuh dalam beberapa menit pertama perdagangan Jumat pagi (4/6) karena hubungan China-AS kembali mengemuka setelah Joe Biden hampir menggandakan jumlah perusahaan China yang termasuk dalam daftar hitam investasi Washington. Indeks Hang Seng tergelincir 0,44 persen atau 128,08 poin...

Hong Kong: Saham Jatuh pada Penutupan
Tuesday, 11 May 2021 15:24 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong jatuh pada Selasa (11/5) sejalan dengan aksi jual di seluruh pasar dunia karena investor semakin khawatir bahwa pemulihan ekonomi yang kuat diharapkan akan mendorong inflasi dan memaksa bank sentral untuk menaikkan suku bunga lebih cepat dari perkiraan. Indeks Hang Seng turun 2,03...

Saham-saham Hong Kong menurun tajam di pembukaan pada hari Senin, dengan para investor yang ketakutan oleh meningkatnya jumlah korban virus Korona di seluruh dunia dan proposal ekonomi darurat triliun dolar yang gagal di senat AS. Indeks Hang Seng turun 5,02 persen atau 1.145,52 poin menjadi...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir dengan keuntungan yang sehat pada Senin, dimana investor kembali dari akhir pekan yang panjang dengan harapan untuk paket stimulus baru AS dan tanda-tanda kesehatan Donald Trump membaik pasca dites positif terkena virus korona pekan lalu. Indeks Hang Seng naik 1,32 persen...

Saham-saham Hong Kong turun pada hari Senin dengan para investor ketakutan tentang dampak ekonomi dari pandemi coronavirus meskipun ada pengumuman langkah-langkah stimulus darurat besar-besaran di seluruh dunia. Indeks Hang Seng anjlok 4,86 persen, atau 1.108,94 poin, ditutup pada level...

Saham-saham Hong Kong turun pada hari Senin dengan para investor ketakutan tentang dampak ekonomi dari pandemi coronavirus meskipun ada pengumuman langkah-langkah stimulus darurat besar-besaran di seluruh dunia. Indeks Hang Seng anjlok 4,86 persen, atau 1.108,94 poin, ditutup pada level...

Saham Hong Kong berakhir  dengan kerugian pada Kamis, setelah naik di sesi sebelumnya yang didorong oleh komentar Federal Reserve yang dovish dan kekhawatiran tentang penyebaran virus corona secara global. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,69 persen, atau 172,55 poin, ke level 24.710,59. Indeks...

Hong Kong: Saham Ditutup Dengan Penurunan
Thursday, 30 July 2020 15:21 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong berakhir  dengan kerugian pada Kamis, setelah naik di sesi sebelumnya yang didorong oleh komentar Federal Reserve yang dovish dan kekhawatiran tentang penyebaran virus corona secara global. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,69 persen, atau 172,55 poin, ke level 24.710,59. Indeks...

Saham Hong Kong mengakhiri pekan ini dengan catatan positif pada hari Jumat, menyusul kerugian besar pada hari sebelumnya, tetapi para pedagang tetap khawatir atas lonjakan kasus virus yang memaksa beberapa pemerintah melakukan tindakan penahanan baru. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,94 persen atau...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan catatan kuat pada Kamis ini (25/2), membantu mengurangi kerugian besar hari sebelumnya, karena investor menyambut jaminan dari kepala Federal Reserve bahwa bank akan mempertahankan kebijakan moneter tetap mudah untuk beberapa waktu. Indeks Hang Seng naik 1,20 persen...

Hong Kong: Saham Ditutup Dengan Kerugian
Monday, 21 December 2020 15:26 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong akhiri perdagangan hari Senin dengan penurunan seiring melonjaknya infeksi virus dan kekhawatiran terkakit penguncian baru di beberapa negara di tengah berita bahwa anggota parlemen AS akhirnya menyetujui stimulus ekonomi baru. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,72 persen atau 191,92 poin...

Saham Hong Kong tergelincir dalam beberapa menit pertama perdagangan hari Jumat pagi (30/4) karena investor berjuang untuk mempertahankan reli hari sebelumnya meskipun ada rekor di Wall Street dan data menunjukkan ekonomi AS menguat di kuartal pertama. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,55 persen atau...

Hong Kong: Saham Dibuka Sedikit Turun
Tuesday, 12 January 2021 08:50 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong mulai Selasa sedikit lebih rendah pasca penurunan di Wall Street yang dipicu oleh aksi ambil untung, dengan lonjakan infeksi virus masih dalam pengawasan. Indeks Hang Seng turun tipis 0,05 persen atau 13,93 poin ke level 27.894,29. Indeks Shanghai Composite turun 0,38 persen atau...

Saham Hong Kong dibuka dengan kenaikan lebih lanjut pada Selasa pagi, didorong oleh harapan untuk vaksin virus dan setelah pejabat China dan AS setuju untuk mendukung perjanjian perdagangan mereka yang ditandatangani awal tahun ini. Indeks Hang Sang menambahkan 0,14 persen, atau 35,41 poin,...

Hong Kong: Saham Dibuka Lebih Rendah
Wednesday, 17 February 2021 08:40 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong jatuh dalam beberapa menit pertama perdagangan Rabu pagi karena aksi ambil untung pasca reli enam hari. Indeks Hang Seng merosot 0,36 persen atau 110,29 poin menjadi 30.636,67. Pasar Cina Daratan ditutup dan masih dalam masa liburan Imlek. (Tgh) Sumber: AFP

Saham Hong Kong menguat pada Kamis pagi (29/4) menyusul prospek optimis Federal Reserve terhadap ekonomi AS dan janjinya untuk tetap berpegang pada kebijakan moneter ultra-rendah meskipun terjadi kenaikan inflasi. Indeks Hang Seng melonjak 0,68 persen atau 196,87 poin ke level 29.268,21. Indeks...

Hong Kong: Saham Dibuka Dengan Keuntungan
Tuesday, 3 November 2020 08:52 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong memulai sesi perdagangan Selasa pagi dengan catatan kuat menyusul reli di Wall Street, AS menjadi fokus saat para pemilih pergi ke tempat pemungutan suara dalam pemilihan presiden. Indeks Hang Seng naik 0,94 persen atau 229,55 poin menjadi 24.689,56. Indeks Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong: Saham Dibuka Dengan Kerugian
Monday, 22 March 2021 08:45 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong melemah pada awal perdagangan Senin (22/3)menyusul kerugian di Wall Street pada akhir pekan lalu karena kekhawatiran inflasi dan imbal hasil obligasi terus membayangi perdagangan. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,65 persen atau 189,85 poin menjadi 28.801,09. Indeks Shanghai Composite...

Saham Hong Kong memulai perdagangan Senin dengan keuntungan kecil menyusul kenaikan di Wall Street, sementara investor juga menyambut baik data yang menunjukkan ekonomi China terus membaik. Indeks Hang Seng menambahkan 0,21 persen atau 48,67 poin menjadi 23.284,09. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik...

Hong Kong: Saham Berakhir Melemah
Friday, 13 November 2020 15:13 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong mengakhiri pekan ini dengan kerugian, dimana investor semakin khawatir tentang lonjakan kasus virus di seluruh dunia yang telah memaksa pemerintah untuk memberlakukan langkah-langkah penahanan yang keras. Indeks Hang Seng turun 0,05 persen atau 12,52 poin ke level...

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan catatan positif pada hari Kamis (23 Juni) karena para bargain buyers bergerak menyusul aksi jual yang besar, dengan perusahaan teknologi tertopang harapan bahwa China akan mengurangi tindakan kerasnya terhadap sektor ini. Indeks Hang Seng naik 1,26%, atau 265,53...

Hong Kong: Saham Berakhir Lebih Tinggi
Wednesday, 12 May 2021 15:14 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup di wilayah positif pada hari Rabu (12/5), membatasi penurunan besar dalam tiga hari, dengan perhatian sekarang pada rilis data inflasi utama AS hari ini. Indeks Hang Seng menambahkan 0,78 persen atau 217,23 poin menjadi 28.231,04. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,61...

Saham Hong Kong jatuh Kamis ini sejalan dengan kerugian besar di seluruh Asia dan menyusul kekalahan lain di Wall Street, karena para pedagang resah atas lonjakan baru dalam infeksi virus dan kurangnya pergerakan dalam pembicaraan stimulus AS. Indeks Hang Seng turun 1,82 persen atau 431,44 poin...

Hong Kong: Saham Berakhir dengan Penurunan
Thursday, 19 November 2020 15:23 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong akhiri perdagangan Kamis dengan kerugian seiring aksi profit-takers bergerak mengikuti kenaikan baru-baru ini, sementara meningkatnya kasus virus di seluruh dunia mengimbangi harapan untuk vaksin. Indeks Hang Seng tergelincir 0,71 persen atau 187,32 poin menjadi 26.356,97. Indeks...

Saham Hong Kong mengakhiri minggu ini (19 Agustus) sedikit lebih tinggi karena aksi beli yang terlambat menyeret mereka keluar dari wilayah negatif, meskipun para pedagang tetap khawatir tentang rencana bank sentral untuk menaikkan suku bunga. Indeks Hang Seng naik tipis 0,05 persen, atau 9,12...

Saham Hong Kong mengakhiri minggu ini (19 Agustus) sedikit lebih tinggi karena aksi beli yang terlambat menyeret mereka keluar dari wilayah negatif, meskipun para pedagang tetap khawatir tentang rencana bank sentral untuk menaikkan suku bunga. Indeks Hang Seng naik tipis 0,05 persen, atau 9,12...

Hong Kong: Saham Berakhir Dengan Kerugian
Thursday, 8 October 2020 15:21 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong ditutup dengan catatan negatif pada Kamis karena para pengambil keuntungan bergerak pasca empat hari kenaikan, meskipun kerugian ditopang oleh harapan anggota parlemen AS pada akhirnya akan mendorong melalui stimulus. Indeks Hang Seng tergelincir 0,20 persen atau 49,51 poin...

Saham Hong Kong menguat pada hari Selasa, sejalan dengan kenaikan di seluruh Asia, setelah Federal Reserve mengumumkan paket pembelian obligasi besar-besaran yang bertujuan memberikan dukungan kepada ekonomi AS selama krisis coronavirus. Indeks Hang Seng bertambah 4,46 persen, atau 967,36 poin,...

Hong Kong: Saham Berakhir dengan Kenaikan
Wednesday, 18 November 2020 15:26 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong kembali naik pada Rabu di tengah optimisme yang masih ada atas hasil yang kuat dari uji coba vaksin yang telah memberi harapan positif kepada dunia untuk dapat mulai kembali normal di tahun baru. Indeks Hang Seng menguat 0,49 persen atau 129,20 poin menjadi 26.544,29. Indeks...

Pasar di China, Hong Kong, Taiwan dan Thailand tutup pada hari Jumat (3 Juni) untuk hari libur. Sumber : AFP

Saham Hong Kong ditutup lebih rendah pada hari Senin (23/5), terseret oleh jatuhnya raksasa teknologi termasuk Alibaba dan Tencent. Indeks Hang Seng turun 1,19 persen, atau 247,18 poin, menjadi 20.470,06. Indeks Shanghai Composite berakhir datar, menambahkan hanya 0,29 poin menjadi 3.146,86,...

Hong Kong stocks rallied Tuesday, extending an advance across world markets ahead of key US inflation and jobs data, while traders also cheered pledges by China to speed up spending and boost the economy. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.95 percent, or 353.29 points, to 18,484.03. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong and Shanghai stocks rose at the open Tuesday after China unveiled measures to help the country's ailing property sector and flagged further support for other parts of the economy. The Hang Seng Index added 1.04 percent, or 191.70 points, to 18,671.42. The Shanghai Composite Index put...

Hong Kong, Shanghai Stocks Finish Higher
Monday, 3 July 2023 17:00 WIB | Hangseng

Shares in Hong Kong and Shanghai ended with healthy gains Tuesday on fresh hopes for measures to boost China's economy, while traders were also keeping tabs on developments in Russia after the weekend's aborted uprising. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.88 percent, or 354.00 points, to close at...

Hong Kong stocks suffered heavy losses with mainland markets Tuesday as a sharp miss on Chinese imports data showed the recovery in the world's number two economy was still struggling to take hold. The Hang Seng Index dived 2.12 percent, or 429.45 points, to 19,867.58. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong, Shanghai Stocks End Down
Thursday, 31 August 2023 14:59 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong and Shanghai shares fell Thursday as optimism the Federal Reserve will hold off hiking interest rates was overshadowed by data highlighting weakness in China's stuttering economy. The Hang Seng Index fell 0.55 percent, or 100.80 points, to 18,382.06. The Shanghai Composite Index also...

Shares plunged in Hong Kong and Shanghai on Tuesday as investors turned their attention to the impact of a decision by a Hong Kong court to order the liquidation of the once-mighty Chinese developer Evergrande. The Hang Seng Index sank 2.32 percent, or 373.79 points, to 15,703.45. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong, Shanghai Stocks Close Sharply Higher
Thursday, 12 October 2023 14:52 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong and Shanghai stocks rallied Thursday, in line with gains across Asia and Wall Street, as traders welcomed news that China's investment fund had bought a stake in the country's banking giants. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1.93 percent, or 345.11 points, to 18,238.21. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong, Shanghai Shares Finish With More Gains
Thursday, 25 January 2024 15:14 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong and Shanghai stocks finished with another healthy gain Thursday, building on the previous two days' advances as traders cheered Chinese moves to kickstart the country's stuttering economy. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1.96 percent, or 312.09 points, to 16,211.96. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong, Shanghai Shares Finish Flat
Wednesday, 30 August 2023 15:11 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong and Shanghai stocks ended barely moved Wednesday as efforts to ease pressure on the Chinese property sector were offset by profit-taking and worries that authorities needed to do more to help the wider economy. The Hang Seng Index inched down 1.17 points to 18,482.86 following two days...

Hong Kong, China Stocks Hit By Protests
Monday, 28 November 2022 14:56 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong and Chinese shares kicked the week off with steep losses Monday as the mainland was rocked by protests against strict zero-Covid policies and calling for more political freedoms. The Hang Seng Index shed 1.57 percent, or 275.64 points, to 17,297.94. The Shanghai Composite Index lost...

Hong Kong stocks opened in the red Tuesday morning ahead of the release of key US inflation data later in the day and a much-anticipated Federal Reserve policy decision later in the week. The Hang Seng Index slipped 0.25 percent, or 48.66 points, to 19,355.65. The Shanghai Composite Index fell...

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index Rises at Open
Monday, 3 July 2023 21:16 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly higher Tuesday morning, extending an advance into a third day, thanks to a rally in tech firms. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.05 percent, or 8.61 points, to 19,117.11. The Shanghai Composite Index dipped 0.12 percent, or 4.03 points, to 3,228.41, while the...

Hong Kong shares extended gains at the open Monday following a positive lead from Wall Street, with traders awaiting a key US Federal Reserve policy decision later in the week. The Hang Seng Index added 0.26 percent, or 51.04 points, to 19,440.99. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.19 percent,...

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index Rises at Open
Monday, 3 July 2023 18:54 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks climbed more than one percent at the open on Thursday, after the Federal Reserve decided against hiking interest rates and as traders awaited a string of Chinese data. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.13 percent, or 218.38 points, to 19,626.80. The Shanghai Composite Index edged up...

Hong Kong stocks rose at the open of trade Monday morning, building on a rally at the end of last week and following a strong lead from Wall Street. The Hang Seng Index added 0.34 percent, or 65.02 points, to 19,014.96. The Shanghai Composite Index edged up 0.05 percent, or 1.74 points, to...

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index Opens Higher
Monday, 3 July 2023 21:10 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong shares edged up in the first few minutes of Friday morning following a rally on Wall Street fuelled by fresh hopes the Federal Reserve will hold off hiking interest rates next week. The Hang Seng Index added 0.18 percent, or 34.25 points, to 19,333.43. The Shanghai Composite Index was...

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index Opens Higher
Monday, 3 July 2023 18:36 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks rose at the open of business Wednesday after data showing a sharp drop in US inflation boosted expectations the Federal Reserve will decide against hiking interest rates later in the day. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.13 percent, or 26.16 points, to 19,547.58. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong Stocks Up At The Open
Friday, 30 December 2022 08:34 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks jumped by nearly 1.5 percent at the open on Friday, tracking a rebound on Wall Street. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.47 percent, or 289.71 points, to 20,030.85. The Shanghai Composite Index gained 0.35 percent, or 10.82 points, to 3,084.52, while the Shenzhen Composite Index on...

Hong Kong Stocks Tumble at Open
Friday, 9 February 2024 08:33 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong shares opened more than one percent lower Friday as investors fret over the state of the Chinese economy, while trading was thin ahead of a long weekend to mark Lunar New Year. The Hang Seng Index fell 1.06 percent, or 168.77 points, to 15,709.30. Markets in mainland China are closed...

Hong Kong Stocks Track US, European Losses
Friday, 16 December 2022 08:18 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly lower Friday morning, extending a sell-off in New York and Europe as traders fretted over central bank plans to push interest rates higher to fight inflation. The Hang Seng Index slipped 0.13 percent, or 24.89 points, to 19,343.70. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Track US Rally at Open
Friday, 14 October 2022 08:16 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened Friday to bounce back from this week's selling following a rollercoaster day on Wall Street fuelled by another disappointing US inflation report. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.72 percent, or 282.57 points to 16,671.68. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.62 percent, or...

Hong Kong Stocks Track US Losses at Open
Thursday, 7 December 2023 08:26 WIB | Hangseng

Selling resumed at the open in Hong Kong on Thursday after a much-needed positive day, with traders tracking losses in New York, while attention turns to US jobs data due at the end of the week. The Hang Seng Index dipped 0.53 percent, or 86.82 points, to 16,376.44. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Tick Up in Opening Minutes
Tuesday, 9 January 2024 08:29 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks eked out a small gain at the open Tuesday following a strong rally on Wall Street fuelled by a bounce in recently sold tech giants. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.20 percent, or 31.65 points, to 16,256.10. The Shanghai Composite Index was flat, inching down 0.43 points to...

Hong Kong Stocks Tick Up At Open
Friday, 19 January 2024 08:39 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks inched higher at the open, tracking a Wall Street rally, though the gains did little to pare big losses this week fuelled by worries over China's economy and fading US interest rate cut hopes. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.08 percent, or 12.90 points, to 15,404.69. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong Stocks Tick Higher at Start of Business
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 08:30 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks edged up in the opening minutes of Tuesday's trade, with investors biding their time ahead of the Federal Reserve's highly anticipated policy meeting later in the week. The Hang Seng Index gained 0.06 percent, or 11.52 points, to 17,942.07. The Shanghai Composite Index dipped...

Hong Kong Stocks Take a Hit as Alibaba Plunges
Friday, 17 November 2023 15:08 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks tumbled Friday as market heavyweight Alibaba was hammered after saying it would call off a planned spinoff of its cloud computing business. The Hang Seng Index dived 2.12 percent, or 378.63 points, to 17,454.19, dragged down by a 10 percent drop in the Chinese ecommerce...

Hong Kong Stocks Surge Out of The Gates
Thursday, 21 March 2024 08:59 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks jumped at the open Thursday as world markets were boosted by Federal Reserve interest rate projections that foresaw three cuts this year, despite still-sticky inflation. The Hang Seng Index rallied 1.33 percent, or 219.76 points, to 16,762.83. The Shanghai Composite Index gained...

Hong Kong stocks jumped more than five percent Friday, building on a rally this week fuelled by speculation China will begin winding back some of its strict zero-Covid policies. Reports of progress in US auditing of Chinese firms listed in New York also provided support to traders, easing...

Hong Kong Stocks Surge Into the Weekend
Friday, 3 November 2023 15:10 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong shares finished the week with a flourish Friday as global markets extended a rally fuelled by optimism that the Federal Reserve has come to the end of its interest rate-hiking cycle. The Hang Seng Index soared 2.52 percent, or 433.53 points, to 17,664.12. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Surge at Open
Friday, 31 March 2023 08:26 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks rallied more than one percent at the open Friday as traders grow increasingly confident central banks will soon pause their interest rate hike campaign. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.35 percent, or 274.75 points, to 20,583.88. The Shanghai Composite Index edged up 0.07 percent,...

Hong Kong Stocks Surge 6% at Open
Friday, 11 November 2022 08:38 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks surged six percent at the open on Friday, following a bumper session on Wall Street as lower US inflation dimmed expectations of more aggressive Fed interest-rate hikes. The Hang Seng Index rocketed 6.08 percent, or 978.40 points, to 17,059.44. The Shanghai Composite Index rose...

Hong Kong stocks fell at Friday's open, extending the previous day's loss after racking up massive gains earlier in the week, with focus firmly on the release of US jobs data later in the day. The Hang Seng Index fell 0.89 percent, or 160.53 points, to 17,851.62. Mainland Chinese markets are...

Hong Kong Stocks Suffer more Losses at Open
Thursday, 23 February 2023 08:29 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks fell again at the open of trade Thursday morning following a broadly downbeat day on Wall Street as Federal Reserve minutes indicated a prolonged period of interest rate hikes. The Hang Seng Index fell 0.41 percent, or 84.69 points, to 20,339.15. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Suffer More Losses at Open
Tuesday, 5 December 2023 08:34 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks fell further at the open on Tuesday morning, tracking a sell-off on Wall Street as investors take a breather after ramping up their bets on a series of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts next year. The Hang Seng Index dipped 0.24 percent, or 39.51 points, to 16,606.54. The...

Hong Kong Stocks Suffer Fresh Losses
Tuesday, 19 December 2023 15:02 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks extended losses Tuesday as traders took profits after last week's rally as Federal Reserve officials looked to push back on expectations for a series of interest rate cuts next year. The Hang Seng Index fell 0.75 percent, or 124.23 points, to 16,505.00. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong Stocks Suffer Another Big Loss
Tuesday, 31 January 2023 14:59 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares suffered a second straight day of big losses Tuesday as traders grow concerned that a month-long rally may have been overdone, while attention turns to a key Federal Reserve meeting later in the day. The Hang Seng Index shed 1.03 percent, or 227.40 points, to 21,842.33. The...

Hong Kong Stocks Starts Week With Rally
Monday, 6 November 2023 14:54 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks closed with another big gain Monday after a below-par US jobs report reinforced views that the Federal Reserve will not hike interest rates again soon. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.71 percent, or 302.47 points, to 17,966.59. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.91 percent, or...

Hong Kong Stocks Start Year On Front Foot
Tuesday, 3 January 2023 14:58 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks started the new year with a healthy gain on Tuesday, boosted by a rally in Macau casinos ahead of an expected reopening of the border with China, while tech firms were also well up. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.84 percent, or 363.88 points, to 20,145.29. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong Stocks Start with Small Gains
Thursday, 6 October 2022 08:19 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly higher on Thursday morning, extending gains after rocketing almost six percent the day before, as traders await the release of key US jobs data this week. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.07 percent, or 12.51 points, to 18,100.48. Mainland Chinese markets are...

Hong Kong Stocks Start With Small Gains
Thursday, 9 March 2023 08:30 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks edged up slightly in opening trade Thursday morning following the previous day's sharp losses, with focus now on the release of key US jobs data at the end of the week. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.16 percent, or 31.17 points, to 20,082.42. The Shanghai Composite Index ticked up...

Hong Kong Stocks Start with Small Gain
Thursday, 11 May 2023 08:22 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly higher Thursday morning after two days of losses and the release of data showing a further drop in US inflation, fuelling hopes for a pause in the Federal Reserve's interest rate-tightening drive. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.41 percent, or 80.78 points, to...

Hong Kong Stocks Start with More Gains
Friday, 27 January 2023 08:23 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks built on the previous days' rallies at Friday's open, with investors cheering forecast-beating US data indicating the world's top economy was faring better than thought. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.21 percent, or 48.14 points, to 22,614.92. Mainland Chinese markets were...

Hong Kong Stocks Start With Gains
Friday, 14 April 2023 08:29 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened on the front foot Friday morning following a surge on Wall Street fuelled by further evidence inflation is receding. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.38 percent, or 78.24 points, to 20,422.72. The Shanghai Composite Index climbed 0.24 percent, or 8.01 points, to 3,326.37, while...

Hong Kong Stocks Start with Fresh Losses
Thursday, 17 August 2023 08:27 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks tumbled at the open Thursday, extending losses to a fifth day following a sell-off on Wall Street as investors fret over the possibility the Federal Reserve will lift interest rates again this year. The Hang Seng Index sank 1.67 percent, or 306.19 points, to 18,023.11. The...

Hong Kong Stocks Start With Fresh Losses
Thursday, 9 November 2023 08:19 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong shares opened slightly lower Thursday morning, brushing off another positive lead from Wall Street, as investors await guidance on the Federal Reserve's plans for interest rates. The Hang Seng Index dipped 0.09 percent, or 15.20 points, to 17,553.26. The Shanghai Composite Index shed...

Hong Kong Stocks Start with Big Losses
Tuesday, 20 December 2022 08:18 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares opened sharply lower Tuesday morning, with tech firms leading the way following a sell-off on Wall Street. The Hang Seng Index shed 1.01 percent, or 195.87 points, to 19,156.94. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.26 percent, or 8.16 points, to 3,098.95, while the Shenzhen...

Hong Kong Stocks Start With Big Losses
Thursday, 13 April 2023 08:25 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks sank more than one percent at the open Thursday, dragged by tech stocks and after minutes from the Federal Reserve latest meeting showed officials see a recession. The Hang Seng Index shed 1.63 percent, or 331.90 points, to 19,977.96. The Shanghai Composite Index shed 0.18...

Hong Kong Stocks Start With A Loss
Monday, 3 July 2023 18:08 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly lower Tuesday morning after China cut a key benchmark interest rate less than forecast, disappointing traders hoping for more action by leaders to kickstart growth in the troubled economy. The Hang Seng Index dipped 0.29 percent, or 57.50 points, to...

Hong Kong Stocks Start Week With Losses
Monday, 11 September 2023 15:04 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks finished Monday in negative territory as traders turn their focus to the release of US inflation data later in the week. The Hang Seng Index slipped 0.58 percent, or 105.62 points, to 18,096.45. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.84 percent, or 26.06 points, to 3,142.78, while...

Hong Kong stocks enjoyed a strong start to the week on Monday, in line with gains across Asia, as investors kept tabs on US talks to lift the debt ceiling and avert a default. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1.75 percent, or 343.89 points, to 19,971.13. The Shanghai Composite Index climbed 1.17...

Hong Kong Stocks Start Week With Further Losses
Monday, 22 January 2024 15:11 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks sank again Monday to extend a painful start to the year as traders grow increasingly worried about the outlook for China's struggling economy. The Hang Seng Index shed 2.27 percent, or 347.51 points, to 14,961.18. The Shanghai Composite Index sank 2.68 percent, or 75.94 points,...

Hong Kong stocks finished sharply higher Monday on hopes for US debt talks and a possible thaw in China-US relations. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.17 percent, or 227.60 points, to 19,678.17. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.39 percent, or 12.93 points, to 3,296.47, while the Shenzhen...

Hong Kong Stocks Start Week with a Loss
Monday, 24 July 2023 14:59 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks closed with more losses on Monday as worries about China's economy overshadowed optimism that the Federal Reserve would soon bring its interest rate hiking campaign to an end. The Hang Seng Index slipped 2.13 percent, or 407.11 points, to 18,668.15. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Start Day with Gains
Tuesday, 28 February 2023 08:26 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly higher Tuesday on mild bargain-buying following a recent sell-off, though traders remain concerned about the Federal Reserve's determination to ramp up interest rates to tackle inflation. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.38 percent, or 76.66 points, to...

Hong Kong Stocks Soar More Than 4% On US Rate Hopes
Wednesday, 15 November 2023 15:12 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks soared more than four percent Wednesday afternoon after a smaller-than-forecast rise in US inflation fanned optimism that the Federal Reserve will not need to hike interest rates further. The Hang Seng Index jumped 4.05 percent, or 705.42 points, to 18,102.28. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong Stocks Soar More Than 3% at Open
Monday, 14 November 2022 08:40 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks surged more than three percent at the open on Monday after China unveiled a series of measures aimed at rescuing the country's property sector and moved to ease some Covid measures. The Hang Seng Index rose 3.89 percent, or 673.60 points, to 17,999.26 -- after rocketing more than...

Hong Kong Stocks Sink On Weak China Data
Tuesday, 8 August 2023 15:16 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks finished sharply lower Tuesday as another batch of worse-than-forecast Chinese data added to long-running worries about the world's number two economy. The Hang Seng Index tumbled 1.81 percent, or 353.75 points, to 19,184.17. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.25 percent, or...

Hong Kong Stocks Sink At Open On Powell Comments
Friday, 10 November 2023 08:31 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong shares tumbled at Friday morning's open after Federal Reserve boss Jerome Powell said he would not hesitate to hike interest rates further if inflation remained stubbornly high. The Hang Seng Index dropped 0.92 percent, or 160.42 points, to 17,350.87. The Shanghai Composite Index shed...

Hong Kong Stocks Sink at Open
Monday, 30 October 2023 08:23 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened lower Monday following a weak lead from Wall Street, while traders kept a worried eye on the Middle East as Israel stepped up its air and ground operations against Hamas in Gaza. The Hang Seng Index lost 0.99 percent, or 173.08 points, to 17,225.65. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong Stocks Shares Plunge at Open
Monday, 5 February 2024 08:29 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks tumbled at the open Monday after Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell warned interest rates were unlikely to be cut in March and data showed a forecast-busting jump in US jobs creation. The Hang Seng Index sank 1.27 percent, or 196.70 points, to 15,336.86. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong Stocks See More Losses at Close
Tuesday, 16 January 2024 15:11 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks extended their losses for the week on Tuesday, in line with a retreat across Asia as geopolitical worries add to fears the Federal Reserve might not cut interest rates as much as hoped this year. The Hang Seng Index tumbled 2.16 percent, or 350.41 points, to 15,865.92. The...

Hong Kong Stocks Rocket more than 4% at Open
Wednesday, 5 October 2022 08:12 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks soared more than four percent at the open of trade Wednesday as investors returned from a public holiday to play catch-up, with a global rally fuelled by easing concerns about central bank interest rate hikes. The Hang Seng Index rocketed up 4.29 percent, or 732.46 points to...

Hong Kong Stocks Rise at the Start of Trade
Thursday, 14 March 2024 08:37 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened with small gains Thursday, resuming a recent rally after the previous day's retreat, with eyes on the release later in the day of US producer price index figures. The Hang Seng Index ticked up 0.22 percent, or 38.43 points, to 17,120.54. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Rise At Open
Tuesday, 31 January 2023 08:28 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened Tuesday by clawing back some of the previous day's big losses, helped by a rally in tech firms, with eyes firmly on the Federal Reserve's policy meeting later in the week. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.55 percent, or 120.54 points, to 22,190.27. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Rise At Open
Tuesday, 12 December 2023 08:38 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly higher Tuesday morning following another strong day on Wall Street, with traders awaiting the release of US inflation data due later in the day. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.21 percent, or 34.57 points, to 16,236.06. The Shanghai Composite Index eased 0.17...

Hong Kong Stocks Rise at Open
Tuesday, 6 February 2024 08:33 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened slightly higher Tuesday morning, boosted by big gains in tech giants including market heavyweight Alibaba, though traders remain concerned about China's stuttering economy. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.20 percent, or 31.22 points, to 15,541.23. The Shanghai Composite...

Hong Kong Stocks Rise at Open
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 08:22 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks began Wednesday slightly higher following the previous day's big loss, with focus now on the conclusion of the Federal Reserve's policy meeting later in the day. The Hang Seng Index edged up 0.18 percent, or 29.53 points, to 16,559.01. The Shanghai Composite Index dipped 0.13...

Hong Kong Stocks Retreat at Open
Thursday, 15 February 2024 08:22 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong opened slightly lower Thursday morning following the previous day's healthy gains, with traders now looking ahead to the release of fresh US inflation data at the end of the week. The Hang Seng Index dipped 0.35 percent, or 55.17 points, to 15,824.21. Markets in mainland China are...

Hong Kong Stocks Retreat at Open
Friday, 22 March 2024 08:32 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened with a loss Friday morning after the previous day's rally as strong US economic data tempered optimism about how quickly the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates. The Hang Seng Index shed 0.70 percent, or 117.83 points, to 16,745.27. The Shanghai Composite Index dipped...

Hong Kong Stocks Reteat at Open
Monday, 18 September 2023 08:18 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks fell at the open Monday following a hefty sell-off on Wall Street, with traders looking ahead to the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision later in the week. The Hang Seng Index slipped 0.63 percent, or 113.85 points, to 18,069.04. The Shanghai Composite Index eased 0.23...

Hong Kong Stocks Resume Lower
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 08:24 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened down on Tuesday after a long weekend, with traders watching US Treasury yields and the Middle East crisis weighing heavily on markets. The Hang Seng Index shed 0.69 percent, or 118.98 points, to open at 17,053.15. Markets in mainland China edged upward, however, with the...

Hong Kong Stocks Resume Losses at Open
Wednesday, 23 August 2023 08:18 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks resumed their losses Wednesday after a much-needed bounce the day before, with ongoing worries about China's economy smothering sentiment. The Hang Seng Index dipped 0.16 percent, or 28.25 points, to 17,762.76. The Shanghai Composite Index edged down 0.13 percent, or 4.07...

Hong Kong Stocks Reopen with a Bang
Thursday, 26 January 2023 08:44 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened sharply higher Thursday morning as traders returned from an extended Lunar New Year break to play catch up with gains in the rest of Asia this week. The Hang Seng Index rose 1.55 percent, or 341.72 points, to 22,386.37. Mainland Chinese markets are closed for a public...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally Out of The Blocks
Thursday, 27 July 2023 08:27 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks jumped in the opening few minutes of trade Thursday as investors bet that the Federal Reserve's latest interest rate hike could be its last as inflation eases. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.71 percent, or 136.95 points, to 19,502.09. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.08 percent,...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally Out of Blocks
Thursday, 22 December 2022 08:18 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares began Thursday with strong gains following a rally on Wall Street as traders welcomed forecast-beating US earnings and a pickup in consumer sentiment. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.97 percent, or 376.96 points, to 19,537.45. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.57 percent, or...

Hong Kong shares finished sharply higher Thursday after the Federal Reserve held interest rates and China's central bank announced a cut in borrowing costs The Hang Seng Index jumped 2.17 percent, or 420.50 points, to 19,828.92. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.74 percent, or 23.99 points,...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally On US Inflation Data
Thursday, 14 September 2023 15:03 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks enjoyed a much-needed rally Thursday as traders cheered a mixed US inflation report that tempered worries about another possible Federal Reserve interest rate hike. The Hang Seng Index gained 0.21 percent, or 38.70 points, to 18,047.92. The Shanghai Composite Index edged up 0.11...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally on Fed Rate Optimism
Thursday, 2 November 2023 08:16 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks rose Thursday morning at the open as global markets rallied on hopes the Federal Reserve may have come to the end of its campaign of interest-rate hikes. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1.06 percent, or 180.61 points, to 17,282.39. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.18 percent, or...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally on Fed Rate Hopes
Thursday, 27 July 2023 15:07 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks rallied Thursday on hopes the Federal Reserve may have brought its interest rate hiking cycle to an end, while traders were also optimistic China would press ahead with moves to kickstart its economy. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1.41 percent, or 273.97 points, to 19,639.11. The...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally On China Data
Friday, 15 September 2023 15:07 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong shares enjoyed a strong end to the week Friday as a forecast-busting set of China data boosted hopes the economy was starting to stabilise after a long malaise. The Hang Seng Index jumped 0.75 percent, or 134.97 points, to 18,182.89. However, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.28...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally at Open
Friday, 3 March 2023 08:25 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks jumped more than one percent at the open of trade Friday morning following a healthy performance on Wall Street as worries about US interest rate hikes calmed The Hang Seng Index rose 1.34 percent, or 273.68 points, to 20,703.14. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.12 percent,...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally at Open
Wednesday, 22 March 2023 08:25 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares opened on the front foot Wednesday morning following another strong lead from Wall Street and Europe, as traders turn their attention from the banking sector to a Federal Reserve interest rate decision. The Hang Seng Index climbed 0.88 percent, or 169.60 points, to...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally At Open
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 08:39 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks opened higher Tuesday morning, extending the previous day's rally thanks to a surge in Chinese tech firms. The Hang Seng Index added 1.06 percent, or 212.15 points, to 20,183.28. The Shanghai Composite Index was flat, inching down 0.58 points to 3,310.16, while the Shenzhen...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally at Open
Monday, 10 July 2023 08:31 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks soared at Monday's open, as tech giants rallied after Chinese authorities hit fintech affiliates of Tencent and Alibaba with huge fines, signalling an end to a long-running sector crackdown. The Hang Seng Index climbed 2.08 percent, or 381.80 points, to 18,747.50. The Shanghai...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally at Open
Wednesday, 25 October 2023 08:14 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks burst out of the gates Wednesday morning after a run of painful losses, as investors cheered China's freshly unveiled measures to boost the world's number-two economy. The Hang Seng Index surged 2.79 percent, or 473.90 points, to 17,465.43. The Shanghai Composite Index climbed...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally At Open
Monday, 6 November 2023 08:17 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks jumped more than one percent at the open Monday after data on cooling US jobs growth ramped up optimism that the Federal Reserve would not hike interest rates anytime soon. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1.41 percent, or 249.42 points, to 17,913.54. The Shanghai Composite Index...

Hong Kong Stocks Rally after Lunar New Year Holiday
Wednesday, 14 February 2024 15:08 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks finished with healthy gains Wednesday as investors returned from an extended Lunar New Year break hoping Chinese leaders will announce fresh measures to boost the country's economy and markets. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.84 percent, or 132.80 points, to 15,879.38. Mainland...

Hong Kong Stocks Rallly At Open On Fed
Thursday, 14 December 2023 08:37 WIB | Hangseng

Hong Kong stocks opened sharply higher Thursday, tracking a record-breaking performance on Wall Street, after the Federal Reserve signalled it would cut interest rates next year. The Hang Seng Index jumped 1.18 percent, or 190.99 points, to 16,419.74. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.37...

Hong Kong Stocks Post More Healthy Gains
Thursday, 1 December 2022 15:09 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong shares clocked a third straight day of gains on Thursday after the head of the US Federal Reserve signalled a slower pace of rate hikes and China appeared set to take a less draconian approach to fighting Covid. The Hang Seng Index jumped 0.75 percent, or 139.21 points, to...

Hong Kong Stocks Plunge on China Worries
Monday, 24 October 2022 15:02 WIB | Market update

Hong Kong stocks plunged by more than six percent to a 13-year low Monday as investors were spooked by Chinese President Xi Jinping's decision to hand key economic posts to loyalists who back his zero-Covid strategy. The Hang Seng Index ended down 6.36 percent, or 1,030.43 points, to 15,180.69,...


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