

Saham naik untuk pertama kalinya dalam tiga hari pada hari Rabu karena harga minyak mentah berusaha stabil setelah rekor penurunannya. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average melonjak 432 poin, atau 1,9%. S&P 500 naik 2% sementara Nasdaq Composite naik 2,3%. Kontrak West Texas Intermediate untuk...

Saham-saham AS melonjak pada Kamis setelah Federal Reserve memberikan rincian lebih lanjut mengenai bagaimana ia akan mendukung perekonomian di tengah pandemi virus corona. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average melonjak lebih dari 300 poin, atau 1,3%. S&P 500 naik 1,1% sementara Nasdaq Composite...

Saham AS naik pada Rabu ini, membangun gain pekan ini yang sudah kuat, karena investor pulih dari penurunan baru-baru ini yang dipicu oleh kekhawatiran virus corona. Data pekerjaan yang lebih baik dari perkiraan juga mengangkat sentimen investor. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan...

Saham AS naik pada Senin ini, yang membangun rekor mingguan, karena kenaikan saham teknologi serta beberapa perkembangan mengenai pengobatan virus corona yang mendorong sentimen bullish. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average melonjak 219 poin, atau 0,8%. S&P 500 naik 0,8% serta 1,3%. Saham...

Saham AS bervariasi pada hari Rabu karena Wall Street mengawasi  pemilihan putaran kedua di Georgia yang akan menentukan kendali Senat. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 179 poin, atau 0,6%. S&P 500 naik 0,2%, dan Nasdaq Composite turun 0,6%. Hasil Treasury 10-tahun acuan, sementara...

Saham AS naik pada Rabu ini karena saham perusahaan teknologi besar memulihkan sebagian dari penurunan tajamnya dari sesi sebelumnya. Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 239 poin lebih tinggi, atau 0,9%. Saham S&P 500 naik 1,3% dan Nasdaq Composite naik 1,9%. Facebook, Amazon dan...

Saham AS naik pada Jumat ini, yang menambah keuntungan kuat pada pekan ini, ditengah laporan Bloomberg News bahwa China akan meningkatkan pembelian produk pertanian AS guna mematuhi kesepakatan perdagangan fase satu. Laporan tersebut meredam kekhawatiran mengenai hubungan perdagangan AS-China...

Saham naik pada hari Kamis karena reli yang kuat pada tahun 2019 akan berlanjut di hari perdagangan pertama tahun baru. Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 117 poin lebih tinggi, atau 0,4% pada pembukaan. S&P 500 naik 0,5% sementara Nasdaq Composite melonjak 0,8%. Saham Intel naik...

Indeks saham AS naik tajam pada Jumat pagi karena Wall Street bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan minggu yang berayun dengan catatan yang lebih baik menyusul salah satu aksi jual terburuk untuk pasar sejak pertengahan Maret ketika pandemi COVID-19 menatap semakin intensif. Dow Jones Industrial Average...

Indeks saham AS ditutup dengan kenaikan tajam pada Selasa (15/3), dengan S&P 500 dan Nasdaq Composite menghentikan penurunan tiga hari beruntunnya, setelah kenaikan yang lebih kecil dari perkiraan dalam ukuran inflasi grosir dan penurunan harga minyak yang sebelumnya melonjak terkait invasi...

Saham AS diperdagangkan naik tajam pada Senin, dipimpin oleh kenaikan kuat di sektor teknologi, karena Wall Street mencoba membangun momentum dari kinerja solid di pekan lalu serta mengabaikan kenaikan jumlah kasus virus corona. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 395 poin, atau 1,5%,...

Saham AS naik ke level rekor dan ditutup pada hari Jumat di tertinggi sesi mereka karena Wall Street menutup minggu ini dengan kenaikan yang solid di tengah meningkatnya optimisme pembukaan kembali. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 297,03 poin menjadi 33.800,60, mencatat rekor penutupan...

Saham AS pada hari Jumat berakhir dengan kenaikan lebih dari 9% seiring Presiden Donald Trump menyatakan darurat nasional untuk membantu memerangi virus corona dan kejatuhannya, sehari setelah Dow dan S&P 500 mengalami penurunan satu hari terbesar sejak penurunan Oktober 1987 . Dow Jones...

Saham AS melesat lebih tinggi pada Selasa pagi, melanjutkan reli yang kuat ke sesi kedua karena tanda-tanda yang berkembang bahwa penyebaran pandemi COVID-19 mungkin mendatar di beberapa bagian dunia. Pasar juga didorong oleh laporan langkah-langkah AS yang direncanakan lebih lanjut untuk...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 700 points higher, or nearly 3%. The S&P 500 gained 2.5% while the Nasdaq Composite advanced 1.7%. Moderna shares rallied 26% after the company reported “positive” phase one results for a potential coronavirus vaccine. The company said that after two...

Saham-saham AS melonjak pada hari Rabu karena kemenangan besar dari mantan Wakil Presiden Joe Biden pada Super Selasa memicu rally besar-besaran di sektor perawatan kesehatan. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 700 poin lebih tinggi, atau 2,7%. S&P 500 melonjak 2,1% sementara...

Saham-saham AS menguat pada Selasa setelah libur panjang akhir pekan, karena investor memanfaatkan berita vaksin virus corona serta tanda-tanda bahwa ekonomi global perlahan-lahan mulai merangkak kembali dari lockdown pandemi. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 664 poin, atau 2,7%, menjadi...

Indeks saham AS pada hari Selasa naik pada pembukaan, didukung oleh optimisme tentang pelonggaran pembatasan pada kegiatan ekonomi, di negara-negara seperti California, dan kenaikan tajam dalam harga minyak mentah. Wall Street juga mengawasi pembaruan hasil perusahaan dari komponen Dow seperti...

Saham AS melonjak setelah laporan ketenagakerjaan yang jauh lebih baik dari perkiraan untuk November dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja yang melihat ekonomi menciptakan 266K lapangan pekerjaan baru, yang terbesar sejak Januari, dan angka pengangguran turun menjadi 3,5%, level terendah 50 tahun. Namun,...

Rata-rata saham utama AS menghapus kerugian sebelumnya dan diperdagangkan lebih tinggi pada hari Rabu (24/2) karena investor terus optimis terhadap kebangkitan ekonomi. Dow Jones Industrial Average membalikkan kerugian 110 poin yang naik 250 poin, didukung oleh kinerja yang kuat di sektor energi,...

Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average menguat pada Senin ini bahkan di tengah ketidakpastian atas paket stimulus virus korona. 30 saham Dow naik 237 poin, atau 0,9%. Saham Boeing dan Nike mencatat kinerja terbaik pada indeks Dow, masing-masing naik 4,6% dan 4,2%. Saham perbankan seperti JPMorgan...

Saham AS naik pada Kamis ini, membangun kenaikan beruntun selama tiga hari, karena investor menilai gelombang baru laba perusahaan dan data ekonomi. Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 250 poin. Indek S&P 500 naik 0,5%, didukung oleh sektor energi dan finansial. Nasdaq Composite naik...

Saham AS naik dalam sesi volatil lainnya pada hari Jumat ini karena saham teknologi sekali lagi berusaha untuk rebound dari kemerosotan baru-baru ini. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 237 poin lebih tinggi, atau 0,9%. Indeks S&P 500 naik 0,7% dan Nasdaq Composite...

Saham AS menguat pada hari Selasa (27/9), karena Dow Jones Industrial Average dan S&P 500 mencoba untuk bangkit kembali dari level penutupan terendah dalam hampir dua tahun. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 207 poin, atau 0,7%. S&P 500 naik 1%, dan Nasdaq Composite naik 1,4%. Pound...

Saham AS naik pada hari Jumat (9/9) setelah sesi perdagangan berombak karena para pedagang mempertimbangkan komentar terbaru Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell tentang inflasi. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 274 poin, atau 0,86%. S&P 500 dan Nasdaq Composite masing-masing naik 1,14% dan...

Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average menguat pada hari Selasa, naik untuk hari kelimanya karena Wall Street menilai hasil pendapatan yang kuat dari Walmart dan Home Depot. Dow Jones Industrial Average mengungguli, naik 242 poin, atau 0,72%. S&P 500 diperdagangkan 0,22% lebih tinggi dan Nasdaq...

Saham naik pada hari Senin, yang melanjutkan kenaikan tajam di pekan lalu, setelah AS mencapai kesepakatan dengan Meksiko mengenai tarif, yang meredam beberapa kekhawatiran perdagangan yang telah membebani pasar sejak awal Mei. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik sekitar 223 poin, sementara S&P...

Dow Jones Industrial Average menguat ke rekor tertinggi pada hari Kamis, dipimpin oleh saham UnitedHealth, setelah kesaksian oleh Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell yang mengisyaratkan kebijakan moneter yang lebih mudah dapat diimplementasikan pada akhir bulan ini. Rata-rata 30-saham menembus di...

Saham AS melonjak pada hari Selasa ini, yang ditopang oleh kinerja yang kuat dari sesi sebelumnya, didukung oleh penguatan saham teknologi lebih lanjut serta data ekonomi yang solid. Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 117 poin lebih tinggi, atau 0,4%. Indeks S&P 500 naik 0,9%...

Saham AS sebagian besar berakhir lebih tinggi pada Senin (18/10) seiring para investor bersiap untuk pekan yang sibuk untuk laporan pendapatan perusahaan. Dow Jones Industrial Average melawan nada positif, turun sekitar 36 poin, atau 0,1%, menjadi berakhir di dekat 35.259, menurut angka awal....

Stocks tumbled on Tuesday as Treasury yields hit their highest levels since 2007, raising concern higher interest rates would freeze the housing market and tip the economy into a recession. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 430.97 points, or 1.29%, for its worst day since March. The 30-stock...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average finally ran out of steam Thursday as investors cashed in following an historic streak of 13 straight gains. The 30-stock index fell 237.40 points, or by 0.67%, to 35,282.72 — dragged lower by shares of Honeywell. A pop in the 10-year Treasury yield back above 4%...

U.S. stocks were higher Monday, extending a rally that’s seen the Dow Jones Industrial Average log its longest winning streak in nearly six years as investors await a Federal Reserve rate decision and a busy week of corporate earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 208 points, or 0.6%, to...

U.S. stocks finished higher on Wednesday as the Dow Jones Industrial Average clinched its eighth straight day in the green amid a flurry of corporate earnings reports. The blue-chip gauge finished 108.88 points, or 0.3%, higher at 35,060.81, according to preliminary closing data from FactSet. It...

Saham AS menahan kenaikannya pada sesi tengah hari di Senin ini karena pasar berusaha pulih dari kerugian mingguan terburuk sejak Oktober pasca gejolak perdagangan pada ritel GameStop Corp dan memicu aksi jual di Wall Street. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 54 poin, atau 0,2%, menjadi...

U.S. stocks jumped Tuesday after fresh U.S. inflation data was about in line with expectations, clearing the way for investors to resume buying high-flying tech names such as Nvidia and Meta Platforms. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 235.83 points, or 0.61%, to close at 39,005.49. The...

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday, boosted by a drop in Treasury yields as Wall Street assessed the geopolitical risks of a protracted conflict from the Israel-Hamas war. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.8%, or 272 points. The S&P 500 added roughly 1.1%, while the Nasdaq Composite climbed...

Stocks rose Tuesday morning as Wall Street looked past more China covid lockdowns and instead focused on a host of strong earnings reports during a short week of trading for the Thanksgiving holiday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 264 points, or 0.79%. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq...

Stocks rose Thursday, buoyed by inflation data that increased hopes the Federal Reserve could begin cutting rates next year. Wall Street is poised to wrap up November with the strongest monthly gains in over a year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 180 points, or 0.5%. The S&P 500...

Stocks rose on Thursday as investors attempted a recovery after this week’s consecutive down days for the Dow. The Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 186 points, or 0.5%. The S&P 500 gained 0.8%, while the Nasdaq Composite jumped 1.1%. Megacap technology stocks bounced back on Thursday,...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied Thursday to a new high for the year, as more cooling inflation data and strong Salesforce earnings capped the benchmark’s best month since October 2022. The 30-stock Dow gained 519 points, or 1.5% to about 35,950, surpassing its previous high for the year...

U.S. stocks popped on Friday as regional bank shares climbed off their lows and market-darling Apple reported better-than-expected quarterly earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 559 points higher, or 1.6%. The S&P 500 climbed 1.9%, and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 2.2%. Stocks...

Stocks popped on Friday as regional bank shares climbed off their lows and market-darling Apple reported better-than-expected quarterly earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 432 points higher, or 1.3%. The S&P 500 climbed 1.2%, and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 1.1%. Stocks rose...

The S&P 500 tried to climb out of correction territory Monday as traders braced for a big week filled with a Federal Reserve rate decision, jobs report and Apple’s earnings report. The broader index advanced 0.7%, while the Nasdaq Composite jumped 0.8%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained...

U.S. stocks opened higher on Tuesday with the Dow climbing 300 points immediately after the opening bell as fears about banking-sector instability eased while investors awaited the Federal Reserve’s rate-hike decision, due out Wednesday afternoon in New York. The S&P 500 gained 35 points, or...

Stocks climbed Thursday and technology shares outperformed, adding to the previous session’s gains that led to new records on Wall Street. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.6% and 0.7%, respectively. The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 310 points, or 0.8%. Micron Technology...

U.S. stocks rose on Friday despite a tumble in Amazon shares after economic data pointed to slowing inflation and a steady consumer. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 322 points points, or 1%. The S&P 500 gained 0.6%. The Nasdaq Composite fought higher and was up by 0.4% after opening...

Stocks rose Tuesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed Tuesday looking to snap a six-day losing streak, as attention turned to the latest batch of corporate earnings. The 30-stock Dow popped 226 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 hovered around the flatline, while the Nasdaq Composite...

U.S. stocks rose Friday as traders parsed the May jobs report and cheered lawmakers passing a debt ceiling bill that averts a U.S. default. The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 223 points, or 0.7%. The S&P 500 climbed 0.8%, and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.9%. Nonfarm payrolls grew...

U.S. stocks were struggling for direction Thursday afternoon as investors awaited remarks by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, with the S&P 500 struggling to keep alive its longest winning streak in two years. Closing in the green would see the index clinch its longest winning streak in...

U.S. stocks were mostly higher Thursday, with the Nasdaq leading the way after upbeat results from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company lifted chip makers. The Dow Jones Industrial Average struggled, however, losing ground as health-care stocks sputtered. The Dow trimmed its loss but...

U.S. stocks rebounded strongly Friday, perking back up a day after the S&P 500’s longest win streak in two years was snapped. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed about 391 points higher Friday, or 1.2%, ending near 34,283, according to preliminary FactSet data. The S&P 500 index...

U.S. stocks closed mostly lower on Monday in a choppy session that saw the 10-year Treasury yield briefly top 5% for the first time since in 16 years. The S&P 500 index ended about 7 points lower, or 0.2%, near 4,216, after flipping between modest gains and losses. That was the equity-market...

Saham AS menguat pada Selasa, yang membangun gain kuat dari sesi sebelumnya, karena anggota parlemen mencoba untuk membuat terobosan pada paket stimulus baru virus corona Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 126 poin lebih tinggi, atau 0,5%. Indeks S&P 500 naik 0,2% sementara...

Saham AS jatuh pada hari Kamis (30/12) menjelang hari perdagangan terakhir tahun 2021. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 90,55 poin, atau 0,3%, menjadi 36.398,08. Indeks S&P 500 melemah 0,3% menjadi 4.778,73. Indeks Nasdaq Composite lebih rendah 0,2% pada 15.741,56. Akhir tahun adalah waktu...

Dow Jones Industrial Average dan S&P 500 turun sedikit pada Kamis karena reli pasar bulan ini kehilangan tenaganya di tengah data pengangguran AS yang mengecewakan serta meningkatnya kasus virus korona. 30 saham Dow turun 112 poin, atau 0,4%. S&P 500 merosot 0,2%. Saham Walgreens dan...

Saham AS jatuh pada hari Jumat (29/4) dengan Nasdaq Composite mencatatkan bulan terburuknya sejak 2008, saat Amazon menjadi korban terbaru dalam aksi jual yang dipimpin oleh sektor teknologi di bulan April. Nasdaq Composite yang berbasis teknologi turun hampir 4,2% menjadi 12.334,64, terbebani...

Saham AS turun tajam pada Kamis (24/2) karena Rusia menyerang Ukraina, menyebabkan harga energi global melonjak dan membuat investor melarikan diri demi keamanan aset pendapatan tetap. Invasi itu terjadi ketika pasar ekuitas global sudah terseok-seok karena inflasi yang tinggi selama beberapa...

Saham AS dibuka melemah tajam pada Rabu ini, di bawah tekanan seiring terus meningkatnya kasus COVID-19 yang mengancam akan memicu penguncian baru di Eropa dan meningkatkan kekhawatiran tentang kekuatan pemulihan ekonomi di AS. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 528,92 poin, atau 1,9% menjadi...

Gejolak pasar meningkat pada hari Selasa karena penjualan saham teknologi dengan harga lebih tinggi meluas ke segala hal mulai dari saham bank hingga energi dan industri. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 470 poin, dipimpin oleh penurunan di Home Depot dan Boeing. Nasdaq Composite kehilangan...

Dow Jatuh Lebih Dari 300 Poin pada Pembukaan
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 21:30 WIB | Market update

Saham AS jatuh pada hari Selasa karena volatilitas pasar berlanjut setelah indeks utama pada hari Senin mencatat salah satu comeback terbesar dalam sejarah. Dow Jones Industrial Average kehilangan sekitar 360 poin, atau 1,1%. S&P 500 turun 1,3%, sedangkan Nasdaq Composite yang sarat teknologi...

Saham AS jatuh pada Rabu, mengambil istirahat setelah Dow Jones Industrial Average menyentuh tonggak sejarah yang signifikan. 30 saham Dow turun 224 poin, atau 0,8%. S&P 500 tergelincir 0,4%. Nasdaq Composite datar. Volume perdagangan diperkirakan lebih ringan dari biasanya menjelang hari...

Saham AS diperdagangkan lebih rendah pada Senin pagi setelah data di sektor manufaktur AS menunjukkan kontraksi pada November, yang membayangi data yang lebih baik dari perkiraan pada aktivitas manufaktur China yang dirilis pada akhir pekan. Investor juga mengkaji kekhawatiran perang dagan...

Saham AS jatuh untuk memulai pekan pada hari Senin karena investor mengkaji berita seputar virus corona terbaru bersama dengan penurunan harga minyak mentah AS. Pasar datang dari kenaikan mingguan back-to-back pertamanya dalam lebih dari dua bulan. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average...

Saham AS jatuh pada Selasa ini karena penurunan tajam di saham toko obat dan data ekonomi yang mengecewakan membebani pasar yang lebih luas. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 177 poin, atau 0,6%. S&P 500 merosot 0,4%, sedangkan Nasdaq Composite diperdagangkan 0,2% lebih rendah. Saham...

Saham AS kembali melemah tajam pada Rabu karena investor bergulat dengan serangkaian rencana oleh pemerintah untuk membatasi tekanan ekonomi dari wabah COVID-19 dan memperdebatkan apakah langkah-langkah tersebut akan cukup untuk membatasi tekanan ekonomi. Indeks S&P 500 anjlok sekitar 6,3%,...

Saham AS jatuh pada Selasa karena peringatan perkiraan dari raksasa teknologi Apple memicu kekhawatiran terhadap virus corona serta dampaknya terhadap laba perusahaan dan ekonomi global. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 255 poin lebih rendah, atau 0,9%. Indeks juga bergerak turun...

Dow Jones Industrial Average turun untuk hari kedua karena investor mencermati pembaruan kebijakan terbaru Federal Reserve, di mana ia menaikkan waktu untuk kenaikan suku bunga dan memperkirakan inflasi yang lebih tinggi. Saham yang terkait dengan material memimpin kerugian karena langkah The Fed...

Pasar bersiap mengakhiri minggu yang berfluktuasi dengan S&P 500 menuju bulan terburuk sejak Maret 2020. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun sekitar 285 poin, atau 0,8%. S&P 500 turun 0,7%. Nasdaq Composite melemah 0,8%. Indeks utama telah mengalami perubahan besar setiap hari minggu ini...

Dow Jatuh 500 poin Terkait Aksi Jual Tajam
Saturday, 30 January 2021 00:21 WIB | Market update

Saham AS turun tajam pada Jumat ini karena perdagangan spekulatif yang meningkat oleh investor ritel terus membuat pasar tak menentu. Saham Dow Jones Industrial average kehilangan 520 poin, atau 1,7%. S&P 500 turun 1,7% karena semua 11 sektor diperdagangkan di zona merah. Nasdaq Composite...

Saham AS berada di bawah tekanan pada hari Kamis (16/6) karena rata-rata saham utama meraih kenaikan solid yang dibuat di sesi sebelumnya setelah Federal Reserve menaikkan suku bunga 75 basis poin, kenaikan terbesar sejak 1994. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 1,95%, atau 590 poin. S&P 500...

Saham AS jatuh pada hari Rabu ini, yang mengembalikan gain yang diraih pada sesi sebelumnya, setelah komentar pesimis dari Menteri Keuangan Steven Mnuchin yang mengurangi ekspektasi kesepakatan yang dicapai pada bantuan virus corona baru. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 200 poin, atau 0,7%....

Saham AS jatuh pada Kamis ini, yang megembalikan beberapa gain dari sesi sebelumnya yang menyebabkan dua dari tiga indeks utama menyentuh rekor tertinggi. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average turun sekitar 150 poin, atau 0,5%. S&P 500 turun 0,4% dan Nasdaq Composite turun 0,6%. Baik S&P 500...

Indeks saham acuan AS diperdagangkan bervariasi pada Selasa (8/3) pagi karena Presiden Joe Biden memutuskan untuk melarang impor minyak Rusia, menurut laporan, saat ia berusaha untuk meningkatkan tekanan pada Moskow sebagai pembalasan atas invasi tanpa alasan ke Ukraina, yang sekarang memasuki...

Bursa saham naik menuju rekor baru pada hari Senin karena para investor fokus pada laporan bahwa China akan memangkas tarif impor untuk daging babi beku, farmasi dan beberapa komponen teknologi tinggi mulai dari 1 Januari. Investor juga mengamati perkembangan Boeing, setelah komponen Dow...

Bursa saham AS jatuh pada hari Jumat (4/3), dengan data pekerjaan Februari mengalahkan perkiraan, tetapi investor fokus pada konflik yang memburuk antara Rusia dan Ukraina yang mengakibatkan kebakaran di pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir pada hari sebelumnya. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun...

Indeks saham AS sebagian besar diperdagangkan lebih rendah pada Selasa pagi, dengan tekanan kembali terlihat pada sektor teknologi karena investor terus mempertimbangkan apa arti pengangkatan kembali Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell untuk pengetatan kebijakan moneter. Dow Jones Industrial...

Saham A.S. berakhir di dekat posisi terendah sesi pada hari Jumat, dengan penurunan di Johnson & Johnson dan Boeing Co memberikan bagian terbesar dari tekanan untuk industri Dow. Dow ditutup turun 255 poin, atau 0,9%, pada level 26.770. Komponen Dow, Boeing, memangkas sekitar 170 poin dari...

Saham AS naik pada awal sesi Kamis karena investor fokus pada prospek paket stimulus fiskal baru di bawah pemerintahan Biden. S&P 500 naik 0,2% menjadi 3.818. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 122 poin, atau 0,4% menjadi 31.182, melewati rekor penutupan tertinggi di 3.1097,97 yang dicapai...

Saham AS bergerak lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis untuk memperpanjang reli selama seminggu, menuju untuk hari keempat berturut-turut seiring para investor mengalihkan fokus mereka dari meningkatnya korban virus korona ke perkembangan baru dalam hubungan perdagangan antara AS-China. Dow Jones...

Dow Jones Industrial Average menutup minggu dan hari ini di wilayah positif, menghentikan penurunan tiga sesi tetapi pasar yang lebih luas berakhir datar menjadi lebih rendah disaat investor menjadi gelisah tentang membeli ekuitas saat menuju akhir pekan. Tiga indeks ekuitas utama telah...

Saham AS berakhir lebih rendah pada hari Senin setelah investor dikejutkan oleh serangan drone pada fasilitas minyak Arab Saudi selama akhir pekan. S&P 500 turun 0,3% menjadi berakhir di sekitar level 2.998. Dow Jones Industrial Average merosot 143 poin, atau 0,5%, berakhir di dekat level...

Dow Hentikan Gain Beruntun 3-Sesinya
Thursday, 28 October 2021 03:51 WIB | Market update

Dow Raih Hentikan Gain Beruntun 3-Sesinya Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average dan S&P 500 berakhir lebih rendah pada Rabu (27/10), sementara Nasdaq berakhir datar, karena investor menyerap sejumlah besar laporan pendapatan dari teknologi kelas berat. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 266,19...

The Dow traded modestly higher on Friday, leaving it on track for a third straight record close as the major U.S. equity indexes headed for their seventh straight week in the green — what would be the longest winning stretch for the S&P 500 index since November 2017. The S&P 500 SPX was...

U.S. stock indexes traded higher Wednesday, with the Dow heading for an eight day winning streak, as earnings reports underpin investor sentiment, while traders hope that slowing inflation can help central banks soon stop increasing borrowing costs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 165...

Saham jatuh pada hari Jumat, menghapus gain sebelumnya, karena Wall Street memutuskan bulan yang bergejolak. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 12 poin lebih rendah, atau 0,04%. S&P 500 turun 0,15% sementara Nasdaq Composite diperdagangkan 0,5% lebih rendah. saham 30 Dow...

U.S. stocks rose Friday when the December jobs report showed that employment was only slightly stronger and wage gains were less than expected, showing some signs of progress amid the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes to tame inflation. The Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 255 points,...

U.S. stocks closed sharply higher on Thursday, with the Dow finishing at its highest level in about two months, a day before a flurry of banks are due to report quarterly earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose about 383 points, or 1.1%, ending near 34,030, its highest close since Feb....

U.S. stocks finished higher on Tuesday after investors parsed signs of a cooling labor market and waning consumer confidence, which could mitigate the need for more interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. The S&P 500 gained 64.44 points, or 1.5%, to 4,497.67, according to preliminary...

Saham AS lebih tinggi pada hari Rabu (21/7) karena ekuitas melanjutkan rebound dari penurunan sehari untuk memulai pekan ini. Laporan pendapatan yang lebih baik dari perkiraan dari anggota Dow Coca-Cola dan Johnson & Johnson menambah sentimen bullish. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 204...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Tuesday as rates ticked higher and Wall Street pored through the latest batch of fourth quarter earnings. Investors also awaited more data that can give better glimpse into the state of the American consumer. The Dow declined 210 points, or 0.6%. The S&P...

U.S. stocks closed mixed Wednesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average booking back-to-back losses after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s second day of congressional testimony on monetary policy. The Dow ended 0.2% lower, while the S&P 500 rose 0.1% and the Nasdaq Composite gained...

Stocks tanked on Wednesday after March inflation data came in hotter than expected, likely pushing off interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve that investors have been anticipating. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 363 points, or about 1%. The S&P 500 fell 1%, and the Nasdaq...

The stock market was set to end a winning week on a sour note as JPMorgan Chase led a decline in bank shares after it warned a recession was its base case for the year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 303 points, or 0.9%, on Friday morning, while the S&P 500 slid 1%. The Nasdaq...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 fell as Disney shares were under pressure and concerns around regional banks persisted. The S&P 500 declined 0.3% while the Nasdaq added 0.03% Thursday following a lower-than-expected wholesale inflation report and earnings from Disney. The Dow...

U.S. stocks fell Thursday after another hot inflation report, and a decline in jobless claims, showed the economy is holding up amid the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed 284 points, or 0.83%. The S&P 500 dipped 1.12% and the Nasdaq-Composite fell...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid Monday following a losing week, as traders weighed a rise in yields to multiyear highs. The 30-stock Dow lost 224 points, or nearly 0.7%. The S&P 500 hovered below the flatline, while the Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.3%. The benchmark 10-year Treasury...

Stocks fell on Friday as major U.S. banks kicked off the corporate earnings season while inflation and geopolitical concerns weighed on investors. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 225 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.7%, while the Nasdaq Composite pulled back by 0.9%. JPMorgan...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Monday as traders took a breather from a rally that brought the major U.S. stock benchmarks to record highs. The 30-stock average dipped 154 points, or 0.4%. The S&P 500 slipped 0.2% along with the Nasdaq Composite. Lyft shares climbed more than 6% after...

Stocks fell Tuesday, the first trading day of the year, as interest rates rebounded slightly and investors took some money off the table following a surprisingly strong 2023 that saw the S&P 500 rally 24%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 143 points, or 0.4%. The S&P 500 lost 0.6%,...

U.S. stocks ticked lower Tuesday, putting Wall Street on track to build on the previous session’s decline as the market eases from record levels. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 105 points, or 0.3%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.4%, and the Nasdaq Composite pulled back by 0.8%. AMD shares...

U.S. stocks fell Thursday after jobs data showed the labor market is still strong amid the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes to tame inflation. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 149 points, or 0.50%. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite slipped 0.51% and 0.64%, respectively. Stocks...

U.S. stocks fell Wednesday after Fitch downgraded the long-term rating for the U.S. and traders scrutinized the latest batch of second-quarter earnings results. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 146 points, or 0.4%. The S&P 500dipped 0.8%, and the Nasdaq Composite pulled back 1.1%. Fitch...

U.S. stocks ticked lower Wednesday as investors looked ahead to a key inflation report due later this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell for a third day in a row, losing 222 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.3%, while the Nasdaq Composite dipped 0.5%. Online marketplace eBay...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped for a second day Tuesday as a recent rally on Wall Street lost steam. The blue-chip index slid 68 points, or 0.2%. The S&P 500 traded up 0.2%, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.7%. GitLab popped 13% after the open-source software development platform...

Stocks fell Friday, building on this week’s losses, as Wall Street’s August struggles continue. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 113 points, or 0.3%. The S&P 500 slid 0.5%, and the Nasdaq Composted dropped 0.9%. All four of the major averages were on track for their fourth straight daily...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Wednesday as investors looked ahead to the Federal Reserve’s policy decision and subsequent press conference slated for the afternoon. The 30-stock average dipped 84 points, or 0.3%. The S&P 500 gained 0.4% while the Nasdaq Composite added 0.5%....

The Dow and S&P 500 closed lower on Tuesday to kick off a holiday-shortened week that has investors focused on mixed earnings reports from major banks. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed about 391 points Tuesday, or 1.1%, ending near 33,911, matching its biggest daily percentage drop since...

U.S. stocks retreated Tuesday as a decline in bank shares dampened investor sentiment. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 212 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite pulled back by 0.8%. Banks fell broadly after Moody’s downgraded the credit rating on...

Stocks were lower Monday even after U.S. legislators were able to come to a short-term agreement that staved off a government shutdown. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 275 points, or 0.8%. The S&P 500 traded down 0.6%, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.1%. Discover was the S&P...

Stocks slipped Thursday as investors were cautious ahead of key jobs data on Friday that could determine the next move for interest rates. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 168 points, or 0.5%. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite lost 0.7% and 0.8%, respectively. Shares of Clorox tumbled...

U.S. stocks were trimming gains in midday trade on Thursday after the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge proved largely in line with expectations for July, leaving investors looking ahead to Friday’s August jobs report. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 17 points, or less than 0.1%,...

U.S. stocks scored back-to-back gains on Monday in an attempt to claw back ground in a rough August for equities. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose about 213 points, or 0.6%, ending near 34,560, according to preliminary data from FactSet. The S&P 500 index closed 0.6% higher and the...

U.S. stocks closed mostly higher on Friday, capping off a week of gains before the Labor Day holiday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose about 116 points, or 0.3%, ending near 34,838, according to preliminary FactSet data, while the S&P 500 index gained 0.2% and the Nasdaq Composite Index...

U.S. stocks closed sharply lower Thursday, with the selloff deepening in afternoon trade as investors monitored tumbling bank stocks and waited on a highly anticipated month jobs report to help gauge how high interest rates may be headed. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell about 543 points, or...

Dow Ends 826 Points Higher Tuesday, Stocks Post Big Back-To-Back Gains U.S. stocks finished sharply higher on Tuesday, with the Dow rising about 826 points and posting its longest streak of back-to-back gains of more than 2% since May 2020, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The blue-chip index...

The Nasdaq closed higher for a fifth straight session on Thursday, but the major U.S. equity indexes still ended August with losses. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed about 169 points on Thursday, or 0.5%, ending near 34,721, according to preliminary FactSet data. The S&P 500 index fell...

U.S. stocks closed sharply higher Thursday, with all three major indexes posting their best day of gains since 2020 as investors cheered signs that U.S. inflation finally might be headed lower. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shot up about 1,198 points, or 3.7%, ending near 33,712, marking its...

U.S. stocks finished little-changed on Friday as the Dow Jones Industrial Average barely eked out a 10th straight daily gain to cement the blue chip gauge’s longest winning streak in nearly six years. The Nasdaq Composite, meanwhile, finished the session lower while capping off its second weekly...

U.S. stocks were mostly lower Thursday, with the Nasdaq Composite leading the way down as investors continued to fret over expectations the Federal Reserve will be forced to keep interest rates elevated for some time to wring out inflation. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 90 points, or...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell for a second day, continuing Wall Street’s lackluster start to the quarter, as bond yields increased and traders lowered expectations that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates in June. The 30-stock Dow dropped 490 points, or 1.2%. At its session low,...

U.S. stocks turned lower Friday as renewed selling on fears of a recession pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 400 points and the S&P 500 into correction territory. The 30 stock Dow fell 443 points, or 1.3%. The S&P 500 slipped 0.7% to its lowest level in five months...

U.S. stocks ended sharply lower Wednesday, with all 11 of the S&P 500's sectors falling, as higher interest rates and recession fears continued to weigh on the market as investors near the end of a bruising 2022. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed more than 350 points lower, falling...

Stocks fell Tuesday as traders kept an eye on rising Treasury yields, which hit a 16-year high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 360 points, or 1.1%. The S&P 500 slid 1.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite declined 1.6%. Stocks moved to their lows of the session as yields spiked further...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell for a second day, continuing Wall Street’s lackluster start to the quarter, as bond yields increased and traders lowered expectations that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates in June. The 30-stock Dow dropped 343 points, or 0.9%. The S&P 500 slid...

Stocks fell Friday as investors pulled back from positions in First Republic and other bank shares amid lingering concerns over the state of the U.S. banking sector. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 367 points, or 1.2%. The S&P 500 slid 1%, while the Nasdaq Composite was down...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped Monday to kick off the second quarter, with traders weighing fresh U.S. inflation data amid fears that the market rally could slow down. The Dow lost 265 points, or 0.7%, while the S&P 500 shed 0.3%. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite dipped...

U.S. stocks fell on Friday as traders evaluated September’s jobs report, which showed the unemployment rate continuing to decline and sparked an increase in interest rates. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 682 points, or 2.3%, to 29,264.39. The S&P 500 lost 3% to 3,642.68. The Nasdaq...

Stocks fell Thursday as a year-end sell-off returned to Wall Street following a brief respite this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 500 points or 1.5%. S&P 500 declined 1.97%, while the Nasdaq Composite was 2.83% lower. This decline follows a 526-point rally in the Dow on...

U.S. stocks fell Tuesday, resuming their 2024 struggles. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 255 points, or 0.7%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.5%, and the Nasdaq Composite pulled back nearly 0.5%. Several tech names were in the red Tuesday, taking back the sector’s whopping gains seen on Monday....

U.S. stocks fell on Thursday, building on Wednesday’s losses after the Federal Reserve delivered another interest rate hike and signaled that no pivot or rate cut will come anytime soon. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 273 points lower, or 0.85%. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite...

Saham AS menghapus kenaikan awal, berakhir turun tajam pada hari Rabu (1/12) setelah kasus COVID-19 AS pertama yang dikonfirmasi yang disebabkan oleh varian omicron ditemukan di California. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun sekitar 462 poin, atau 1,3%, menjadi ditutup di dekat 34.022, menurut...

Saham-saham AS berakhir lebih rendah pada hari Kamis karena pekan yang bergejolak untuk pasar ekuitas berlanjut. Kekhawatiran atas penyebaran global COVID-19 dan pengaruhnya terhadap ekonomi dan rantai pasokan terus menggantung di pasar, dengan saham transportasi sangat tertekan di sesi ini. Dow...

Saham AS berakhir dengan pelemahan tajam pada Jumat (11/2) setelah Penasihat Keamanan Nasional Gedung Putih Jake Sullivan memperingatkan bahwa invasi Rusia ke Ukraina bisa terjadi "kapan saja sekarang." Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 504 poin, atau 1,4%, menjadi ditutup di dekat 34.737,...

Saham AS naik ke rekor tertinggi pada hari Senin ini karena kenaikan kuat dalam pertumbuhan ketenagakerjaan AS dan data yang solid di sektor jasa meningkatkan ekspektasi untuk pemulihan ekonomi yang cepat dari pandemi. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 373,98 poin menjadi 33.527,19, rekor...

Saham AS berakhir di level tertinggi lebih dari tiga minggu pada hari Selasa, karena investor menyambut laporan pendapatan perusahaan yang sebagian besar optimis, sambil mempertimbangkan implikasi dari kesepakatan perdagangan antara AS-China parsial yang diumumkan Jumat lalu dan kemungkinan...

Saham AS reli pada hari Jumat (9/9) karena Wall Street mengakhiri kinerja mingguan yang kuat, pulih dari penurunan yang disebabkan oleh Federal Reserve. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 377,19 poin, atau sekitar 1,19% menjadi 32.151,71. Indeks S&P 500 melonjak 1,53% menjadi 4.067,36, dan...

Saham AS berakhir dengan keuntungan yang kuat pada Jumat ini, menguatkan minggu positif, karena investor tampaknya merasa nyaman dalam sebuah laporan bahwa perlakuan COVID-19 menjanjikan dan Gedung Putih menguraikan rencana untuk mulai membuka kembali bagian-bagian ekonomi. Dow Jones Industrial...

Saham AS melemah pada hari Senin, tetapi berakhir di atas posisi terendah sesi, seiring para investor menurunkan ekspektasi untuk penurunan suku bunga menyusul laporan pekerjaan bulan Juni yang kuat pada minggu lalu. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 115,98 poin, atau 0,4%, menjadi ditutup pada...

Optimisme ekonomi membantu saham AS naik untuk sesi keempat berturut-turut pada hari Jumat, dengan ketiga indeks utama ditutup pada level rekor. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 239 poin atau 0,7%, dan ditutup di atas 35.000—pencapaian yang sudah didekati enam kali sebelumnya. S&P 500 dan...

Saham AS menurun tajam dalam perdagangan yang tidak stabil pada Kamis ini karena gejolak pada sektor teknologi - sektor dengan kinerja terbaik di pasar - dilanjutkan setelah jeda satu hari. Dow Jones Industrial Average ditutup 405,89 poin lebih rendah, atau 1,45%, pada level 27.534,58. Di awal...

S&P 500 dan Dow Jones Industrial Average berada di dekat garis datar pada hari Jumat (24/9), mengakhiri minggu yang bergejolak di Wall Street. Langkah China untuk melarang cryptocurrency membebani sektor teknologi dan saham Nike jatuh terkait masalah rantai pasokan yang berasal dari pandemi...

Saham AS dibuka lebih rendah pada hari Senin (19/9), berada di jalur penurunan untuk hari ketiga, seiring para investor menunggu keputusan dari Federal Reserve, yang diperkirakan akan menaikkan suku bunga lainnya pada hari Rabu. Indeks S&P 500 turun 31 poin, atau 0,8%, menjadi 3.841. Dow...

Saham AS dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada hari Jumat karena para investor tertekan dengan laporan pekerjaan yang sebagian besar sejalan dengan ekspektasi terhadap meningkatnya ketegangan perdagangan minggu ini, mengikuti janji Presiden Donald Trump untuk mengenakan tariff untuk impor tambahan pada...

Indeks saham AS dibuka sedikit lebih tinggi pada Rabu pagi seiring para investor menunggu pandangan terbaru Federal Reserve tentang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan prospek inflasi. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 0,3% pada level 28.084, indeks S&P 500 menguat 0,3% pada level 3.412, sedangkan Indeks...

Indeks saham acuan AS naik dengan kuat pada Kamis (14/10) pagi, naik disaat parade bank-bank besar merilis pendapatan optimis dan data menunjukkan penurunan klaim pengangguran pertama kali ke level terendah sejak pandemi dimulai dan kenaikan harga produsen yang lebih kecil dari perkiraan. Dow...

Saham AS naik pada hari Selasa karena investor berusaha untuk memulihkan beberapa kerugian dari sesi sebelumnya, yang merupakan pasar terburuk dalam dua tahun. Namun, beberapa ahli mendesak agar berhati-hati mengingat ketidakpastian seputar virus Korona. Dow Jones Industrial Average...

Dow Jones Industrial Average dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin karena optimisme tentang vaksin Covid-19 dan pembukaan kembali ekonomi terus memberikan dukungan luas untuk pasar. Dow naik sekitar 60 poin dan berada pada kecepatan terbaik dari rekor penutupannya pada hari Jumat. S&P 500...

Saham AS dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin (21/6), mencoba untuk rebound setelah pergeseran hawkish oleh pembuat kebijakan Federal Reserve memicu aksi jual minggu lalu yang berkontribusi pada penurunan mingguan 3,5% oleh Dow Jones Industrial Average, yang terbesar sejak Oktober lalu. Dow naik...

Indeks saham AS bergerak lebih tinggi pada pembukaan hari Jumat, tetapi menuju pencatatan kerugian mingguan, seiring para investor menunggu pertemuan antara Presiden Donald Trump dan Xi Jinping pada KTT G20 di Jepang, di mana Wall Street akan mengawasi resolusi perbedaan perdagangan. Dow Jones...

Saham AS dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin, dengan New York, salah satu kota yang paling terkena dampak dari coronavirus, akan dibuka kembali, menyusul laporan ketenagakerjaan bulan Mei yang menunjukkan bahwa kerusakan pasar tenaga kerja akibat lockdown mungkin tidak berlangsung lama seperti...

Saham AS jatuh pada awal perdagangan hari Kamis setelah data ekonomi China yang mengecewakan dan klaim pengangguran AS yang meningkat menggarisbawahi perjuangan yang dihadapi oleh ekonomi global karena terlihat pulih dari pandemi COVID-19. Indeks S&P 500 turun 0,8% ke level 3.202. Dow Jones...

Indeks saham AS pada hari Selasa dibuka sedikit lebih rendah, dengan Dow Jones Industrial Average berisiko terhadap kinerja kuartalan terburuk dalam sejarah, karena investor telah berurusan dengan dampak pandemi global. Dow turun 118 poin, atau 0,5%, pada level 22.242, Indeks S&P 500 melemah...

Saham AS dibuka dengan pelemahan tajam pada hari Senin, karena kekhawatiran dampak dari penyebaran virus korona global mendera aset berisiko. Dow Jones Industrial Average dibuka sekitar 906 poin, 3,1%, lebih rendah, sedangkan S&P 500 turun 71 poin atau 2,1%. Indeks Nasdaq Composite merosot...

Saham AS dibuka melemah tajam pada hari Kamis di tengah meningkatnya kekhawatiran atas prospek yang tidak pasti untuk pertumbuhan AS dan kenaikan kasus COVID-19 di beberapa negara. S&P 500 turun 2,4% ke level 3.112. Dow Jones Industrial Average merosot 771 poin, atau 2,9% ke level 26.219....

Saham AS turun pada bel pembukaan hari Selasa setelah pemerintahan Trump menempatkan delapan perusahaan China dalam daftar hitam, mengancam akan menaungi negosiasi perdagangan pada akhir pekan ini. S&P 500 turun 0,7% menjadi sekitar level 2.918. Dow Jones Industrial Average melemah 237 poin,...

Saham AS dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin setelah Presiden Donald Trump mengatakan Beijing tertarik untuk kembali ke meja perundingan, memperkuat harapan untuk meredakan ketegangan perdagangan. S&P 500 naik 0,8% ke level 2.870. Dow Jones Industrial Average menguat 276 poin, atau 1%,...

Saham AS dibuka dengan penurunan tajam pada Senin (28/2) karena investor mengkaji babak baru sanksi terhadap Rusia oleh AS dan sekutunya sebagai tanggapan atas invasi Moskow ke Ukraina. Pembicaraan antara pejabat Ukraina dan Rusia di perbatasan Ukraina-Rusia juga menjadi fokus. Dow Jones...

Saham AS naik pada awal perdagangan Jumat ini karena pasar mengamati laporan pekerjaan serius yang menunjukkan ekonomi AS kehilangan 20,5 juta pekerjaan pada April sementara tingkat pengangguran melonjak menjadi 14,7%, meskipun data lebih baik daripada yang ditakutkan. Dow Jones Industrial...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed higher on Thursday, a day after it marked an above 37,000 close for the first time ever, as the 10-year Treasury tumbled below 4% and a surprise gain in retail sales gave investors further confidence 2024 would bring a soft economic landing. The 30-stock...

Saham AS sedikit berubah pada Rabu (29/12) pagi pasca sesi yang bervariasi karena para pedagang terus mengkaji ancaman varian omicron Covid-19. Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan di dekat garis datar. S&P 500 bergerak sedikit lebih tinggi dan Nasdaq Composite naik 0,2%. AS telah...

U.S. stocks fell sharply Thursday after new data showed retail sales fell more than expected in November, raising fears that the Federal Reserve’s relentless interest rate hikes are tipping the economy into a recession. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 763.54 points, or 2.25%, in its worst...

U.S. stocks dropped Tuesday as higher rates continue to pressure market sentiment, and the latest batch of retail earnings raised concern about the state of the consumer. The Dow Jones Industrial Averagedropped 696 points, or 2.0%, its worst downturn since Dec. 15, when it fell 2.3%. The S&P...

U.S. stocks were lower on Wednesday — following recent market gains — as results of the midterm elections provided no clear answers about who would control Congress yet. A crypto selloff also weighed on markets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 646.89 points, or about 1.95%, to 32,513.94....

The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped Monday, clawing back some of the steep losses from the previous week, as traders looked ahead to a highly anticipated Federal Reserve meeting and new inflation data. The blue-chip Dow added 528.58 points, or 1.58%, to 34,005.04. That was its first close...

Stocks rose on Tuesday as strong earnings and encouraging inflation data pushed the S&P 500 to its best January since 2019. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 369.21 points, or 1.1%. The S&P 500 gained 1.47% to 4,076.66. The Nasdaq Composite added 1.67% to 11,584.55, notching its best...

Stocks tumbled Friday as tech-focused lender Silicon Valley Bank shut down after losses in its bond portfolio. It marked the biggest bank failure since the global financial crisis and sent shockwaves through the banking sector. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was last down 436 points, or 1.3%,...

Stocks dipped Tuesday as investors digested a lackluster forecast from Home Depot. Wall Street also turned its attention to a meeting between congressional leaders and President Joe Biden on the U.S. debt ceiling. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed below its 50-day average for the first time...

U.S. stocks fell Thursday as a year-end sell-off returned to Wall Street following a brief respite this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 348 points, or 1.04%, after falling as much as 803.05 points earlier in the session. S&P 500 declined 1.44%, while the Nasdaq Composite was 2.18%...

Stocks rose Tuesday as the Federal Reserve kicked off its two-day policy meeting. Traders also kept an eye on Nvidia following key announcements from the tech giant. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 320.33 points, or 0.83%. The 30-stock benchmark registered its best day since Feb. 22. The...

U.S. stocks fell Monday as Treasury yields spiked higher on concerns that the Federal Reserve may not cut rates as much as expected. Lackluster results from McDonald’s also dampened investor sentiment. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 230 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 slipped 0.2%,...

U.S. stocks dipped slightly Wednesday after the Federal Reserve raised rates by 25 basis points, as was widely expected. The central bank also signaled it could pause rate hikes through a change in its statement. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded down 277 points, or 0.8%.The S&P 500 and...

U.S. stocks dropped Friday as investors continued to sell into year-end on fears a recession is ahead next year because of the Federal Reserve’s unrelenting rate hiking. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 224 points, or 0.93%. The S&P 500 fell 1.1%. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Tuesday as bond yields ticked higher and Wall Street pored through the latest batch of fourth-quarter earnings. The Dow declined 231.86 points, or 0.62%, to close at 37,361.12. The S&P 500 slipped 0.37% to end at 4,765.98, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Tuesday as traders wrapped up a tough month for the stock market. The blue-chip average lost about 204 points, or 0.6%, while the S&P 500 shed 0.1% and the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.2%. Tuesday marks the last day of February. Despite a solid start to the...

Stocks slipped Monday to start a shortened trading week as the rally that brought Wall Street to record levels took a breather. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 162.26 points, or 0.41%, closing at 39,313.64. The S&P 500 dipped 0.31% to finish at 5,218.19, while the Nasdaq Composite was...

U.S. stocks closed higher Wednesday, with investors awaiting the release of fresh U.S. inflation data and earnings. The S&P 500 rose 0.57%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 170.57 points, or 0.45%. The Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.75%. Intuitive Surgical and Lennar led the broad...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 200 points Thursday after the release of hotter-than-expected U.S. inflation data sent Treasury yields higher, while Nvidia shares were under pressure. The 30-stock Dow pulled back 183 points, or 0.4%. The Nasdaq Composite fell 0.3% while the S&P...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped Friday as traders parsed through the first batch of fourth-quarter earnings and digested the second in a pair of closely watched inflation reports this week. The Dow traded 117 points lower, or about 0.3%. The S&P 500 ended the day higher by 0.08%, and...

Stocks rose Wednesday as Wall Street clawed back some of the steep losses suffered in the previous session. The S&P 500 advanced 0.96% to finish at 5,000.62, while the Nasdaq Composite climbed 1.3% to settle at 15,859.15. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 151.52 points, or 0.4%, closing...

Stocks fell Wednesday as Treasury yields tracked higher following the release of stronger-than-expected U.S. economic data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined about 94 points, or 0.25%, to close at 37,266.67. This marked the third straight day of losses for the 30-stock index. The S&P...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Wednesday, building on the steep losses from the previous session, as an uptick in Treasury yields and oil prices dented investor sentiment. The 30-stock index fell about 68 points, or 0.2%. Earlier in the session, it was up as much as 112 points. The S&P...

U.S. stocks fell on Monday, as traders took a breather after the major averages posted a four-week winning streak. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed 56.68 points, or 0.16%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.2%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite ticked lower by 0.07%. Wall Street is coming off its...

U.S. stocks wavered on Tuesday as a recent rally on Wall Street lost steam. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 70 points, or 0.2%. The S&P 500 hovered around its flatline. The Nasdaq Composite gained 0.2% as technology shares outperformed. GitLab jumped more than 11% after the open-source...

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday, resuming their November rally, as comments from a Federal Reserve official raised hope that the central bank may not need to raise interest rates further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added about 83 points, or 0.2%, while the S&P 500 inched higher by 0.1%. The...

Stocks rose Tuesday as Wall Street shook off a surprise move from the Bank of Japan that sent global bond yields up. Investors also overlooked fears that a year-end rally may not come to pass. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 92.20 points, or 0.28%, to close at 32,849.74. The S&P 500...

The Dow rose slightly Monday, as Wall Street fought to hold onto last week’s gains and investors braced for a busy week of economic news. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 40.47 points, or 0.12%, to settle at 33,431.44. The S&P 500 added 0.07% to end at 4,048.42, while the Nasdaq...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed higher Tuesday, notching its longest winning streak in more than six years as traders weighed the latest earnings reports. The Dow rose by roughly 26.83 points, or 0.08%, to 35,438.07. The S&P 500 added 0.28% to 4,567.46. The Nasdaq Composite advanced...

Stocks tanked on Wednesday after March inflation data came in hotter than expected, likely pushing off interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve that investors have been anticipating. Investor sentiment was further dampened following the release of March’s Fed meeting minutes, which reflected...

Stocks slumped Friday, capping off a volatile week of trading, a day after posting a historic turnaround rally as investors digested inflation expectations. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 403.89 points, or 1.34%, to end the day at 29,634.83. Still, the index was up 1.15% on the week. The...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped on Friday, but clinched its best week of the year after back-to-back record-setting sessions. The Dow dipped 305.47 points, or 0.77%, to close at 39,475.90. The S&P 500 inched lower by 0.14% to end at 5,234.18. The Nasdaq Composite added 0.16% and...

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday, after the major averages snapped a three-day decline, as traders awaited key inflation data slated for release later in the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced 316 points, or 0.9%. The S&P 500 traded higher by about 0.7%, while the Nasdaq Composite gained...

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday as investors focused on a fresh slate of earnings reports, and traders monitored the latest moves in Treasury yields. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 230 points, or 0.7%. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.8% and 1%. Coca-Cola reported earnings...

Tech companies, led by Apple, powered the market Thursday and pulled the major averages into positive territory. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 201.94 points, or 0.54%, rebounding from its 143.72 point loss earlier in the trading session. The 30-stock index finished the trading session at...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose Monday as Wall Street tried to recover from a losing week. The positive reversal came as investors prepared for a slate of inflation data later in the week and braced for the start of the second-quarter earnings season. The 30-stock Dow traded 209.52 points...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Friday as strong earnings results from some of the biggest banks and companies kicked off earnings season. The 30-stock Dow added 114 points, or 0.3%. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite declined 0.1% and about 0.2%, respectively. Wall Street is...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished higher Tuesday as investors parsed through the latest batch of corporate earnings reports for insight into the state of the economy. The Dow gained 140.40 points, or 0.31%, to close at 33,733.96. The S&P 500 dipped 0.07% to settle at 4,016.95, while...

Dow Jones Industrial Average pada hari Rabu berakhir pada level tertinggi sepanjang masa dan Nasdaq Composite membukukan penurunan terpanjang sejak pertengahan Oktober, di tengah kekhawatiran tentang kenaikan inflasi dan kemungkinan terjadinya penarikan kembali kebijakan moneter karena ekonomi...

Wall Street diperdagangkan dengan besar-besaran pada hari Rabu, dengan Dow mencatat penurunan satu hari terbesar sejak Oktober 2018 karena para investor tertekan oleh meningkatnya kekhawatiran tentang resesi setelah kurva imbal hasil keuangan AS untuk sementara waktu membalik untuk pertama kalinya...

Dow Jones Industrial Average membukukan penurunan kecil pada hari Senin (7/6), setelah sempat melampaui penutupan tertinggi sepanjang masa, sementara Nasdaq Composite dan indeks saham kecil Russell 2000 berakhir lebih tinggi karena investor menunggu lebih banyak data tentang langkah pemulihan...


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