

Indeks utama Wall Street naik pada hari pertama kuartal keempat di hari Kamis karena investor bertaruh pada lebih banyak stimulus fiskal setelah data menunjukkan pemulihan di pasar tenaga kerja yang melambat. Jumlah orang Amerika yang mengajukan tunjangan pengangguran turun menjadi 837.000 pada...

Indeks utama Wall Street turun pada hari Jumat ketika periode pertumbuhan ketenagakerjaan terpanjang yang tercatat di Amerika Serikat terhenti dengan tiba-tiba, dengan data yang menunjukkan bahwa ratusan ribu orang kehilangan pekerjaan bulan lalu karena virus korona. Laporan Departemen Tenaga...

Saham A.S. turun dari rekor tertingginya pada hari Senin, terbebani oleh saham teknologi menjelang laporan pendapatan perusahaan besar termasuk Apple, yang akan menguji dampak dari ketegangan perdagangan terhadap pertumbuhan global, menjelang pertemuan penetapan kebijakan Federal Reserve. Sektor...

Wall Street melayang mendekati rekor tertinggi pada Kamis ketika Menteri Keuangan AS Steven Mnuchin mengatakan Washington dan Beijing akan menandatangani kesepakatan perdagangan awal pada awal Januari, dengan para pedagang juga mengabaikan dakwaan Presiden Donald Trump. Dalam sebuah wawancara...

Indeks utama Wall Street turun pada hari Kamis (18/2) karena investor memantau laporan dari perusahaan besar terkait teknologi, sementara kenaikan tak terduga dalam klaim pengangguran mingguan menunjukkan pemulihan yang rapuh di pasar tenaga kerja. Saham Apple Inc, Microsoft Corp, Tesla Inc dan...

Saham AS jatuh pada pembukaan di hari Jumat setelah Presiden Donald Trump mengancam akan memberlakukan tarif baru di China atas krisis coronavirus, sementara Apple dan Amazon menjadi perusahaan terbaru yang paling berdampak di masa depan. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 224,94 poin, atau...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada hari Jumat karena kekhawatiran yang tumbuh atas stimulus yang memudar dan pukulan terhadap ekonomi dari meningkatnya infeksi virus korona. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 45,66 poin, atau 0,15%, pada pembukaan ke level...

Indeks utama Wall Street jatuh untuk sesi keenam berturut-turut dan menyelinap ke wilayah koreksi pada hari Kamis, karena penyebaran yang cepat dari virus corona di luar China mengintensifkan kekhawatiran tentang pukulan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pendapatan perusahaan. Indeks S&P 500...

Indeks utama Wall Street terdiam pada pembukaan pada hari Rabu karena investor mengamati tanda-tanda bahwa Washington hampir menyetujui paket bantuan virus korona berikutnya untuk mendukung pemulihan ekonomi yang rapuh. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 38,13 poin, atau 0,13%, pada pembukaan ke...

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq lost ground on Friday after touching record highs, with high-flying chip stocks going into reverse and a labor market report that showed more new jobs than expected while the unemployment rate also unexpectedly rose. The S&P and Nasdaq briefly hit intraday...

U.S. stocks closed lower on Monday, as investors were wary of making riskier bets after Russia's aborted weekend mutiny. Investors were uncertain about the implications of the rebellion by Russian mercenaries that raised questions about President Vladimir Putin's future. While Putin on Monday...

Saham AS dibuka sedikit lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis setelah laporan kuartalan yang kuat dari Apple dan Facebook tetapi ketidakpastian di sekitar kesepakatan perdagangan potensial antara Amerika Serikat dan China membatasi kenaikan. Saham Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 1,68 poin, atau 0,01%,...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Thursday on hopes that the Federal Reserve's policy tightening was ending and the world's largest economy was heading for a soft landing, while Meta Platforms jumped on strong third-quarter revenue forecast. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 38.67...

U.S. stocks closed higher after a choppy trading session on Tuesday, as investors digested comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell about how long central bank may need to tame inflation. Powell said 2023 should be a year of "significant declines in inflation." His comments fed investor...

Indeks saham AS naik pada hari Rabu (7/9) menyusul aksi jual baru-baru ini karena imbal hasil obligasi berkurang, sementara fokus investor tepat pada rencana pengetatan kebijakan moneter Federal Reserve. Indeks Nasdaq yang padat teknologi memimpin kenaikan di antara indeks utama, berusaha...

Indeks utama Wall Street bangkit kembali pada hari Senin setelah mengalami kerugian mingguan tertajam sejak Maret, karena investor bersiap untuk minggu yang penuh acara yang berpusat di sekitar pemilihan presiden AS. Pelaku pasar mengharapkan gejolak perdagangan jangka pendek dan perubahan...

The S&P 500 ended higher on Thursday as hotter-than-expected economic data eased worries about a recession without raising fears of a Federal Reserve rate hike next week, while Arm Holdings soared in its stock market debut. SoftBank's Arm (ARM.O) was valued at nearly $60 billion in a strong...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Friday on optimism that a deal to avoid a catastrophic U.S. debt default could be reached over the weekend. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 47.04 points, or 0.14%, at the open to 33,582.95. The S&P 500 opened higher by 6.10 points, or 0.15%,...

Saham AS naik pada hari Senin (22/3)karena saham teknologi rebound dari penurunan baru-baru ini yang dipicu oleh lonjakan imbal hasil obligasi, sementara Tesla melonjak karena dana yang dijalankan oleh investor berpengaruh mengatakan saham pembuat mobil listrik itu bisa mencapai $ 3.000 dalam tiga...

Saham AS merosot pada hari Selasa karena perdagangan AS dan Cina mengkhawatirkan saham teknologi, sementara skala konsensus di Federal Reserve mendukung pemotongan suku bunga yang lebih dalam mendorong optimisme yang membuat pasar ke rekor tertinggi minggu lalu. Hasil Apple Inc setelah pasar...

Penurunan dalam sektor teknologi mendorong indeks utama Wall Street lebih rendah pada hari Jumat, karena tanda-tanda memburuknya hubungan perdagangan antara Amerika Serikat dan Cina kian menambah kekhawatiran ekonomi karena pandemi coronavirus yang baru. Pemerintahan Trump bergerak untuk...

Indeks utama Wall Street jatuh pada hari Rabu karena data menunjukkan aktivitas bisnis domestik melambat pada bulan September, meskipun rekor tertinggi untuk Nike menyusul laporan pendapatan kuartalan yang kuat membatasi penurunan pada indeks blue-chip Dow. Sembilan dari 11 indeks utama S&P...

Hasil yang kurang bagus dari Tesla dan 3M menyeret indeks utama Wall Street lebih rendah pada hari Selasa (27/4), mengalihkan fokus investor ke laporan pendapatan dari perusahaan teknologi besar, termasuk Microsoft dan Alphabet, di kemudian hari. Pembuat mobil listrik Tesla Inc turun 3%,...

Indeks utama Wall Street menghapus sebagian dari kenaikan tajam minggu ini pada hari Jumat karena investor menunggu hasil pemilu, sementara laporan gaji bulanan menggarisbawahi tantangan ekonomi yang dihadapi presiden Amerika berikutnya. Joe Biden dari Partai Demokrat mengambil alih kepemimpinan...

Saham AS melonjak pada hari Selasa karena investor berharap pemenang yang jelas akan muncul dari pemilihan presiden AS dan hasil yang tertunda, atau diperebutkan, akan dihindari. Dow Jones Industrial Average diperdagangkan 674 poin lebih tinggi, atau 2,5%. S&P 500 naik 2,3% dan Nasdaq...

Indeks utama Wall Street naik pada hari Senin (26/4) karena pembuat mobil listrik Tesla menguat jelang laporan pendapatannya, memulai hasil minggu ini dari perusahaan teknologi kelas berat. Tesla Inc naik 1,3% karena analis memperkirakan perusahaan tersebut akan melaporkan kenaikan pendapatan...

Wall Street naik untuk ketiga kalinya dalam empat hari pada hari Kamis ketika Federal Reserve AS meluncurkan program besar-besaran $ 2,3 triliun untuk mendukung pemerintah dan bisnis lokal, sementara harga minyak naik karena ekspektasi penurunan drastis dalam output. Dalam apa yang tampaknya...

Pasar saham AS dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin karena lebih banyak negara bagian bersiap untuk mengurangi pembatasan yang disebabkan oleh corona virus dan investor menunggu laporan pendapatan kuartalan dari perusahaan termasuk Apple dan Microsoft pada akhir pekan ini. Dow Jones Industrial...

Indeks utama Wall Street menguat pada hari Selasa karena investor memanfaatkan kemerosotan sesi sebelumnya, sambil menunggu hasil pemilihan putaran kedua Senat Georgia, yang akan menentukan keseimbangan kekuasaan di Washington. Jajak pendapat terbaru dari situs 538 data di sini memberikan sedikit...

Indeks utama Wall Street naik pada hari Rabu karena kekhawatiran perlambatan ekonomi global ditenangkan oleh data ekonomi yang kuat dari China, sementara meredakan ketegangan di Hong Kong menambahkan suasana optimis. Aktivitas di sektor jasa China meluas dengan laju tercepat dalam tiga bulan pada...

Saham AS naik pada hari Jumat (19/2), dibantu oleh siklus kenaikan pada sektor yang sensitif terhadap ekonomi, dengan S&P 500 dan Nasdaq di jalur untuk mengakhiri minggu dengan catatan yang mengecewakan karena beberapa investor keluar dari perusahaan terkait teknologi. Tujuh dari 11 sektor...

Wall Street menguat pada hari Kamis, dengan indeks S&P 500 dan Nasdaq mendekati level tertinggi satu bulan di tengah laporan pendapatan yang optimis dari Netflix dan Morgan Stanley, sementara para investor menyambut kesepakatan awal Inggris dengan Uni Eropa. Perdana Menteri Inggris Boris...

Wall Street mencapai level rekor pada hari Kamis karena pelaku pasar bertaruh pada lebih banyak bantuan virus korona di bawah Kongres AS yang dikendalikan oleh Demokrat untuk membantu ekonomi keluar dari penurunan tajam yang disebabkan pandemi. Sektor keuangan yang terkait ekonomi melonjak 2,1%,...

Saham AS dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin dengan indeks S&P 500 bergerak mendekati rekor tertinggi karena para pengecer bersiap untuk mengakhiri musim pendapatan kuartalan yang lebih baik dari yang ditakuti. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 39,03 poin, atau 0,14%, dibuka pada level...

Saham-saham A.S. memangkas kerugian pada hari Senin setelah komentar dari penasihat ekonomi Gedung Putih Larry Kudlow meredakan kegelisahan tentang hasil dari pembicaraan perdagangan tingkat tinggi yang dijadwalkan dengan China pada akhir pekan ini, dengan pembuat chip Nvidia mendorong kenaikan...

Saham AS memangkas kenaikan pada awal perdagangan Kamis ini, dengan S&P 500 terperosok di sesi yang rendah, setelah harapan kesepakatan perdagangan terganggu oleh komentar penasihat ekonomi Gedung Putih Larry Kudlow bahwa Washington dapat bergerak maju dengan tarif lebih banyak pada...

Saham AS melonjak pada hari Kamis, memberikan S&P 500 kenaikan persentase satu hari terbesar dalam sekitar dua bulan, karena imbal hasil obligasi naik sehari setelah jatuh tajam sementara data ekonomi yang lebih baik dari perkiraan di Amerika Serikat dan China membantu mengimbangi kekhawatiran...

Indeks utama Wall Street melonjak pada hari Selasa ketika pemulihan harga minyak mengangkat saham energi yang terpukul dan sejumlah negara melonggarkan pembatasan yang disebabkan oleh coronavirus dalam upaya untuk menghidupkan kembali ekonomi mereka. Beberapa negara yang terpukul, termasuk...

Pasar saham AS melonjak pada pembukaan di hari Selasa pada putaran lain dari laporan pendapatan kuartalan yang optimis, bahkan ketika investor bersiap untuk kemungkinan penurunan data kepercayaan konsumen di kemudian hari. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 223,39 poin, atau 0,93%, pada pembukaan...

Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa karena persetujuan resmi untuk transisi Presiden terpilih Joe Biden ke Gedung Putih untuk mengakhiri minggu ketidakpastian politik, sementara Tesla melonjak 3,3% untuk melewati $ 500 miliar kapitalisasi pasar untuk pertama kalinya. Dow Jones...

Indeks utama Wall Street melonjak pada hari Rabu, dipimpin oleh saham industri dan teknologi, karena para pejabat menghidupkan kembali gagasan paket stimulus fiskal yang akan segera terjadi, sementara data yang optimis menunjukkan pemulihan ekonomi domestik yang berada di jalurnya. Ketua Dewan...

Saham AS melonjak pada hari Senin, bangkit kembali dari penurunan mingguan terpanjang dalam setahun untuk S&P 500 dan Dow, dengan saham teknologi, bank, dan perjalanan memimpin kenaikan. 11 Sektor utama S&P 500 naik di awal perdagangan. Indeks keuangan S&P 500 melonjak 2,6% dan berada...

Indeks utama Wall Street jatuh pada hari Rabu setelah Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell memperingatkan periode pertumbuhan yang lemah dan pendapatan yang stagnan karena pandemi coronavirus. Akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama bagi ekonomi AS untuk kembali ke tempatnya semula, kata Powell dalam...

Saham AS bergerak lebih rendah dalam perdagangan berombak pada hari Selasa setelah kenaikan substansial sehari sebelumnya, dengan investor mengalihkan fokus mereka ke debat presiden AS di kemudian hari. Delapan dari 11 sektor utama S&P 500 melemah, dengan saham energi dan keuangan memimpin...

Saham AS dibuka lebih rendah pada hari Kamis karena kenaikan tak terduga dalam klaim pengangguran mingguan memperburuk kekhawatiran pemulihan ekonomi yang terhenti, sehari setelah Menteri Keuangan Steven Mnuchin memupuskan harapan untuk lebih banyak bantuan fiskal sebelum pemilihan. Dow Jones...

Saham AS jatuh ke level terendah satu bulan pada Jumat pasca meningkatnya ketegangan perdagangan AS dan China pada Juli, laporan pekerjaan memperbaharui kekhawatiran perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatkan spekulasi pemotongan suku bunga lebih lanjut tahun ini. Presiden Donald Trump pada...

Indeks utama Wall Street jatuh pada perdagangan hari Kamis (8/7) karena penyebaran varian Delta COVID-19 menimbulkan keraguan atas pemulihan ekonomi, sementara penurunan pada saham teknologi China tampaknya telah menyebar ke seluruh pasar. Investor secara global menjadi waspada terhadap risiko....

Indeks saham A.S. turun dari rekor tertinggi pada pembukaan hari Senin (26/7) karena perusahaan-perusahaan China yang terdaftar secara lokal jatuh terhadap peraturan yang lebih ketat di daratan China, menandai awal yang buruk untuk minggu ini jelang laporan pendapatan teknologi dan pertemuan...

U.S. stocks finished higher on Friday after a strong jobs report reinforced the view that the economy remains healthy even as it suggested the Federal Reserve could delay cutting interest rates. All major S&P 500 sectors advanced, with communication services, industrials and technology among...

Wall Street's three main stock indexes closed sharply higher on Thursday on hopes that the U.S. Federal Reserve has reached the end of its interest rate hiking campaign while a batch of upbeat quarterly financial updates added to the bullish mood. The Fed held interest rates steady on Wednesday...

U.S. stocks finished sharply higher on Friday as talks on raising the U.S. debt ceiling progressed, while chip stocks surged for a second straight day on optimism about artificial intelligence. After several rounds of talks, U.S. President Joe Biden and top congressional Republican Kevin McCarthy...

Wall Street's main indexes struggled for direction on Thursday, with a hotter-than-expected inflation print dampening hopes of early rate cuts, while U.S. regulatory approval for exchange-traded funds tracking spot bitcoin lifted crypto stocks. The benchmark S&P 500 briefly surpassed its...

Wall Street's three major stock indexes on Thursday registered record closing highs for the second day in a row after the Federal Reserve reassured investors about the prospects for rate cuts this year while chip stocks rallied after Micron Technology's upbeat forecast. Shares in Micron...

U.S. stocks closed slightly higher on Wednesday, as fresh inflation data reinforced investor hopes that the Federal Reserve is done raising interest rates, while retail stocks were boosted by an upbeat forecast from Target . Shares in Target surged after the retailer forecast a fourth-quarter...

Wall Street closed lower on Friday, marking the end of a tumultuous week dominated by an unfolding crisis in the banking sector and the gathering storm clouds of possible recession. All three indexes ended the session deep in negative territory, with financial stocks (.SPNY) down the most among...

U.S. stocks ended sharply lower on Friday as chipmakers dropped on concerns about weak consumer demand, while rising Treasury yields pressured Amazon and other megacap growth companies. Chip equipment makers Applied Materials, Lam Research and KLA Corp all dropped after Reuters reported TSMC had...

U.S. stocks ended sharply lower on Thursday as Federal Reserve officials took a cautious approach in comments on the outlook for interest rate cuts, while investors braced for Friday's key U.S. monthly jobs report. Investors also weighed comments by U.S. President Joe Biden, who called for an...

Wall Street ended sharply higher on Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank might scale back the pace of its interest rate hikes as soon as December. The S&P 500 rallied from an earlier loss and the Nasdaq jumped after the release of Powell's remarks prepared...

Wall Street ended mixed on Thursday as a selloff in Salesforce weighed on the Dow, while traders digested U.S. data that suggested the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes are working. On Wednesday, the S&P 500 surged over 3% on optimism the Fed might moderate its campaign of interest rate...

Wall Street finished mixed on Monday, helped by gains in Alphabet and Meta Platforms, while some investors refrained from big bets ahead of a fresh round of talks about raising the U.S. debt ceiling. U.S. President Joe Biden and top congressional Republican Kevin McCarthy were set to meet on...

Stocks on Wall Street ended mixed on Wednesday as data showing a moderate increase in consumer prices in August cemented expectations that the Federal Reserve will leave interest rates unchanged in September. Megacap growth stocks Tesla (TSLA.O), Meta Platforms (META.O), Microsoft (MSFT.O) and...

U.S. stocks rebounded on Thursday as investors looked to a spate of high-profile earnings and the Friday's employment report the day after the Federal Reserve quashed lingering bets that interest rate cuts could begin as early as March. While a broad rally sent all three major U.S. stock indexes...

U.S. stocks gained ground on Monday as market participants parsed mounting expectations of interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve in the coming year and looked ahead to a week of crucial economic data. A broad but modest rally boosted the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq to solid gains, while the...

Wall Street extended its rally on Tuesday, advancing on the day as last week's dovish policy pivot from the Federal Reserve continued to reverberate and investors looked ahead to crucial inflation data. Broad-based gains boosted all three major U.S. stock indexes and nudged the S&P 500 to...

Wall Street ended sharply higher on Thursday after a blowout forecast from Nvidia sent the chipmaker's stock soaring and fueled a rally in AI-related companies, while investors watched for signs of progress in U.S. debt ceiling talks. Nvidia Corp soared to a record high after the world's most...

U.S. stocks rebounded on Tuesday as largely on-target inflation data and easing jitters over contagion in the banking sector cooled expectations regarding the size of the rate hike at the Federal Reserve's policy meeting next week. All three major U.S. stock indexes closed in positive territory,...

U.S. stocks ended sharply lower on Monday after protests in major Chinese cities against strict COVID-19 policies sparked concerns about economic growth, while Apple Inc slid on worries about a hit to iPhone production. Shares of the Cupertino, California tech giant weighed heavily on the...

S&P 500 ditutup lebih rendah untuk hari kedua berturut-turut setelah Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell pada hari Rabu memperingatkan kelemahan ekonomi yang diperpanjang karena pandemi coronavirus dan menyerukan Kongres untuk menyetujui dukungan fiskal tambahan. Saham-saham dijual karena...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka sedikit berubah pada hari Selasa (02/03) setelah awal yang kuat di bulan Maret karena investor memantau pasar obligasi serta kemajuan pada putaran berikutnya dari stimulus fiskal. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 0,1 poin pada pembukaan ke level 31535,37. S&P...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Rabu, didukung oleh saham teknologi kelas berat karena investor menguraikan berbagai laporan pendapatan kuartalan dari pemberi pinjaman utama AS. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 51,49 poin, atau 0,18%, pada pembukaan ke level...

Saham AS dibuka lebih rendah pada hari Jumat, terbebani oleh saham teknologi yang terpukul oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi global dari perang perdagangan Presiden Donald Trump yang mengkristal dalam perkiraan penjualan yang dipangkas dari pembuat chip Broadcom. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 30,41...

Indeks saham A.S. naik pada pembukaan di hari Rabu karena kenaikan dalam kegiatan bisnis memicu harapan pemulihan ekonomi pasca-pandemi, sementara investor tetap berhati-hati terhadap ketegangan AS-China. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 303,52 poin, atau 1,21%, pada pembukaan di level...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa karena investor berharap lebih banyak stimulus dari Washington, dengan Senat Republik yang bersiap untuk memberikan suara pada RUU untuk membantu bisnis kecil yang terpukul oleh pandemi COVID-19. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 50,43...

Saham AS dibuka lebih rendah pada hari Kamis karena reli didorong oleh harapan rebound ekonomi dari penurunan yang disebabkan oleh virus corona kehabisan tenaga bahkan dengan klaim pengangguran mingguan yang turun di bawah 2 juta untuk pertama kalinya sejak pertengahan Maret. Dow Jones Industrial...

Indeks utama Wall Street melonjak ke level tertinggi sepanjang masa pada hari Jumat karena data yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan pekerjaan paling lambat dalam enam bulan memperkuat ekspektasi investor untuk RUU stimulus fiskal baru yang membantu menghidupkan kembali ekonomi dari penurunan terburuk...

Indeks utama Wall Street mencapai level terendah hampir tujuh minggu pada hari Senin karena kekhawatiran tentang lockdown baru yang didorong oleh melonjaknya virus korona dan kebuntuan di Kongres atas lebih banyak stimulus fiskal yang menimbulkan kekhawatiran lain terhadap ekonomi domestik. Semua...

Saham A.S. diperdagangankan datar pada hari Jumat karena data pekerjaan yang kurang memuaskan melengkapi satu minggu sinyal ekonomi campuran tentang ekonomi domestik, sementara rencana stimulus baru dari China membantu mengurangi beberapa kekhawatiran seputar pertumbuhan global. Pasar global...

Saham A.S. sedikit berubah pada hari Rabu karena investor menunggu penurunan suku bunga yang diantisipasi oleh Federal Reserve dan petunjuk apakah akan meresmikan pelonggaran moneter lebih lanjut. Dengan pemangkasan seperempat poin dalam biaya pinjaman yang hampir pasti, fokus sekarang akan jatuh...

Saham AS datar pada hari Senin setelah tiga sesi berturut-turut mengalami kenaikan karena kesepakatan perdagangan dengan China yang diumumkan pada hari Jumat mengurangi sentimen dan memicu penurunan 2% pada harga minyak, menjelang dimulainya musim pendapatan kuartal ketiga. Perusahaan Minyak...

U.S. stocks closed nearly flat on Thursday after a choppy trading session, as investors weighed another rise in Treasury yields with the latest batch of economic data and earnings. The benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury yield rose as high as 4.198% during the session, the highest since November,...

Wall Street fell on Friday after a report of slowing U.S. labor market growth, and all three major indexes posted weekly losses as investors braced for more possible downside surprises a day after disappointing earnings from Apple. The trading session was choppy, with the indexes rising in the...

U.S. stock indexes rebounded on Tuesday from a recent losing streak as upbeat economic data soothed investor worries about an imminent recession triggered by the Federal Reserve's aggressive interest rate hikes. Separate reports showed new orders for key U.S.-manufactured capital goods...

Saham AS berakhir naik tajam lebih dari 1 persen pada hari Selasa, bangkit kembali dari aksi jual tajam pada hari sebelumnya karena China melangkah untuk menstabilkan yuan, meredakan kekhawatiran bahwa mata uang akan menjadi senjata terbaru dalam perang perdagangan AS-Tiongkok. Berdasarkan data...

Wall Street berakhir turun tajam pada hari Kamis (18/03), dengan Nasdaq jatuh 3%, terpukul oleh kenaikan imbal hasil Treasury dan kekhawatiran baru tentang pandemi virus corona di Eropa. Kerugian saham AS dipercepat setelah perdana menteri Prancis memberlakukan penguncian selama sebulan di Paris...

Saham AS jatuh pada hari Jumat setelah kegelisahan baru selama perang perdagangan AS-China, membatasi satu minggu perdagangan yang melihat ayunan besar dan volume tinggi. Berdasarkan data terbaru yang tersedia, Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 90,68 poin, atau 0,34%, ke level 26.287,51, S&P...

Saham AS menguat pada hari Senin, tetapi berakhir di posisi tertinggi dari sebelumnya, dipimpin oleh kenaikan saham teknologi pada optimisme untuk kemajuan dalam pembicaraan perdagangan AS dan China dan tanda-tanda kemungkinan penangguhan hukuman untuk perusahaan telekomunikasi China Huawei. Dow...

Indeks utama Wall Street mereda dari level tertinggi pada hari Senin setelah sebuah laporan memicu kekhawatiran baru tentang negoisasi perdagangan AS dan China yang telah menghantam pertumbuhan global dan mengguncang pasar keuangan selama 16 bulan terakhir. Suasana di Beijing tentang kesepakatan...

Wall Street naik untuk sesi ketiga berturut-turut pada hari Jumat, karena investor mengharapkan pembicaraan perdagangan tingkat tinggi antara Amerika Serikat dan Cina dapat menghasilkan kesepakatan perdagangan parsial dan menunda kenaikan tarif AS yang direncanakan. Saham Apple Inc mencapai rekor...

Saham AS menguat pada Rabu seiring kenaikan pembuat chip Micron mendorong sektor teknologi dan komentar dari Menteri Keuangan Steven Mnuchin memicu harapan bahwa Amerika Serikat dan China membuat kemajuan dalam pembicaraan perdagangan mereka. Pelaku pasar berharap resolusi cepat perbedaan antara...

Saham AS menguat pada hari Jumat, karena bank-bank besar menguat setelah menyelesaikan stress test Federal Reserve, sementara investor terus mengawasi KTT G20 di mana pertemuan antara Presiden Donald Trump dan Xi Jinping dapat menemukan kesepakatan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa perdagangan...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis (4/2), karena investor mengamati laporan pendapatan perusahaan dan tanda-tanda kemajuan pada paket bantuan pandemi setelah data menunjukkan kestabilan pasar tenaga kerja. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 14,2 poin, atau 0,05%, pada...

Saham A.S. dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Rabu karena laporan laba kuartalan Disney yang mengejutkan dan serangkaian hasil optimis dari data pendapatan perusahaan yang mengangkat sentimen menjelang data sektor jasa. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 96,31 poin, atau 0,36%, pada pembukaan di level...

Wall Street's main indexes were subdued at open on Wednesday as investors geared up for the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision later in the day, while shares of UnitedHealth fell after the insurer warned of higher medical costs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 167.42 points, or 0.49%,...

Wall Street's main indexes opened muted on Tuesday as investors refrained from placing big bets ahead of key economic data this week, including figures on job openings due later in the day that will provide further clues on the state of the economy. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 28.86...

Wall St Slips with Inflation Data on Deck
Thursday, 29 February 2024 04:02 WIB | Market update

U.S. stocks closed lower on Wednesday, a day ahead of a key inflation reading that could heavily shape expectations for the timing of an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve. The personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, the Fed's preferred inflation gauge, is expected to show...

Major U.S. stock indexes ended lower on Thursday after disappointing quarterly reports from companies including Tesla and AT&T, while investors sought clarity on the path of interest rates. Tesla (TSLA.O) shares tumbled after the electric vehicle maker posted its lowest quarterly gross margin...

Wall St Rises On Signs Of Disinflation
Thursday, 13 July 2023 22:54 WIB | Market update

Wall Street rose on Thursday after producer prices data provided further evidence of inflation cooling in the world's largest economy, and stoked hopes that the Federal Reserve will soon end its monetary policy tightening. U.S. producer prices barely rose in June and the annual increase in...

Wall St Rises Ahead Of Fed Policy Decision
Wednesday, 1 November 2023 23:09 WIB | Market update

Wall Street's main stock indexes rose on Wednesday as investors looked forward to the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decision, while megacap stocks gained as bond yields eased after the U.S. Treasury Department's refunding plans. The Fed is widely expected to keep interest rates unchanged, but...

Wall Street's main indexes fell on Monday, as investors remained cautious ahead of a slew of economic data this week that is likely to test the narrative about a cut in interest rates by the Federal Reserve early next year. U.S. stocks kicked off December on an upbeat note, extending gains from...

Wall street's main indexes opened subdued on Friday after a hotter-than-expected producer prices report dampened expectations of imminent interest rate cuts by the U.S. Federal Reserve. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 21.41 points, or 0.06%, at the open to 38,751.71. The S&P opened...

Wall Street's main indexes opened lower on Tuesday, with a slew of dour earnings forecasts from companies such as Apple supplier Skyworks weighing on sentiment, while investors focused on a debt-ceiling deadlock. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 28.84 points, or 0.09%, at the open to...

Wall Street's main indexes opened lower on Wednesday as downbeat quarterly updates from Microsoft and Boeing added to fears of a recession, with technology shares leading the declines. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 187.74 points, or 1.66%, to 11,146.53 at the opening bell. The Dow Jones...

Wall Street's main indexes opened lower on Tuesday after a dour forecast from Home Depot and April retail sales data that pointed to consumers feeling the pinch from rising prices and interest rates. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 73.23 points, or 0.22%, at the open to 33,275.37. The...

Wall Street's main indexes opened lower on Thursday as fresh data underscored strength in the U.S. economy and aggravated concerns over the Federal Reserve's continued policy tightening. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI) fell 143.13 points, or 0.43%, at the open to 33,233.35. The S&P...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Friday as chip and megacap stocks continued their rise, while investors kept a close watch on ongoing corporate earnings and any hints about the timing of rate cuts. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI), opens new tab rose 103.89 points, or 0.28% at...

Wall Street's main indexes edged higher at the open on Monday on optimism over a likely deal to raise the U.S. debt limit as a deadline edged closer, while investors looked ahead to comments from Federal Reserve policymakers through the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 20.59 points, or...

Wall Street's main indexes eked out gains at the open on Thursday on optimism sparked by passage of a bill by lawmakers to suspend the nation's debt ceiling, while dismal earnings from Salesforce kept gains in check. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 21.58 points, or 0.07%, at the open to...

U.S. stock indexes rose on Monday, with the benchmark S&P 500 and the tech-heavy Nasdaq hovering near 2023 highs as investors awaited inflation data and the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 30.02 points, or 0.09%, at the open to...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Thursday as a greater-than-expected rise in weekly jobless claims eased some rate-hike jitters ahead of a key payrolls report that could determine the Fed's monetary policy path. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 78.43 points, or 0.24%, at the open...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Monday as investors bought beaten-down shares after the main benchmarks suffered their worst weekly selloff of the year on worries of aggressive interest-rate hikes. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 89.24 points, or 0.27%, at the open to...

Wall Street's main indexes was poised for a higher open, as a strong economic growth print boosted hopes of a likely soft landing, while Tesla sank on warning of slower growth. An advance estimate showed fourth-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) rose at a 3.3% annualized rate, much higher than...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Wednesday as fresh data showed signs of cooling inflation ahead of the Federal Reserve's final policy decision of the year, where it is widely expected to leave interest rates unchanged. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 23.86 points, or 0.07%, at...

Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on Friday after a stunning rally in the previous session, spurred by upbeat results from AI poster child Nvidia that renewed enthusiasm about artificial intelligence. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, rose 58.86 points, or 0.15%, at the open to...

Wall Street's main indexes opened flat on Thursday in thin trading ahead of Easter break, as investors awaited more data to gauge the Federal Reserve's policy path on the last business day of a strong first quarter. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 3.66 points, or 0.01%, at the open to...

Wall St Opens Flat after Mixed Economic Data
Thursday, 15 February 2024 21:27 WIB | Market update

Wall Street's main indexes struggled for direction at the open on Thursday as investors assessed a mixed batch of economic data for clues on when the U.S. Federal Reserve would deliver its first interest-rate cut. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI), fell 26.33 points, or 0.07%, at the open...

Saham AS naik pada hari Jumat (4/6), dengan saham teknologi memimpin kenaikan, karena pertumbuhan pekerjaan yang lebih lemah dari perkiraan meredakan kekhawatiran tentang ekonomi yang berjalan terlalu panas dan menyebabkan pengetatan awal kebijakan moneter. Laporan Departemen Tenaga Kerja yang...

Indeks utama Wall Street menguat menjelang data ekonomi yang diawasi ketat minggu ini karena investor berkutat dengan kekhawatiran atas inflasi dan lonjakan terbaru dalam apa yang disebut "saham meme". Sektor teknologi naik 0,9%, memberikan dorongan terbesar untuk benchmark S&P 500, sementara...

Saham AS dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Jumat karena Pfizer mengatakan dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk penggunaan darurat kandidat untuk vaksin COVID-19 pada awal November dan data menunjukkan pertumbuhan penjualan ritel bulan lalu lebih kuat dari perkiraan. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik...

Pasar saham AS naik pada hari Jumat setelah data menunjukkan ekonomi kehilangan lebih banyak pekerjaan pada bulan April daripada yang dikhawatirkan karena krisis coronavirus, menambah optimisme dari meredanya ketegangan antara Washington dan Beijing. 11 sektor S&P diperdagangkan lebih tinggi,...

Wall Street naik pada hari Rabu di latar belakangi kenaikan saham teknologi, karena sentimen investor didorong oleh laporan yang menunjukkan kemudahan dalam ketegangan perdagangan antara Amerika Serikat dan China menjelang pembicaraan penting pada hari Kamis. Cina masih terbuka untuk menyetujui...

Saham AS memperpanjang penurunan mereka pada hari Senin, menetapkan Dow untuk hari terburuk dalam lebih dari tujuh minggu, karena melonjaknya kasus virus korona dan kebuntuan di Washington atas RUU bantuan fiskal berikutnya meningkatkan kekhawatiran atas ekonomi dan pendapatan perusahaan. Pada...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis, dengan Nasdaq mencapai rekor tertinggi, karena data menunjukkan ekonomi AS menambahkan pekerjaan pada rekor tercepat pada Juni, memperkuat harapan reboundnya ekonomi pasca-pandemi. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 201,48 poin, atau...

Saham AS melonjak pada hari Kamis karena prospek optimis dari PayPal dan kenaikan mengejutkan dalam ekspor China meningkatkan harapan pemulihan ekonomi yang lebih cepat dari apa yang diperkirakan akan menjadi resesi karena dampak oleh virus korona. Prosesor pembayaran naik 13,3%, memberikan...

Wall Street melemah pada pembukaan pada hari Selasa (22/6) karena investor menunggu pernyataan Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell untuk petunjuk tentang bagaimana bank sentral menyeimbangkan risiko inflasi dengan janjinya untuk memastikan pemulihan pada pasar pekerjaan. Dow Jones Industrial...

Wall Street's main indexes rose on Monday, recovering losses from last week, as investors looked ahead to a key inflation report and commentary from a slew of Federal Reserve officials this week to gauge the central bank's interest rate path. All eyes will be on U.S. inflation data, expected on...

U.S. stocks fell on the first trading day of 2024 as Apple shares dipped on a broker downgrade and Treasury yields climbed after investors tempered expectations around interest-rate cuts this year. Wall Street's three major indexes notched monthly, quarterly and annual gains on Friday as traders...

Wall St Holds Ground Ahead Of Fed Decision
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 23:01 WIB | Market update

Wall Street's main stock indexes were little changed on Wednesday as investors awaited the conclusion of the Federal Reserve's meeting where it is expected to keep interest rates unchanged and provide cues on its monetary policy trajectory. U.S. central bankers will conclude their two-day meeting...

Wall Street's main stock indexes advanced in choppy trading on Monday after Treasury yields retreated from session highs, while investors awaited data and commentary from the Federal Reserve's policymakers to gauge its rate outlook. U.S. stocks recorded weekly losses on Friday as traders scaled...

Wall Street's main indexes fell at the open on Friday after a strong jobs report deepened fears that interest rates may stay elevated for an extended period. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI) fell 78.87 points, or 0.24%, at the open to 33,040.70. The S&P 500 (.SPX) opened lower by...

U.S. stock indexes fell on Wednesday as investors locked in profits after a strong 2023 and awaited the Federal Reserve's December meeting minutes for clues on its interest rate path. Wall Street kicked off the new year on a dull note on Tuesday as Apple and other high-growth companies came under...

U.S. stocks ended little changed on Monday, ending a strong July on upbeat company earnings and hopes of a soft landing for a resilient U.S. economy. All three major stock indexes ended with gains for the month, ahead of a busy week of earnings reports from companies including and...

The S&P 500 ended barely changed on Friday following mixed earnings results as investors assessed how conflicting economic data might influence interest rates and looked ahead to a massive week of corporate reports. A survey showed U.S. business activity accelerated to an 11-month high in...

Wall Street's main indexes ended with slim gains in a holiday-shortened session on Monday, helped by a surge in Tesla and strength in bank shares as the second half of the year kicked off on a subdued note. Tesla (TSLA.O) shares jumped 6.9% as the electric vehicle maker said it delivered a record...

Wall Street stocks finished sharply lower on Tuesday and short-term Treasury yields shot up as investor jitters grew over a lack of progress in U.S. debt limit talks. Representatives of U.S. President Joe Biden and congressional Republicans ended another round of debt ceiling talks on Tuesday, as...

U.S. stocks closed higher on Thursday, winning back much of the previous day's losses, as economic data fueled optimism that the Federal Reserve would ease monetary policy and revived investor risk appetite. All three major U.S. stock posted gains as chips surged, led by Micron Technology (MU.O)...

U.S. stocks ended down on Wednesday, paring most of the strong gains of the previous session, with tech-focused shares leading the way lower. The biggest drag on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq was Alphabet, whose shares dropped after its new AI chatbot Bard delivered an incorrect answer in an online...

The S&P 500 ended little changed on Tuesday after a mixed performance from megacap stocks and disappointing quarterly reports from Johnson & Johnson and Goldman Sachs as first-quarter earnings season kicked into gear. J&J shares fell after the healthcare conglomerate cautioned...

U.S. stocks fell on Friday, led by technology-related megacaps that have propelled this year's rally, while investors weighed the interest rate outlook ahead of next week's Federal Reserve meeting. Traders have reined in bets of a June rate cut by the Fed after this week's hotter-than-expected...

The main U.S. stock indexes ended lower on Monday as investors shifted gears after considering the possibility that the U.S. Federal Reserve may take longer to start cutting interest rates. Traders are keeping a close eye on speeches by Fed officials this week, including Chair Jerome Powell on...

Wall Street's main indexes ended lower on Wednesday as talks between the White House and Republican representatives on raising the U.S. debt ceiling dragged on without a deal. The lack of progress on raising the U.S. government's $31.4 trillion debt limit ahead of a June 1 deadline, with several...

U.S. stocks closed slightly higher in languid trading on Wednesday, with little market-moving news to fuel conviction as the S&P 500 hovered just below bull market confirmation. Volume was light and the three major U.S. stock indexes oscillated between modest gains and losses throughout the...

Major U.S. stock indexes ended with slim gains on Monday, helped by financial and industrial shares while investors braced for a heavy week of corporate results and comments from Federal Reserve officials that could give more insight into the path of interest rates. Markets are gauging the health...

Saham AS melakukan rebound di sesi akhir untuk ditutup lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis setelah komentar dari Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) yang menyatakan wabah coronavirus China sebagai darurat global, sementara laporan pendapatan melukiskan gambaran yang beragam. Dow Jones Industrial Average...

U.S. stock indexes ended lower on Thursday, erasing earlier gains as Treasury yields rose after an auction of 30-year bonds went poorly and overshadowed strong earnings from corporate giants like Disney and PepsiCo. Yields on the U.S. 30-year note rose after the Treasury Department saw weak...

U.S. stocks veered lower after the Federal Reserve held interest rates steady while reiterating that despite progress, inflation risks remain and that no rate cuts were imminent. The three major U.S. stock indexes were already weighed down by weakness in tech and tech-adjacent megacap stocks the...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka pada rekor tertinggi pada hari Senin ketika laporan pendapatan perusahaan kuartal kedua naik ke awal dengan hasil dari pemberi pinjaman terbesar ketiga AS, Citigroup, mengalahkan ekspektasi. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 32,66 poin, atau 0,12%, pada pembukaan...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis (20/5) setelah klaim pengangguran mingguan mencapai level terendah sejak dimulainya resesi karena pandemi. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 10,3 poin, atau 0,03%, pada pembukaan ke level 33906,3. S&P 500 naik 6,3 poin, atau 0,15%,...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka dengan lebih tinggi pada hari Jumat (23/7), dibantu oleh saham teknologi megacap dan laporan pendapatan yang kuat dari perusahaan media sosial Twitter dan Snap, dengan investor mengincar data aktivitas bisnis di kemudian hari. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 31,8...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis (28/1), mengabaikan data yang menunjukkan kontraksi tajam lainnya dalam ekonomi AS dan kenaikan klaim pengangguran mingguan. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 74,0 poin, atau 0,24%, di pembukaan ke level 30377,19. S&P 500 naik 5,0...

Saham AS dibuka lebih rendah untuk hari kedua berturut-turut pada hari Selasa karena penurunan bersejarah pada harga minyak mentah AS di bawah nol dan prakiraan triwulanan yang suram menandai kemerosotan ekonomi terbesar sejak Depresi Hebat. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 285,19 poin, atau...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka naik tajam pada hari Jumat (05/03) setelah data menunjukkan pertumbuhan pekerjaan yang lebih cepat dari perkiraan pada bulan Februari, memperkuat taruhan pada rebound ekonomi yang didorong oleh stimulus fiskal besar-besaran dan dorongan vaksinasi. Dow Jones...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada perdagangan hari Selasa (20/7), karena saham yang sensitif secara ekonomi rebound menyusul aksi jual tajam di sesi sebelumnya, sementara saham IBM melonjak karena hasil kuartal kedua yang kuat. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 19,8 poin, atau...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin (1/2) setelah aksi jual tajam pada minggu lalu, karena pergeseran hiruk-pikuk perdagangan ritel ke perak mendorong saham pertambangan dan investor menunggu data manufaktur di kemudian hari. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 72,1 poin,...

Melemahnya saham teknologi menarik Wall Street lebih rendah pada pembukaan perdagangan hari Kamis (17/6) setelah Federal Reserve mengisyaratkan akan mulai mengurangi stimulusnya lebih awal dari yang diharapkan, menumpuk tekanan pada sektor yang dipandang rentan terhadap suku bunga yang lebih...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka lebih rendah pada hari Rabu (19/5) di tengah kekhawatiran bahwa kenaikan inflasi dapat memaksa Federal Reserve AS untuk segera mengurangi dukungannya. Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 114,9 poin, atau 0,34%, pada pembukaan ke level 33945,81. S&P 500 turun...

Indeks utama Wall Street dibuka sedikit lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa (18/5) setelah hasil yang lebih baik dari perkiraan dari Walmart dan Home Depot yang menggarisbawahi kekuatan dalam permintaan konsumen dengan di latar belakangi kenaikan harga. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 23,4 poin, atau...

Wall Street rose on Thursday, boosted by gains in financial stocks, while strong jobs data prompted investors to tweak their expectations of how early interest-rate cuts could begin. The recovery in the three main U.S. stock indexes follows a downbeat start to 2024, with the S&P 500 notching...

World stocks extended gains on Friday while the dollar held near 15-month lows after U.S. inflation data this week unleashed a wave of investor optimism that the U.S. Federal Reserve was nearing the end of its rate-hiking cycle. Data showed on Wednesday U.S. consumer prices growing at their...

Wall Street gained some steam on Wednesday after a selloff in the prior session on a hot inflation report, while Nvidia topped Alphabet market value to become the third-most valuable U.S. company. Nvidia overtook Google-parent Alphabet's stock market capitalization, days before the poster child...

Saham AS kembali menguat pada Kamis dari aksi jual tajam di sesi sebelumnya, didorong oleh penguatan saham teknologi seiring investor mengabaikan kekhawatiran dari Federal Reserve pada penurunan suku bunga dan fokus pada pendapatan perusahaan. Bank sentral AS mengurangi biaya pinjaman sebesar...

Indeks utama Wall Street menyerahkan kenaikan di awal perdagangan pada hari Senin (2/8) karena kekhawatiran tentang varian Delta dari virus corona dan ekonomi AS yang melambat membayangi optimisme di sekitar lebih banyak stimulus fiskal dan musim pendapatan kuartal kedua yang kuat. Data pada hari...

US Stocks Slip As Fed Remains Hawkish
Thursday, 29 June 2023 02:49 WIB | Market update

US stocks mostly fall as Fed Chair Jerome Powell says the central bank is likely to raise interest rates again after pausing hikes at its latest meeting. Chip stocks trade lower as The WSJ reports that the US was considering new restrictions on AI chip exports to China. General Mills loses 5.2%...

U.S. stocks edged higher Friday, as investors digested the highly influential monthly official jobs report, which pointed to underlying economic strength. By 09:55 ET (14:55 GMT), the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 15 points, or 0.1%, S&P 500 traded 9 points, or 0.2%, higher and NASDAQ...

US stocks rallied Friday, putting them on track for a third straight weekly advance, as fresh data bolstered optimism that inflation continues to cool without taking down the economy. The S&P 500 rose 0.7% at the open, led by gains in the biggest technology shares, from Apple Inc. to...

US equity indexes slipped as the earnings onslaught continued and government bond yields fell with crude oil after midday on Wednesday. The S&P 500 declined 0.4% to 5,032.7, with the Nasdaq Composite down 0.6% to 15,767.7 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average 0.2% lower at 37,717.1....

Saham AS jatuh pada hari Kamis (12/5) setelah upaya yang gagal untuk bangkit kembali dari kerugian sesi sebelumnya. Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 310 poin, atau 1%, setelah naik lebih dari 80 poin di awal sesi. Indeks S&P 500 turun 0,9% dan Indeks Nasdaq Composite naik turun 0,6%...

U.S. stocks reversed earlier gains and turned lower on fears about inflation and the possibility of a government shutdown. At 11:22 ET (15:22 GMT), the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 72 points or 0.2%, while the S&P 500 was down 0.1% and the NASDAQ Composite was up 0.1%. The main...

U.S. stocks were trading lower after struggling for direction at the open on Wednesday ahead of the Federal Reserve’s decision on its interest rate policy. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.1% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 dipped 0.1% and the Nasdaq Composite...

U.S. stocks fell slightly Thursday as this month’s market rally appeared to take a pause. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 77 points, or 0.2%. The S&P 500 was down by 0.1%, and the Nasdaq Composite fell 0.2%. Shares of Cisco Systems dropped 10% after the company offered weak guidance...

U.S. stock indexes traded lower on Wednesday, after stronger-than-expected private payrolls data offered more evidence of labor market resilience, while investors await the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decision later in the session. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went down 77 points, or...

U.S. stocks dipped Friday as traders focused on a recent run higher in the 10-year Treasury yield. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 38 points, or 0.1%. The S&P 500 slipped 0.2%, and the Nasdaq Composite slipped 0.4%. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury crossed 5% for the first...

U.S. stocks were slightly lower Wednesday as traders awaiteded the minutes of the Federal Reserve’s June policy meeting, while concerns about a faltering Chinese economy dampened risk appetite. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 50 points, or 0.2% to 34,368. The S&P 500 dropped 2.6...

U.S. stocks were down Tuesday as traders assessed some disappointing retail results and looked ahead to the release of the Federal Reserve meeting minutes. The Dow Jonws Industrial Average slipped 56 points, or 0.2%. The S&P 500 dipped 0.25%, and the Nasdaq Composite fell 0.6%. Lowe’s...

U.S. stocks retreated on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said it would leave interest rates unchanged but indicated another hike on the horizon. The S&P 500 dropped 0.9%. The Nasdaq Composite slid 1.5%, weighed on by a 2% drop in Microsoft and Nvidia and 3% slide in Google parent...

U.S. stocks rose Friday as traders pored through major bank earnings, and Treasury yields pulled back. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 183 points, or 0.5%. The S&P 500 gained 0.5%, and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.2%. JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo kicked off earnings for major...

U.S. stocks rose Monday after the three major averages notched their seventh straight week of gains. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 31 points, or 0.1%. The S&P 500 climbed 0.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.1%. The winning streak for the S&P 500 marked its longest string...

U.S. stocks rose Thursday after a key inflation reading showed slightly less year-over-year inflation growth than expected. The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced 202 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 climbed 0.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.8%. July consumer prices gained 3.2% on an...

U.S. stocks ticked higher as investors digested a key inflation metric that met economist expectations. The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced 90 points, or 0.2%. The S&P 500 climbed 0.5%. The Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.9%. Data showed the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation...

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday after new inflation data showed price pressures slowed again in May, adding to investor optimism that the Federal Reserve could skip a rate hike when it next decides on policy this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 113 points higher, or 0.3%. The S&P 500...

U.S. stocks rose Thursday after another key inflation reading came in lighter than expected. This came after the S&P 500 closed at its highest level in over a year. The S&P 500 climbed 0.9%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average added 63 points, or 0.2%. The Nasdaq Composite advanced...

U.S. stocks rallied on Monday as traders kicked off a big week filled with a Federal Reserve rate decision, jobs report and Apple’s earnings. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 511 points, or 1.6%. The 30-stock index registered its best day since June 2. The S&P 500 jumped 1.2%, its...

U.S. stocks surged Tuesday as investors cheered the latest U.S. consumer price index report. The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 357 points, or 1%. The S&P 500 rallied 1.3%, while the Nasdaq Composite traded 1.9% higher. CPI was flat last month, while economists polled by Dow Jones...

U.S. stocks advanced on Thursday after weekly data showed continuing jobless-benefit claims rose to the highest levels since February, suggesting economic growth may be slowing and inflation moderating ahead of next week’s Federal Reserve policy meeting. The S&P 500 advanced 24 points, or...

U.S. stocks closed sharply lower Thursday, pulled down by tumbling shares of big technology firms, despite a strong report on quarterly economic growth. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed about 251 points, or 0.8%, ending near 32,784, according to preliminary FactSet data. The S&P 500...

U.S. stocks booked a 3-session win streak Tuesday as oil prices and bond yields retreated. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed about 134 points, or 0.4%, ending near 33,739, according to preliminary FactSet data. That was the longest streak of straight wins for the blue-chip index in a...

U.S. stocks pared losses on Thursday as the Dow Jones Industrial Average shifted into the green while investors continued to parse Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comments from Wednesday afternoon. The S&P 500 fell 20 points, or 0.5%, to 3,739. The Dow advanced 4.8 points, or less...

U.S. stocks pared some earlier gains after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told those gathered at the central bank's annual conference in Jackson Hole, Wyo., that the Fed was prepared to continue raising rates amid too-high inflation. At 10:32 ET (14:32 GMT), the Dow Jones Industrial Average...

U.S. stocks opened lower Tuesday as investors weighed bank earnings and a report showing retail sales rose in June. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 0.1% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 dipped 0.1% and the Nasdaq Composite fell 0.2%, according to FactSet data, at last...

The U.S. stock market opened modestly lower Thursday after fresh data showed initial jobless claims rose slightly less than expected. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.1% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 fell 0.1% and the Nasdaq Composite dipped 0.1%, according to...

U.S. stocks opened slightly higher on Thursday, as investors parsed fresh data on inflation that showed headline consumer prices rose last month slightly more than expected. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.1% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 rose 0.1% and the Nasdaq...

U.S. stocks opened slightly higher Wednesday, as investors await economic data on manufacturing, services and new home sales as well as earnings results from Nvidia Corp. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.2% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 edged up 0.3% and the Nasdaq...

U.S. stocks opened slightly higher Monday, after booking their best week in about a year amid optimism the Federal Reserve may be done raising interest rates. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.3% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 gained 0.3% and the Nasdaq Composite edged...

U.S. stocks opened slightly higher Wednesday, as investors weighed a national employment report from ADP that pointed to jobs growth in September that was slower than Wall Street expected. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.2% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 gained 0.2%...

U.S. stock indexes opened mostly lower to start the month as Treasury yields resumed their climbs after U.S. legislators were able to reach a temporary agreement that averted a government shutdown. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 47 points, or 0.1%, to 33,463, while the S&P 500 was...

U.S. stocks opened mostly lower on Monday, after six straight weeks of gains, as investors look ahead to inflation data and the Federal Reserve’s policy meeting this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.2% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 shed 0.1% and the Nasdaq...

U.S. stocks opened mostly lower Friday as investors digested data from the Federal Reserve's preferred gauge showing signs of inflation slowing while personal spending last month fell. The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened slightly higher before dipping soon after the bell, while the S&P...

U.S. stock indexes opened mostly lower on Thursday as the Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 were hit with a batch of disappointing earnings from technology behemoths, raising concerns about growth. The S&P 500 dropped 8 points, or 0.2, to 4,557, while the Nasdaq Composite declined 0.6% and the...

The U.S. stock market opened mostly lower Thursday, as investors digested a fresh reading on wholesale inflation and weekly jobless claims data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.5% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 fell 0.2% and the Nasdaq Composite gained 0.1%,...

U.S. stocks opened lower Tuesday, with the S&P 500 down slightly after the three-day weekend celebrating Labor Day, as investors returned to a light day on the economic calendar. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was struggling for direction soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500...

U.S. stocks opened mostly higher Friday, with the S&P 500 attempting a fourth straight day of gains. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.2% soon after the opening bell, while the S&P 500 rose 0.1% and the Nasdaq Composite edged down 0.1%, according to FactSet data, at last...


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