

Emas menuju penutupan tertinggi dalam tujuh minggu setelah Presiden Donald Trump menandatangani paket stimulus virus corona senilai $ 900 miliar, memompa lebih banyak dana negara ke ekonomi teratas dunia. Perak melonjak. Peningkatan aset haven dibangun dari gain mingguan ke-empat beruntun setelah...

Emas naik untuk hari kedua setelah Federal Reserve mengisyaratkan bahwa mereka dapat memperlambat laju kenaikan suku bunga, sebuah langkah yang memberikan tekanan pada dolar dan mendorong imbal hasil Treasury lebih rendah. Bullion naik ke level tertinggi dua minggu setelah The Fed menaikkan suku...

Emas stabil setelah kenaikan dua hari karena investor mempertimbangkan komentar dari pejabat Federal Reserve yang mengisyaratkan bahwa kenaikan suku bunga tidak akan terjadi. Kenaikan suku bunga AS tidak akan terjadi "dalam waktu dekat," kata Presiden The Fed Cleveland Loretta Mester Rabu,...

Gold prices eased on Monday as some investors locked in profits after a sharp rise in the previous session, while markets awaited this week’s U.S. inflation data to get cues on the Federal Reserve’s rate hike path. Spot gold fell 0.2% to $1,677.48 per ounce, while U.S. gold futures rose 0.2% to...

Spot gold prices hovered near a 2½-month high on Thursday as escalating Middle East turmoil buoyed demand for the safe-haven asset, while investors awaited U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s speech due later in the day. Spot gold was steady at $1,950.31 per ounce after hitting its highest...

Emas naik tipis pada hari Senin (4/4) karena prospek sanksi lebih lanjut terhadap Rusia atas invasinya ke Ukraina menekan pasar saham dan melemahkan minat terhadap aset berisiko, meskipun meningkatkan imbal hasil Treasury AS dan dolar yang lebih kuat membatasi keuntungan. Emas spot naik 0,3% ke...

Emas pertahankan kenaikan karena para pedagang mempertimbangkan dampak dari sanksi terhadap Rusia terhadap tindakan balasan Moskow setelah invasi ke Ukraina, yang telah mendorong permintaan untuk aset lindung nilai. Bullion stabil pasca reli bulanan terbesar sejak Mei karena hukuman terhadap...

Saham Hong Kong Reli Pada Pembukaan
Wednesday, 10 March 2021 09:27 WIB | Market update

Saham Hong Kong dibuka naik lebih dari satu persen pada Rabu pagi menyusul petunjuk kuat dari Wall Street karena stimulus besar Joe Biden semakin dekat untuk disetujui serta meredanya kekhawatiran inflasi. Indeks Hang Seng melonjak 1,68 persen atau 482,14 poin menjadi 29.255,37. Indeks Shanghai...

Gold prices climbed more than 1% on Monday as dramatic clashes between Israeli and Hamas forces over the weekend raised the risk of a wider Middle East conflict and spurred a rush to safe haven investments like bullion. Israel pounded the Palestinian enclave of Gaza on Sunday, killing hundreds of...

Safe-Haven Gold Gains as Middle East Worries Mount
Monday, 29 January 2024 18:19 WIB | Gold

Gold prices rose on Monday as escalating tensions in the Middle East lifted bullion’s safe-haven appeal, while moves were limited as traders awaited the U.S. Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell’s remarks this week for cues on interest rate trajectory. Spot gold was up 0.4% at $2,026.50 per ounce....

Harga emas mengalami penurunan kecil pada hari Jumat (19/8), dan bersiap untuk mengakhiri minggu lebih rendah karena sinyal hawkish dari Federal Reserve AS di jalur suku bunga memberikan dorongan untuk dolar. Emas spot turun 0,1% menjadi $1.756.59 per ons pada 23:03 ET (03:03 GMT), sementara emas...

Emas bertahan di dekat level tertingginya dua bulan pada hari Selasa (9/11), menarik dukungan dari imbal hasil obligasi yang lebih rendah dan dolar yang lebih lemah, meskipun momentum kenaikan tersendat karena para pedagang menunggu arahan dari data inflasi utama dari AS dan China akhir pekan...

Emas pertahankan kenaikan karena investor mempertimbangkan komentar Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell, yang menegaskan kembali bahwa inflasi yang lebih tinggi kemungkinan akan bersifat sementara. Inflasi telah meningkat tetapi akan bergerak kembali ke target 2% Fed setelah ketidakseimbangan...

Harga platinum naik ke level tertingginya dalam lebih dari enam tahun pada hari Kamis (11/2), memperpanjang kinerja yang solid di tengah harapan pasar bahwa pemulihan ekonomi akan meningkatkan permintaan dari sektor otomotif. Platinum naik 1,3% menjadi $ 1,257.51 per ons pada 1043 GMT, setelah...

Emas mempertahankan kenaikan hari Selasa, dengan peringatan perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi global di tengah lonjakan inflasi yang memperkuat daya tariknya sebagai safe haven tradisional. Bulllion telah naik tipis sekitar 3,5% selama tiga minggu terakhir, dan menemukan dukungan di level $1.850...

Emas mempertahankan kenaikan Selasa, dengan peringatan perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi global di tengah lonjakan inflasi yang memperkuat daya tariknya sebagai safe haven tradisional. Bullion telah naik tipis sejak pertengahan Mei terkait tanda-tanda yang lebih meresahkan dalam ekonomi dunia,...

Pergerakan Harga Emas, 29 September 2022
Thursday, 29 September 2022 10:43 WIB | Market analysis

Emas berpeluang melemah hari ini, setelah mencatatkan hasi positif pada perdagangan kemarin dengan naik lebih dari 2%. Pelemahan emas dipicu oleh keputusan Bank Sentral Inggris (BoE) yang membeberkan program pembelian obligasi untuk meningkatkan obligasi Inggris, dengan dolar kembali...

Perak melonjak sebanyak 7,4% untuk menyentuh level tertingginya hampir enam bulan pada hari Senin, setelah postingan di media sosial pekan lalu menyerukan investor ritel untuk memenuhi pasar dan menaikkan harga logam mulia. Perak spot menyentuh tertingginya sejak 11 Agustus di $ 28,98 per ons,...

Emas melanjutkan penurunannya melewati $ 1.850 per ons di saat pembicaraan untuk stimulus baru di AS tetap menemui jalan buntu. Pedagang menunggu pertemuan Bank Sentral Eropa Kamis malam. Anggota parlemen yang mengerjakan rencana kompromi untuk bantuan pandemi  belum menyelesaikan...

Emas menuju penurunan bulanan kelima berturut-turut, penurunan terpanjang dalam empat tahun, karena pidato pejabat Federal Reserve mengindikasikan bank sentral akan menjaga kebijakan moneter ketat untuk beberapa waktu. Logam ini jatuh ke level terendah satu bulan pada hari Rabu (31/8),...

Emas turun untuk hari keenam dan diperdagangkan pada level terendah dalam lebih dari tiga minggu karena pejabat Federal Reserve menegaskan kembali komitmen mereka untuk pengaturan moneter yang lebih ketat untuk mengekang inflasi. Bullion membatasi penurunan mingguan pertama dalam lima minggu...

Emas bertahan di atas $ 1.800 per ons karena investor pertimbangkan optimisme atas pembaruan pembicaraan stimulus di AS dengan perkembangan vaksin terbaru. Upaya Kongres untuk meloloskan bantuan virus corona bergerak ke depan pada hari Selasa ketika Ketua DPR Nancy Pelosi mempresentasikan...

Emas bergerak lebih rendah seiring naiknya imbal hasil obligasi AS, dengan investor menimbang prospek pengetatan kebijakan moneter di tengah kekhawatiran atas inflasi dan perlambatan pertumbuhan. Bullion diperdagangkan dalam kisaran kecil pasca beberapa volatilitas pekan lalu menyusul data indeks...

Emas stabil disaat investor mempertimbangkan prospek pengetatan kebijakan moneter di tengah kekhawatiran atas inflasi dan perlambatan pertumbuhan. Bullion kembali diperdagangkan dalam kisaran kecil pasca beberapa volatilitas minggu lalu menyusul data indeks harga konsumen AS yang mengejutkan, dan...

Emas mempertahankan kenaikan karena investor mempertimbangkan prospek jalur pengetatan kebijakan moneter Federal Reserve setelah data baru menunjukkan beberapa kelemahan dalam ekonomi AS. Pada hari Selasa, emas menghentikan penurunan enam hari berturut-turut seiring pelemahan dolar, dengan...

Emas sedikit menguat pasca pergerakan besar pada hari Kamis karena investor menilai dampak invasi Rusia ke Ukraina dan sanksi dari Barat, terhadap pengetatan kebijakan moneter yang akan segera terjadi di AS. Bullion turun sehari sebelumnya setelah melonjak ke level tertinggi dalam lebih dari 17...

Emas stabil pasca mencatatkan kenaikan mingguan, karena investor mempertimbangkan perkembangan terbaru dalam perang Rusia di Ukraina terhadap dampak kebijakan moneter yang lebih ketat untuk mengekang inflasi. Bullion naik 1,9% minggu lalu karena perang di Eropa meningkatkan daya tarik emas,...

Emas naik karena investor mempertimbangkan kekhawatiran atas pertumbuhan ekonomi versus ekspektasi pengetatan kebijakan moneter yang lebih agresif oleh Federal Reserve. Logam mulia bertahan di atas $1.800 per ons, menarik dukungan dari dolar yang lebih lemah dan imbal hasil Treasury yang lebih...

Emas bertahan di dekat level terendahnya 11-bulan karena para pedagang mengkaji prospek pengetatan kebijakan moneter lebih lanjut dan dampaknya terhadap pertumbuhan global. Bullion melayang di atas level $1.700 per ons karena terus tertekan oleh kekuatan dolar AS, mensinyalir kehati-hatian yang...

Emas sedikit berubah karena investor mengkaji rencana Federal Reserve untuk pengetatan kebijakan yang lebih agresif terhadap risiko geopolitik dan pertumbuhan yang mendukung permintaan aset lindung nilai. Bullion telah cukup stabil dalam seminggu ketika The Fed menjabarkan rencana untuk...

Emas mempertahankan kenaikan karena investor mengkaji prospek jalur pengetatan kebijakan moneter Federal Reserve di tengah tanda-tanda penurunan inflasi. Bullion baru saja mencatatkan kenaikan selama empat minggu berturut-turut, rekor terpanjang dalam hampir satu tahun. Logam mulia telah naik...

Emas bertahan di dekat level terendah 11-bulan karena investor mempertimbangkan penurunan dolar AS terhadap kenaikan imbal hasil Treasury di tengah membaiknya sentimen di pasar. Bullion telah melayang dalam kisaran perdagangan yang kecil, ditutup sedikit berubah sejak Jumat, disaat indeks...

Emas diperdagangkan sedikit berubah setelah menyentuh level terendah 10-minggu di belakang dolar yang menguat dan imbal hasil Treasury yang lebih tinggi. Bullion turun 1,8% pada hari Senin ke penutupan terendah sejak 15 Februari. Logam mulia telah kehilangan sekitar 10% sejak melonjak pada...

Emas bertahan di dekat level tertinggi dalam hampir dua bulan di tengah permintaan untuk lindung nilai inflasi, sementara aksi jual pasar obligasi terhenti dan ekuitas AS terus melemah. Presiden Joe Biden mengatakan itu adalah tugas Federal Reserve untuk mengendalikan laju inflasi tercepat dalam...

Emas merosot pasca reli setelah laporan inflasi yang tinggi dari AS, karena investor kembali beralih ke greenback sebagai aset haven. Bullion pada hari Rabu melawan tren penurunan yang terlihat meluncur selama empat minggu berturut-turut setelah data menunjukkan inflasi AS bulan lalu naik ke...

Harga emas pada hari Rabu (21/9) bertahan di dekat level terendah sejak April 2020, karena investor bersiap untuk kemungkinan kenaikan suku bunga super besar lainnya dari Federal Reserve dalam upayanya untuk mengatasi inflasi. Emas spot datar di $1,663.68 per ons, pada 0324 GMT. Sebelumnya pada...

Emas menuju penurunan mingguan pertama dalam empat minggu karena investor fokus ke data tenaga kerja AS untuk pembacaan terbaru tentang kesehatan pasar tenaga kerja, angka yang dapat mengisyaratkan prospek kebijakan Federal Reserve. AS mungkin menambahkan 725.000 tenaga kerja pada Agustus,...

Emas pertahankan penurunan karena semakin banyak bukti bahwa varian virus omicron tidak menimbulkan ancaman besar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi global. Jenis baru ini bukanlah "penyakit yang sama yang kita lihat setahun yang lalu," dan bahkan pasien yang berakhir di rumah sakit menghabiskan lebih...

Logam industri jatuh dan emas menguat seiring munculnya virus Covid-19 yang menyebar cepat dan sangat bermutasi memicu aksi jual di pasar keuangan. Logam dasar termasuk tembaga dan aluminium turun lebih dari 3% di London karena investor mempertimbangkan risiko bahwa varian baru yang...

Emas naik untuk hari kedua pasca pelemahan dolar semalam, dengan investor yang mempertimbangkan sikap hawkish Federal Reserve pada kebijakan moneter setelah pertemuan terakhir tahun ini pada hari Rabu. Pejabat The Fed mengintensifkan perlawanan mereka terhadap inflasi terpanas dalam satu generasi...

Emas turun untuk hari kedua karena investor mempertimbangkan bukti bahwa varian virus omicron tidak menimbulkan ancaman besar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi global. Logam ini turun sebanyak 0,7%, menembus level psikologis penting $1800 per ons. Perdagangan yang kecil selama musim liburan mungkin...

Emas stabil di dekat level tertingginya dalam lebih dari empat bulan karena investor menilai risalah dari pertemuan Federal Reserve pada bulan April yang menandai kemungkinan perdebatan tentang pengurangan pembelian aset. Meningkatnya ekspektasi inflasi dan kebangkitan kasus virus corona di...

Emas stabil karena investor mempertimbangkan komentar Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell tentang risiko inflasi. Powell mengatakan kenaikan harga yang terlihat dalam ekonomi baru-baru ini lebih besar dari yang diharapkan tetapi menegaskan kembali bahwa itu semua akan berkurang, meskipun dia...

Emas mempertahankan kenaikan karena investor mempertimbangkan kekhawatiran atas inflasi sambil menunggu pertemuan Federal Reserve minggu ini untuk panduan tanggapan kebijakan. Menteri Keuangan Janet Yellen mengatakan risiko inflasi AS tetap terkendali karena pemerintahan Biden memompa bantuan...

Emas menguat karena investor mempertimbangkan tanda-tanda tekanan inflasi terhadap jaminan dari pejabat Federal Reserve bahwa risiko ini kemungkinan besar akan terbukti bersifat sementara. Harga yang dibayarkan kepada produsen AS naik pada April lebih dari perkiraan, dengan indeks untuk...

Emas stabil setelah naik untuk hari ketiga di tengah kekhawatiran atas inflasi yang lebih tinggi dan pertumbuhan yang lebih lambat. Indeks komoditas melonjak ke level tertinggi sepanjang masa karena kebangkitan permintaan bahan baku berlawanan dengan kendala pasokan, bekerja untuk memicu...

Emas menuju kenaikan mingguan kedua berturut-turut terkait turunnya imbal hasil obligasi, dengan investor mengkaji data ekonomi dari AS. Angka-angka AS terbaru menunjukkan permintaan konsumen yang mendorong pemulihan dari pandemi. Penjualan ritel meningkat di laju tercepat pada bulan Maret dalam...

Emas diperdagangkan dalam kisaran kecil pada hari Rabu (24/8) karena investor menunggu lebih banyak informasi tentang prospek suku bunga dari Ketua Federal Reserve AS Jerome Powell disaat nanti ia berbicara di simposium bank sentral di Jackson Hole akhir pekan ini. Emas spot turun 0,2% menjadi...

Emas stabil disaat investor mengalihkan fokus mereka ke pertemuan Federal Reserve dan lebih banyak data ekonomi AS yang akan dirilis akhir pekan ini, sementara dolar melemah. Ketua The Fed Jerome Powell akan menyampaikan pandangan terbarunya tentang prospek suku bunga AS pada hari Rabu, setelah...

Emas memperpanjang penurunannya karena investor mengawasi permintaan utang pemerintah dan rilis data harga konsumen AS saat perdebatan inflasi meningkat. Imbal hasil hanya naik sedikit pada hari Senin setelah lelang obligasi tiga dan 10 tahun Departemen Keuangan AS menarik permintaan yang layak....

Emas stabil karena para pedagang menunggu keputusan dari bank sentral utama tentang prospek kebijakan moneter mereka di tengah risiko inflasi yang terus tinggi dan pertumbuhan yang melambat. Bullion telah diperdagangkan dalam kisaran kecil bulan ini karena bank sentral menaikkan biaya pinjaman...

Emas stabil dibawah level kunci $ 1.900 pada hari Kamis, dengan kenaikan yang tertahan oleh penguatan dolar karena investor menunggu data ekonomi AS yang dapat memberikan isyarat pada inflasi dan kebijakan moneter. Emas spot turun 0,1% menjadi $ 1.895.10 per ons pada 0917 GMT, setelah menyentuh...

Emas berfluktuasi setelah kenaikan terbesarnya dalam lebih dari sebulan seiring penguatan dolar AS, sementara investor menimbang kekhawatiran baru atas pertumbuhan ekonomi. Bullion menuju kenaikan mingguan pertama dalam enam minggu. Indeks greenback secara luas telah turun dari rekor yang dicapai...

Emas naik karena AS mulai mendekati paket stimulus besar-besaran, sementara serangan terhadap pangkalan minyak utama Arab Saudi meningkatkan beberapa permintaan untuk aset haven. Presiden Joe Biden berada di puncak kemenangan legislatif pertamanya dengan DPR siap memberikan bagian terakhir untuk...

Emas bertahan stabil karena investor mempertimbangkan beratnya sanksi Barat terhadap Rusia dan terhadap prospek kebijakan moneter AS yang lebih ketat. Bullion mendapatkan awal yang kuat hingga 2022 didukung oleh meningkatnya ketegangan geopolitik di Eropa, yang telah mendorong harga ke level...

Emas stabil disaat investor mempertimbangkan komentar terbaru dari pejabat Federal Reserve tentang suku bunga dan prospek pertumbuhan. Harga emas batangan berfluktuasi sebelum mengakhiri pekan lalu dengan penurunan 1,7% karena The Fed dan bank sentral lainnya menaikkan biaya pinjaman untuk...

Emas stabil karena investor mempertimbangkan komentar Ketua Jerome Powell tentang jalur kebijakan moneter Federal Reserve dan ekonomi AS. Bank sentral AS kemungkinan akan mengurangi pembelian obligasi sebelum mempertimbangkan untuk menaikkan suku bunga, kata Powell pada hari Rabu dalam acara...

Emas stabil karena investor mempertimbangkan komentar Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell tentang risiko inflasi. Powell mengatakan kenaikan harga yang terlihat dalam ekonomi baru-baru ini lebih besar dari yang diharapkan tetapi menegaskan kembali bahwa itu semua akan berkurang, meskipun dia...

Emas stabil karena investor mempertimbangkan komentar pejabat Federal Reserve tentang kebijakan moneter dan stimulus. Ekonomi AS kemungkinan akan memenuhi ambang batas bank sentral untuk mengurangi pembelian asetnya lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan orang, kata Presiden The Fed Dallas Robert...

Emas turun pada Rabu pagi di Asia, karena investor terus mengkaji kenaikan inflasi AS yang lebih tinggi dari perkiraan. Emas berjangka turun tipis 0,19% menjadi $ 1.744,25 pada pukul 11:59 siang ET (3:59 GMT). Dolar, yang biasanya bergerak berbanding terbalik dengan emas, juga jatuh ke level...

Emas bertahan di atas $ 1.900 per ons pasca terjadinya ayunan besar karena investor mempertimbangkan prospek untuk rekor reli logam, mengikuti pergerakan dalam imbal hasil obligasi, dolar yang lebih lemah, serta kenaikan minat terhadap aset berisiko. Bullion spot stabil, sementara kontrak...

Harga emas bergeral lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis (16.12) seiring pelemahan dolar, sementara investor mengalihkan fokus mereka dari Federal Reserve AS ke pertemuan bank sentral utama lainnya. Emas spot naik 0,2% di $1.780,63 per ons pada pukul 0135 GMT. Emas berjangka AS naik 0,9% menjadi...

Harga emas turun pada hari Senin, terbebani oleh melonjaknya imbal hasil Treasury AS dan dolar yang lebih kuat setelah data ekonomi AS yang lebih baik dari perkiraan mengangkat prospek inflasi yang lebih tinggi. Emas spot turun 0,3% menjadi $ 1.738,12 per ons pada 0350 GMT. Emas berjangka AS...

Emas menahan kenaikan di atas $1.800 per ons disaat imbal hasil Treasury tergelincir setelah data inflasi AS yang lebih rendah dari perkiraan meredakan kekhawatiran tentang kapan Federal Reserve akan mulai mengurangi stimulus. Indeks harga konsumen AS naik 0,3% pada Agustus dari Juli, kenaikan...

Harga emas datar pada hari Jumat (17/12), tetapi berada di jalur untuk minggu terbaik sejak pertengahan November karena dolar melemah setelah Federal Reserve AS memutuskan untuk menarik stimulus era pandemi, membuat emas batangan lebih murah bagi pemegang mata uang lainnya. Emas spot datar di...

Gold fell as growing unrest in China over Covid-Zero controls strengthened the dollar, placing downward pressure on the precious metal. Bullion has experienced a volatile year, with prices surging to a peak in March after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The metal has since slumped...

Gold fluctuated as the latest US inflation reading trailed estimates, a day after hotter-than-expected price data roiled markets. The March producer price index for final demand rose 2.1% from a year earlier, Labor Department data showed Thursday. That’s the most in 11 months, but...

Gold declined after US jobs data showed the labor market remains tight, dashing hopes the Federal Reserve will become less aggressive with rate hikes. Nonfarm payrolls rose 263,000 last month, slightly higher than economists’ estimates, while the unemployment rate declined. The dollar and...

Gold held above $2,000 an ounce, as traders weighed hawkish commentary from Federal Reserve officials against data showing the labor market is starting to soften.  Fed officials backed another interest-rate increase as they monitor the economic fallout from bank strains, after...

Gold rose on Friday as the dollar pulled back from a two-month high, but bullion was poised for a third straight weekly fall as traders assessed the progress of U.S. debt ceiling negotiations and the Federal Reserve’s next policy move. Spot gold was up 0.3% to $1,945.39 per ounce by 0311 GMT,...

Gold prices fell for a second quarter in a row after losses that began in August and held through September, underscored by the current week’s drop — the worst in more than two years. Gold’s most-active futures contract on New York’s Comex, December, settled at $1,866.10. an ounce, down $12.50,...

Gold markets haven’t been this calm since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to a deadlock between buyers and sellers that’s showing no signs of breaking. Six-month historical gold volatility slumped to the lowest since February 2020 on Friday. The measure has plunged due to bullion...

Gold rose to near the highest in more than 11 weeks on concerns that the crisis in the Middle East may intensify. The threat of escalation has increased demand for a haven, with bullion up more than 6% from the day before the Hamas attack on Israel. At the same time, rising...

Gold steadied, after rising above $2,000 an ounce for the first time in a year after a deal to buy Credit Suisse Group AG failed to entirely ease fears over the global banking sector. Bullion surged 6.5% last week in its biggest advance since early on in the pandemic after several regional...

Gold prices edged up on Monday as drawn-out discussions around the U.S. debt ceiling and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s less-hawkish comments added to the safe-haven bullion’s appeal. Spot gold was up 0.1% at $1,978.06 per ounce as of 0347 GMT, while U.S. gold futures eased 0.1% to...

Gold ticked higher early Friday, with the yellow metal on track for a fifth straight weekly gain as investors monitor falling bond yields and fears of an economic downturn. Gold for February delivery rose $6, or 0.3%, to $1,930 an ounce on Comex, on track for a weekly rise of 0.4%. Gold has...

Gold prices held steady on Monday after hitting a five-month peak in the last session as investors looked forward to key U.S. economic data this week and kept a close watch on growing unrest in the Middle East. Spot gold was ticked down 0.1% $1,978.29 per ounce by 7:55 a.m. ET, and U.S. gold...

Gold prices edged lower on Tuesday as the U.S. dollar climbed, while investors looked forward to key economic data this week for signs on how long the interest rates could keep rising to quell sticky inflation. Spot gold was down 0.1% at $1,961.49 per ounce by 0343 GMT, while U.S. gold futures...

Gold prices slipped on Monday as the dollar and U.S. Treasury yields firmed on the Federal Reserve’s higher-for-longer stance on interest rates. Spot gold was down 0.5% at $1,915.61 per ounce, while U.S. gold futures settled 0.5% lower at $1,936.6. “Slightly hawkish Fed and global central banks...

Gold prices edged lower on Monday on a firmer dollar as investors squared positions before U.S. inflation data that could influence the Federal Reserve’s rate-hike roadmap. Spot gold was down 0.3% at $1,858.30 per ounce. U.S. gold futures eased 0.26% to $1,869.60. Bullion is often seen as an...

Gold prices were flat on Wednesday on a firmer dollar, although the bullion was anchored in a narrow range with investors awaiting further guidance on U.S. Federal Reserve’s policy tightening. Spot gold was flat at $1,653.06 per ounce, as of 0118 GMT, while U.S. gold futureswere down 0.2% at...

Gold prices were stuck in a narrow $10 trading range on Wednesday as investors held back from making big bets ahead of U.S. economic data this week that could shed more light on the Federal Reserve’s interest rates outlook. Spot gold was 0.1% higher at $1,972.09 per ounce, having declined in the...

Gold Steady; May Face Correction Risks
Friday, 5 April 2024 07:07 WIB | Gold

Gold is steady in the early Asian session, but may face correction risks, analysts say. Market expectations for the Fed's monetary policy continue to change, says Wael Makarem, financial market strategist at Exness, in commentary. Traders continue to monitor various comments from Fed officials...

Gold is steady in the early Asian session, but may be weighed by technical factors following its recent rally, analysts say. The precious metal is looking technically overbought, says Fawad Razaqzada, market analyst at City Index and, in an email. Gold needs to "work off" its overbought...

Gold Steady; Geopolitical Tensions May Support
Tuesday, 2 January 2024 07:35 WIB | Gold

Gold is steady in the early Asian session and may remain supported by geopolitical tensions, analysts say. Ongoing tension between Israel and Hamas will likely continue this year, which is poised to provide a cushion for gold prices, says Deveya Gaglani, a research analyst at Axis Securities, in...

Gold Steady, Underpinned by Likely Safe-Haven Demand
Wednesday, 11 October 2023 07:14 WIB | Gold

Gold is steady in the early Asian session, underpinned by likely safe-haven demand amid the Hamas-Israel conflict. The precious metal could easily garner renewed strength as the Middle East situation remains intense, says Fawad Razaqzada, market analyst at City Index and, in an email....

Gold is trading steadily in the early morning Asian session, supported by buying interest from commodity trading advisors, also known as speculators. There appears to be CTA buying activity, says Daniel Ghali, senior commodity strategist at TD Securities, in a research note. The brokerage reckons...

Gold is trading steadily in the early morning Asian session. There is strong physical demand ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays, together with signs of speculative buying activity out of China, Daniel Ghali, senior commodity strategist at TD Securities, says in a research report. TD Securities'...

Gold is trading steadily in the early morning Asian session, but may be weighed by fading Fed rate-cut bets, which could reduce the appeal of the non-interest-bearing precious metal. Stronger U.S. economic data and positive sentiment in the broader financial markets have damped Fed rate-cut...

Gold prices held steady on Friday, supported by continued safe-haven demand fuelled by Middle East tensions, while investors awaited the U.S. Federal Reserve policy meeting due next week. Spot gold was down 0.2% at $1,980.35 per ounce. U.S. gold futures fell 0.4% to $1,989.60. Prices held steady...

Gold held near the lowest in over two weeks before inflation data that’s expected to give a clearer picture of the US interest-rate path. The US CPI, to be released Wednesday, is forecast to show headline inflation accelerated in August even as the core measure cooled year-on-year. Any...

Gold steadied after surging to a record in the previous session following data showing US inflation was cooling, before paring gains on a surprise expansion in manufacturing. The precious metal hit an all-time high of $2,265.73 an ounce early on Monday, after a closely watched...

Gold held haven gains to trade near the highest this month held as Treasury yields fell following comments from Federal Reserve officials suggesting interest rates are high enough. Yields on US government bonds notched some of their biggest one-day losses all year on...

Gold is flat in early Asian trading session, steadying after rising overnight following U.S. inflation data that firmed Fed rate-cut views. The figures came in line with expectations, underlining that the stage is set for an interest-rate cut later this year, ANZ Research analysts say in a...

Gold held steady even as Treasury yields posted sharp declines, amid recent dovish commentary from Federal Reserve officials that indicated further interest rate rises this year are unlikely. Yields on US government bonds notched some of their biggest one-day losses all...

Gold steadied as traders weighed comments from US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, who on Friday suggested the central bank will pause interest-rate increases next month. The central bank chief said officials can “afford to look at the data” to assess the lagged effects of the...

Gold was steady in Asia as traders assessed whether the Federal Reserve will next week indicate its hawkish interest-rate policy will be maintained for the rest of the year. Bullion has been whipsawed in the past few months, tumbling almost 20% from a March peak as the US central bank...

Gold was steady in Asia as traders assessed whether the Federal Reserve will next week indicate its hawkish interest-rate policy will be maintained for the rest of the year. Bullion has been whipsawed in the past few months, tumbling almost 20% from a March peak as the US central bank...

Gold steadied as traders awaited US inflation data later in the week for direction on the Federal Reserve’s rate path. The metal inched lower as the dollar strengthened. The US consumer price index is due Wednesday, and will be keenly watched for any surprises that could shift consensus...

Gold held steady as traders await minutes from last month’s Federal Reserve meeting for fresh hints on the central bank’s monetary-policy path. Bullion has declined about 6% from a 2023 peak in May, pressured by hawkish rhetoric from Fed officials following their June meeting when rates were left...

Gold held steady as traders awaited minutes from last month’s Federal Reserve meeting for fresh hints on the central bank’s monetary-policy path. Bullion has declined about 6% from a 2023 peak in May, pressured by hawkish rhetoric from Fed officials following their June meeting when rates were...

Gold was steady after mixed US economic data muddied the outlook for the Federal Reserve’s likely rate path, amid conjecture on whether its economy is running too hot or too cold. Key gauges of inflation and labor costs showed signs of cooling on Friday, even as second-quarter...

Gold held its ground on Thursday near three-week lows ahead of an interest rate decision by the European Central Bank as well as U.S. economic data that could provide clues on the monetary policy outlook. Spot gold was flat at $1,906.29 per ounce, after touching its lowest level since Aug. 25 at...

Gold held last week’s loss as investors looked ahead to crucial US inflation figures due Tuesday, which will offer clues on the path forward for interest rates. The consumer price index excluding food and fuel, a measure favored by economists as a better indicator of underlying inflation, is...

Gold held last week’s loss as investors looked ahead to crucial US inflation figures due Tuesday, which will offer clues on the path forward for interest rates. The consumer price index excluding food and fuel, a measure favored by economists as a better indicator of underlying inflation, is...

Gold was steady after a modest decline on Wednesday as US data pointed to signs of resilience in the US economy that could affect the Federal Reserve’s rate path. Retail sales fell 0.1% in October, a smaller decline than economists had forecast, which could make it more difficult to...

Gold was steady for a second day as traders waited for comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell for clues on the outlook for monetary policy over 2023. Since tumbling 2.5% on Friday after unexpectedly strong US jobs data, bullion has traded in a narrow band amid a lack of...

Gold steadied following Friday’s dip as investors assess the path for US interest rates next year. The precious metal fell 0.8% on Friday, trimming a weekly gain, after New York Fed President John Williams said it’s premature for officials to begin thinking about cutting...

Gold prices were steady on Monday, having risen 1.8% in the previous session, as hopes that the U.S. Federal Reserve will adopt a less aggressive policy stance later in the year countered pressure from a firmer dollar. Spot gold held its ground at $1,656.09 per ounce, as of 0113 GMT. Prices...

Gold held marginal gains, as uncertainty clouds the Federal Reserve’s path on monetary policy after officials poured cold water over market bets on rate cuts early next year. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbee was the latest to join a chorus of officials...

Gold Steady as Fed Remarks Counter Safe-Haven Demand
Thursday, 8 February 2024 11:47 WIB | Gold

Gold prices steadied on Thursday as a pushback from U.S. Federal Reserve officials on market hopes for early interest rate cuts offset safe-haven demand after Israel rejected a ceasefire offer from Hamas amid continuous talks to end the Gaza conflict. Spot gold held its ground at $2,033.56 per...

Gold Steady as Fed Officials Adopt Dovish Policy Tone
Wednesday, 11 October 2023 13:51 WIB | Gold

Gold prices held near a more than one-week high on Wednesday as the dollar edged lower after several U.S. Federal Reserve officials suggested that the recent surge in Treasury yields might make further rate hikes less necessary. Spot gold was trading at $1,859.43 per ounce as of 0529 GMT after...

Gold steadied after earlier touching the highest level since July as traders weighed more US economic data and China’s relaxation of its strict Covid-Zero policies. Bullion had been hurt by the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes this year, but recent indications that the central bank is becoming...

Gold steadied after earlier touching the highest level since July as traders weighed more US economic data and China’s relaxation of its strict Covid-Zero policies. Bullion had been hurt by the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes this year, but recent indications that the central bank is becoming...

Gold held a weekly gain, after a US jobs report on Friday supported optimism the Federal Reserve is nearing the end of its tightening cycle. The data suggested the US labor market is undergoing a controlled cooling, illustrated by solid hiring, slower earnings growth and more...

Gold was steady following its biggest weekly gain in two months  as the market waited for more clarity on when the Federal Reserve would start cutting interest rates. Bullion has largely held its ground this year despite investors pushing back expectations for how soon the Fed would start...

Gold held gains after a weekly advance of more than 2% ahead of a US government bond auction that may impact the precious metal’s trajectory. Treasury yields have fallen this month as slowing inflation and signs of a cooling growth fueled demand for debt. Investors will be closely...

Gold held steady after two days of losses, with investors continuing to watch for further strength in Treasury yields. The market is focused on the potential for more wild swings in the US bond market after yields breached 5% on Monday for the first time in 16 years. Asset managers...

Gold steadied after surging to a record in the previous session, boosted by expectations for US rate cuts, geopolitical tensions and the risk of a pullback in equity markets. Bullion rose to a peak of $2,141.79 an ounce on Tuesday, surpassing the high set in early December. The precious...

Gold steadied after snapping a record-breaking run of gains, as traders awaited US data for clues on the Federal Reserve’s pivot to monetary easing. Bullion traded in a narrow range after closing 1.1% lower on Tuesday, the first decline in 10 sessions. US data showed the core consumer...

Gold was little changed amid a lack of fresh directional catalysts, after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stuck to his message that interest rates need to keep rising to quash inflation. The precious metal has largely treaded water since tumbling 2.5% on Friday, when...

Gold steadied following Friday’s dip on statements by Federal Reserve officials that pushed back against expectations for interest rate cuts as soon as March. The precious metal closed 0.8% lower on Friday, trimming a weekly gain, after New York Fed President John Williams said it...

Gold steadied near its highest level since May, with the recent advance fueled by a slump in Treasury yields as traders loaded up on bets that the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates next year. Bond yields extended declines on Monday as investors increased wagers on...

Gold steadied near an eight-month high as poor company earnings and layoffs heightened concerns of a recession. European stocks and US futures edged higher on Friday after slumping in the previous session as job cuts and profit warnings from several major firms soured sentiment. Gold surged...

Gold steadied in Asia after tumbling 2.5% on Friday after a jobs report that came in much stronger-than-expected damped optimism the Federal Reserve would turn less hawkish this year. The reading reduces the chances the Fed will be able to switch to rate cuts later in 2023 and prompted a jump in...

Gold steadied in Asia after jumping 2% in the previous session as cooler-than-expected US inflation data added to hopes of a downshift in the Federal Reserve’s rate-hike path. Bullion surged past $1,800 an ounce on Thursday, a level it hasn’t surpassed since mid-August. Optimism the Fed is...

Gold was steady in Asia after falling 1.1% Thursday on strong US jobs data that boosted expectations the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates higher for longer to tackle inflation. Hiring at US companies far exceeded expectations and applications for jobless benefits fell to a...

Gold prices hovered below key levels in early Asian trade on Tuesday, coming under pressure from a firmer dollar and Treasury yields as markets reconsidered expectations for an imminent pause in the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes. Recent hawkish comments from Fed officials saw markets...

Gold steadied after a 0.4% increase on Monday ahead of US inflation figures due Tuesday. The numbers will be closely watched for indications of whether the Federal Reserve will need to raise rates again, which would be bearish for the non-interest bearing precious metal. Meanwhile, there’s...

Gold steadied after dropping at the start of the week, with traders closely watching as the US ramps up efforts to prevent the Israel-Hamas war from expanding into a regional conflict. Haven demand has waned with President Joe Biden set to travel to Israel Wednesday in a visit...

Gold steadied after snapping a record-breaking run of gains, as the market weighs the impact of US inflation print this week that damped hopes of an imminent easing of interest rates by the Federal Reserve. Bullion traded in a narrow range after closing 1.1% lower on Tuesday, the first...

Gold steadied as traders awaited data on unemployment and inflation to provide fresh direction to the precious metal. Bullion is still up more than 7% this month, bolstered by the banking-industry turmoil and concerns that the US economy may tip into recession. That’s driven a...

Gold steadied ahead of a swath of US economic data that will help steer the Federal Reserve’s course on monetary policy. The metal is holding much of its gains made since early March, which were driven by turmoil in the banking sector. The latest figures on growth, inflation and...

Gold steadied before a swath of US economic data that will help steer the Federal Reserve’s course on monetary policy. The metal is holding much of its gains made since early March, which were driven by turmoil in the banking sector. The latest figures on growth, inflation and...

Gold steadied as traders await a Federal Reserve meeting for clues on when the US central bank will start cutting interest rates. The Federal Open Market Committee meets Wednesday, with expectations receding for an early loosening of monetary policy this year. Swaps markets now see just...

Gold steadied after dropping Wednesday as stronger-than-expected US economic data triggered bets that the Federal Reserve could hike interest rates again this year. The market-implied odds of a quarter-point Fed rate increase in November climbed to more than 50% after US service-sector...

Gold steadied after declining in the previous session when Treasury yields jumped due to a higher-than-expected US inflation reading, which reignited concerns the Federal Reserve could implement further monetary tightening.  US consumer prices rose slightly faster than...

Gold prices steadied on Tuesday after shedding more than 1% in the last session as the dollar paused its rally, but stuck to a relatively tight range as traders held off for more policy signals from the Federal Reserve. Spot gold ticked 0.45% higher to $1,776.19 per ounce. U.S. gold futures edged...

Gold steadied after edging higher on Tuesday, as investors assess the possible impact of a US debt-ceiling deal that could cut spending further. Bullion is down almost 2% this month, erasing gains made earlier in May when it surged to a near-record on fears of a US default. Those concerns...

Gold steadied in Asia — after falling 0.9% on Wednesday — as haven demand due to the US debt-ceiling crisis was offset by gains in Treasury yields that typically weigh on bullion.  Fitch Ratings put the US on a negative ratings watch that reflects “increased political partisanship,”...

Gold steadied in Asia — after falling 0.9% on Wednesday — as haven demand due to the US debt-ceiling crisis was offset by gains in Treasury yields. Fitch Ratings put the US on a negative ratings watch that reflects “increased political partisanship,” adding that it still expects a...

Gold prices held steady on Thursday amid geopolitical and economic uncertainties with potential gains being tempered by hot U.S. inflation data, dampening expectations of the U.S. Federal Reserve starting the rate-cutting cycle in June. Spot gold was little changed at $2,330.92 per ounce, as of...

Gold steadied as protests against China’s Covid Zero policy eased, while Federal Reserve officials said that more rate hikes are coming. The US central bank’s aggressive monetary tightening this year has pushed up the dollar and bond yields while weighing on bullion, which is down...

Gold steadied above a three-week low ahead of US inflation data and major central bank meetings this week that may provide clues on the path for interest rates. The US consumer price index due later Tuesday will be closely watched for a clearer sense of whether the disinflation...

Gold prices hovered around six-month highs on Wednesday, cutting short a recent rally as traders bought back into the dollar in anticipation of more cues on monetary policy from the minutes of the Federal Reserve’s December meeting. The yellow metal marked a strong start to the new year as...

Gold prices moved little on Wednesday, hovering near three-month lows as anticipation of an address by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, as well as a reading on the central bank’s preferred inflation gauge kept traders on edge. Copper prices, meanwhile, fell further as data from China pointed...

Gold steadied ahead of economic data that could offer further clues for the path of Federal Reserve interest-rate hikes. The precious metal has rallied since the end of October, hitting an eight-month high on Monday, amid signs that the Fed was becoming less hawkish. That followed months of...

Gold steadied after notching a gain in the previous session on falling Treasury yields, as the first of this week’s three US debt sales kicked off with solid demand. A $54-billion auction of three-year notes on Tuesday bolstered sentiment amid stronger-than-expected interest from...

Gold steadied after US inflation came in slightly lower than forecast, raising hopes the Federal Reserve may be close to ending its most aggressive cycle of interest-rate hikes in decades. The metal is set for its biggest monthly gain since July 2020 as turmoil in the banking sector drove...

Gold Steadies After US Data Points to Cooling Economy
Thursday, 30 November 2023 20:46 WIB | Gold

Gold steadied after a five-day rally that pushed the precious metal close to an all-time high as US inflation and jobs data continued to indicate the economy is cooling. The PCE core deflator an inflation gauge favored by the Federal Reserve increased 0.2% in October, in line with the...

Gold steadied at elevated levels after surging almost 2% on Friday on weaker-than-expected US economic data, which bolstered the case for the Federal Reserve to pivot to monetary easing.  The precious metal is trading near the highest levels this year, aided by disappointing factory...

Gold steadied after surging the most in almost a month as downbeat US economic data spurred bets on Federal Reserve rate cuts this year. The precious metal is now trading firmly above the $2,000 an ounce threshold after climbing more than 10% since the end of February. US job...

Gold steadied after jumping to the highest in more than a year as a combination of the Federal Reserve likely pausing interest-rate hikes and mounting risks in the US economy spurred demand. Bullion traded little changed, after rising as much as 1.2% to levels not seen since Russia invaded...

Gold steadied after touching the lowest since early January as investors weighed fresh data that may prompt the Federal Reserve to extend its aggressive program of monetary tightening. Bullion had slipped 1% Wednesday, with prices extending their retreat in February amid concerns of a...

Gold steadied after a three-day rise as a quartet of Federal Reserve policymakers stressed the need to keep raising US rates, hurting the outlook for the non-interest bearing metal. The comments — including from New York Fed President John Williams — come as investors reassess bets...

Gold steadied after dropping the most in more than a month on Tuesday as the dollar and Treasury yields jumped on bets US interest rates will stay higher for longer.  Borrowing costs look set to remain elevated through the first quarter of next year whether or not the Federal...

Gold prices held near one-month lows on Friday, shrugging off cooler-than-expected U.S. inflation figures for last month, with bullion staying on course to wrap up its worst week in seven as the U.S. dollar and bond yields stood strong. Spot gold edged 0.2% higher to $1,916.53 per ounce by 0727...

Gold was steady on its first trading day of 2024, after notching up its first annual gain in three years as investors increased bets that the Federal Reserve will start to cut rates in the months ahead. Bullion ended 2023 up 13% amid speculation the central bank is set to loosen monetary...

Gold prices were stuck in a tight range on Friday as investors braced for a U.S. jobs report, which could influence the Federal Reserve’s rate hike trajectory. However, bullion was still on track for its best week since March, helped by a retreat in the dollar and U.S. Treasury yields. Spot gold...

Gold held little changed in Asia as investors start to turn their eyes to next week’s Federal Reserve meeting for clues on whether the end of its aggressive monetary-tightening campaign is near. Bullion has had a volatile 2022, with prices reaching a year-high in March amid Russia’s invasion...

Gold remained steady in Asia as the market awaits next week’s Federal Reserve meeting to get a gist of the central bank’s future rate-hike path. The US central bank’s aggressive monetary tightening this year has pushed up the dollar and pressured gold. The traditional haven is now down about...

Gold was little changed after surging more than 5% in the three previous sessions as traders turned to haven assets amid the widening US banking crisis. The fallout from Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, combined with a 1% decline in the dollar index over the past two trading days, has...

Gold prices slipped to a more than two-week low on Tuesday, weighed down by an uptick in the dollar ahead of widely watched U.S. inflation print that could provide more clarity on the Federal Reserve’s interest rate trajectory. Spot gold was down 0.5% at $1,911.70 per ounce, its lowest since Aug....

Gold edged lower in Asia after jumping 2% in the previous session as cooler-than-expected US inflation data added to hopes of a downshift in the Federal Reserve’s rate-hike path. Bullion surged past $1,800 an ounce on Thursday, a level it hasn’t surpassed since mid-August, and is up 2.5%...

Gold declined in Asia after jumping 2% in the previous session as cooler-than-expected US inflation data added to hopes of a downshift in the Federal Reserve’s rate-hike path. Bullion surged past $1,800 an ounce on Thursday, a level it hasn’t surpassed since mid-August, and is up 2.4% this...

Gold prices fell from a six-week high on Thursday as investors locked in recent profits, although fears of a brewing banking crisis and uncertainty over monetary policy kept the yellow metal’s safe haven appeal high. Fears of an imminent banking crisis also somewhat eased after Swiss bank Credit...

Gold prices edged lower on Thursday, with investors awaiting more cues on the timing of first interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve this year, while palladium prices dropped to a fresh five-year low as demand concerns persist. Spot gold slid 0.4% to $2,026.59 per ounce. U.S. gold futures...

Gold Slips as Strong U.S. Data Dampens Fed Rate Cut Bets
Wednesday, 24 January 2024 13:26 WIB | Gold

Gold prices inched lower on Wednesday as strong U.S. economic data doused hopes for early interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, while investors awaited a slew of economic reports this week. Spot gold fell 0.3% to $2,023.69 per ounce by 0537 GMT. U.S. gold futures dipped 0.1% to...

Gold edged lower amid fresh pressure from rising Treasury yields as mixed US economic data muddied the outlook for the Federal Reserve’s likely rate path. The yield on 10-year Treasuries climbed 1% in Asia hours on Monday, after key gauges of inflation and labor costs showed signs...

Gold ticked lower as traders look ahead to key decisions from the US and UK central banks later this week after the Bank of Japan ended the world’s last negative interest-rate policy. Investors have dialed back bets on the timing and scope of the Federal Reserve’s pivot to easing...

Gold touched its lowest in more than five weeks after stronger-than-expected US inflation fueled expectations for the Federal Reserve to stay hawkish on monetary policy. Consumer prices rose briskly at the start of 2023, data on Tuesday showed, a sign that the central bank may need...

Gold Slides to 1-Week Low on Elevated US Dollar, Yields
Wednesday, 6 September 2023 12:29 WIB | Gold

Gold prices extended losses to hit their lowest level in a week on Wednesday as U.S. Treasury yields and the dollar strengthened on expectations that interest rates are likely to remain high. Spot gold was subdued at $1,925.70 per ounce by 0313 GMT, after posting its biggest one-day loss since...

Gold prices fell on Monday, as the U.S. dollar and Treasury yields surged after a robust jobs report crushed expectations of near-term interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve. Spot gold was down 0.5% at $2,029.03 per ounce by 0556 GMT. U.S. gold futures fell 0.4% to $2,045.50 per...

Gold prices fell on Friday as the dollar and Treasury yields strengthened after traders lowered bets for U.S. interest rate cuts to materialize by March next year following a stronger-than-expected jobs data. Spot gold fell 1.2% to $2,004.49 per ounce. U.S. gold futures also lost 1.3% at...

Gold set another record high above $2,300 an ounce on the likelihood the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates this year, and sustained demand from central banks. Bullion touched a peak of $2,304.96 an ounce before trading little changed as investors took comfort in Fed Chair Jerome...

Gold set another record above $2,300 an ounce on the likelihood the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates this year, and sustained demand from central banks. Bullion touched a peak of $2,304.96 an ounce before trading little changed as investors took comfort in Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s...

Gold prices edged higher on Friday following weak economic data out of Europe and a week of key central banks deciding to stand pat on interest rates, although a stronger dollar kept bullion gains in check. Spot gold was up 0.3% at $1,924.70 per ounce, as of 0951 GMT, following three sessions of...

Gold was poised for its biggest weekly drop in almost four months as signs of resilience in the US economy increased the likelihood the Federal Reserve will keep hiking rates.  Bullion was steady on Friday after falling to a two-month low in the previous session as US gross domestic...

Gold headed for its worst week in six, hit by surging US bond yields amid signs of unexpected economic strength in the nation and concerns over its widening budget deficit. Yields on longer-dated Treasuries increased after the US ramped up supply of its debt issuance to finance...

Gold prices looked set to post their worst week in six on Friday as investors braced for a closely watched U.S. jobs report after a string of solid economic data this week drove Treasury yields to nine-month highs. Spot gold was little changed at $1,935.07 per ounce by 0412 GMT, while U.S. gold...

Gold prices on Friday were on track for their worst week in seven, hurt by an overall stronger dollar and elevated bond yields as investors digested the latest U.S. inflation numbers and awaited for more economic data later in the day. Spot gold rose 0.3% to $1,917.73 per ounce by 1037 GMT, after...

Gold was on track for a weekly gain following fresh data that boosted expectations for more extensive monetary easing by the Federal Reserve next year. Bullion edged higher for a second day after US economic growth in the third quarter was revised lower. Personal consumption data...

Gold prices firmed on Friday but were on course for their biggest weekly fall since mid-November as several central banks this week signaled that more rate hikes are needed to curb inflationary pressures. Spot gold rose 0.3% to $1,782.61 per ounce. It is down about 0.8% for the week so far,...

Gold is on track for its biggest weekly decline in at least a month after the Federal Reserve indicated it won’t soon abandon its aggressive monetary-tightening. Bullion has had a volatile week, surging past the $1,800 an ounce mark on Tuesday after data showed US inflation...

Gold headed for its third consecutive weekly loss, with investors strengthening bets on more rate hikes from the Federal Reserve following robust US jobs data and GDP figures. Bullion dropped below the $1,900 an ounce threshold on Thursday for the first time since mid-March, before...

Gold headed for its third consecutive weekly loss, with investors strengthening bets on more rate hikes from the Federal Reserve following robust US jobs data and GDP figures. Bullion dropped below the $1,900 an ounce threshold on Thursday for the first time since mid-March, before...

Gold prices were set for a third straight weekly gain after data showing easing inflation raised expectations that the U.S. Federal Reserve would soon start cutting interest rates, with Chair Jerome Powell’s speech later on Friday in focus. Spot gold rose 0.11% to $2,037.99 per ounce. The metal...

Gold headed for the largest weekly gain since March, ahead of key US jobs data that will shape expectations about how much more tightening is yet to come from the Federal Reserve. The precious metal surged past the $1,700 mark earlier this week, after disappointing US data on manufacturing...

Gold headed for the strongest close in a month after the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge met consensus forecasts, keeping open the possibility of interest rate cuts later in the year. Spot bullion traded above $2,046 an ounce, on track for a modest weekly gain and the...

Gold eked out gains on Friday but was set for its first weekly drop in four weeks, as surprisingly hot U.S. inflation readings prompted traders to re-think on how swiftly and deeply the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates. Spot gold rose 0.3% at $2,168.10 per ounce but was on track for a...

Gold headed for its biggest weekly decline in more than a year after the breach of a key technical level sparked outflows from exchange-traded funds. Bullion is set to end the week with a decline of more than 3%, its biggest weekly drop since July 2022. The metal is trading at its lowest...

Gold climbed and headed for the largest weekly advance in almost seven months on demand for a haven as Israel massed troops near the Gaza Strip and signaled a major ground offensive could be imminent. The precious metal is on track for an increase of 2.4% this week, the most since the five...

Gold is headed for its best week since April on bets that the Federal Reserve is approaching an interest-rate peak after key US data showed inflation slowing. Bullion edged lower on Friday, but remains up almost 2% this week, buoyed by sliding Treasury yields and a drop from the dollar to a...

Gold headed for its biggest monthly gain since May 2021 after the dollar fell on signs the Federal Reserve is preparing to slow the pace of interest-rate hikes. The metal was steady Wednesday and is up around 7% in November. Fed Chair Jerome Powell is expected to cement expectations...

Gold headed for its biggest monthly gain since May 2021 after the dollar fell on signs the Federal Reserve is preparing to slow the pace of interest-rate hikes. The metal was steady Wednesday and is up around 7% in November. Fed Chair Jerome Powell is expected to cement expectations...

Gold climbed to the highest in almost three weeks, supported by falling US Treasury yields and a weaker dollar ahead of critical inflation data later this week. Bullion rose above $1,930 an ounce as 10-year Treasury yields extended declines and the greenback hit the lowest since mid-June —...

Gold rose to a record as the second quarter kicked off, extending a rally that’s been driven the Federal Reserve moving closer to rate cuts and deepening geopolitical tensions. Bullion jumped as much as 1.2% to $2,256.44 an ounce early on Monday, after setting a series of all-time highs in...

Gold Rises to Record Ahead of U.S. Jobs Data
Friday, 8 March 2024 18:27 WIB | Gold

Gold prices were poised for a strong weekly gain Friday as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s remarks cemented mid-year rate cut bets, ahead of a key jobs report later in the day. Spot gold was 0.4% higher at $2,167.69 per ounce, breaking above a record peak of $2,164.09 hit in the previous...

Gold jumped to the highest level in four weeks as the intensifying conflict in the Middle East bolstered haven demand, with hopes for a diplomatic resolution deteriorating after a deadly explosion in Gaza. US President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel and Jordan scheduled for Wednesday...

Gold prices rose slightly on Tuesday as investors looked for hints on future interest rates from the U.S. Federal Reserve’s policy meeting. Spot gold was 0.3% higher at $1,987.93 per ounce, while U.S. gold futures were up 0.2% to $1,996.70. The Federal Open Market Committee on Tuesday starts a...


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