

Pasar saham Asia memulai minggu ini dengan keuntungan hati-hati pada hari Senin, karena para investor berpegang teguh pada harapan untuk pengeluaran stimulus AS, sementara dolar menguat setelah kebijakan bank sentral China membatalkan beberapa kenaikan tajam yuan. Bank Rakyat China telah...

Saham Asia berjuang untuk kenaikan pada hari Rabu seiring paruh kedua tahun ini berlangsung, dengan meningkatkan data ekonomi diimbangi oleh kekhawatiran bahwa kasus virus corona yang melonjak di Amerika Serikat dapat mengganggu pemulihan dunia sebelum dimulai dengan benar. Menyusul data...

Saham-saham di Asia diperdagangkan mixed pada Kamis pagi karena dukungan pemrotes di Hong Kong ditandatangani menjadi undang-undang oleh Presiden AS Donald Trump pada hari Rabu. Nikkei 225 di Jepang naik 0,15% pada awal perdagangan, sementara indeks Topix fraksional lebih tinggi. Kospi Korea...

Saham di Asia bervariasi dalam perdagangan Jumat pagi seiring investor terus mengawasi perkembangan perdagangan AS-Cina menyusul meningkatnya ketegangan baru-baru ini atas Hong Kong. Saham Nikkei 225 Jepang naik 0,24% pada awal perdagangan, dengan saham kelas berat indeks dan pembuat robot Fanuc...

Indeks saham Asia mencapai rekor tertinggi pada hari Senin di tengah harapan paket stimulus AS yang sangat dibutuhkan sebelum akhir tahun tepat ketika vaksin virus korona diluncurkan, sementara harga minyak mendekati level tertinggi sejak Maret. Indeks MSCI dari saham Asia-Pasifik di luar Jepang...

Saham di kawasan Asia-Pasifik beragam pada Senin (25/7) menjelang pekan yang penting di AS. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang tergelincir 0,6% dan indeks Topix kehilangan 0,42%. Di Korea Selatan, Indeks Kospi naik sedikit, sedangkan Indeks Kosdaq turun 0,16%. Indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia melayang...

Saham Asia-Pasifik beragam pada Jumat (2/9) karena investor menantikan laporan data ketenagakerjaan AS untuk Agustus, indikator utama sebelum keputusan suku bunga Federal Reserve berikutnya akhir bulan ini. Indeks harga konsumen Korea Selatan naik lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan 5,7% pada...

Pasar di Asia-Pasifik turun pada hari Rabu, dengan saham teknologi secara regional mengalami penurunan. Saham China Daratan turun pada hari itu, dengan Indeks komposit Shanghai tergelincir 1,86% ke level 3.254,63 sedangkan Indeks komponen Shenzhen turun 3,247% menjadi 12.861,75. Indeks Hang Seng...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik turun pada perdagangan Jumat pagi seiring para investor mengamati imbal hasil obligasi serta saham teknologi di wilayah tersebut. Di Jepang, Indeks Nikkei 225 tergelincir 0,92% di awal perdagangan. Indeks Topix merosot 0,62%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan turun...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik turun pada hari Jumat (10/12) karena para investor menilai risiko yang terkait dengan varian Covid baru omicron dan menantikan data inflasi utama di AS. Indeks Nikkei 225 Jepang memperpanjang kerugian dari sesi sebelumnya dan turun 0,16% di awal perdagangan. Indeks Topix...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik tergelincir pada perdagangan Kamis pagi (24/3) setelah harga minyak melonjak sekitar 5% pada hari Rabu. Indeks Nikkei 225 turun 1,23% di awal perdagangan, mengurangi sebagian dari lonjakan 3% dari hari Rabu. Indeks Topix merosot 1,02%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan turun...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik datar pada hari Selasa (9/8) pada data yang tenang karena pasar terus mengamati laporan pekerjaan AS yang luar biasa minggu lalu. Saham SoftBank turun lebih dari 4% pada awal perdagangan setelah Vision Fund melaporkan kerugian sebesar 2,93 triliun yen Jepang ($21,68 miliar)...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik sedikit menguat pada hari Kamis (15/9) setelah mengalami sesi negatif pada hari Rabu. Indeks AS, beringsut lebih tinggi semalam dan indeks harga produsen menunjukkan penurunan harga grosir 0,1% pada Agustus di tengah kekhawatiran inflasi. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang, Indeks...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik sedikit berubah pada Selasa pagi (27/4) karena investor menunggu keputusan suku bunga Bank of Japan. Di Jepang, Nikkei 225 sebagian besar datar pada awal perdagangan sementara indeks Topix turun 0,37%. Bank of Japan akan mengumumkan keputusan suku bunganya pada pukul 11:00...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik sebagian besar lebih tinggi pada Selasa (26/7) karena produk domestik bruto Korea Selatan mengalahkan perkiraan. Indeks Kospi di Korea Selatan pulih dari kerugian naik 0,43%, sedangkan Indeks Kosdaq naik 0,11%. Ekonomi Korea Selatan tumbuh 0,7% pada kuartal kedua...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik naik pada perdagangan Kamis (23/12), karena kekhawatiran atas varian omicron Covid mereda. Saham raksasa e-commerce China yang terdaftar di Hong Kong anjlok 7,95% sementara saham Tencent melonjak 4,2%. Langkah itu terjadi setelah Tencent mengumumkan akan...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik naik pada perdagangan Senin pagi, karena investor melihat ke depan untuk pembukaan Hong Kong setelah indeks Hang Seng jatuh ke pasar bearish pada pekan lalu. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang naik 0,99% di awal perdagangan sementara Indeks Topix melonjak 1,29%. Indeks Kospi Korea...

Saham Asia-Pasifik naik di awal perdagangan hari Rabu, karena optimisme terus mendorong saham AS, dengan S&P 500 dan Nasdaq mencapai rekor tertingginya semalam. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang naik 0,55%, sedangkan Indeks Topix melonjak 0,61%. Di Korea Selatan, Indeks Kospi menguat 0,42%. Di...

Saham di Jepang naik pada awal perdagangan hari Jumat (25/3) karena saham Wall Street rally semalam dan harga minyak mengalami penurunan. Indeks Nikkei 225 Jepang naik 0,3%, sedangkan Indeks Topix menguat 0,24%. Jepang melaporkan data inflasi, menunjukkan indeks harga konsumen inti mencapai...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik sebagian besar diperdagangkan lebih tinggi pada hari Senin (9/8), dengan indeks di Australia, Hong Kong dan daratan Cina membukukan kenaikan. Indeks ASX 200 Australia naik 0,16% karena investor mengawasi situasi Covid-19 di negara itu. Dolar Australia berpindah tangan pada...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik menguat pada hari Kamis (11/8) setelah laporan inflasi yang lebih baik dari perkiraan di AS mendorong saham bergerak lebih tinggi. Indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia naik 0,65%. Indeks Kospi di Korea Selatan menguat 1,17% dan Indeks Kosdaq melonjak 1,6%. Indeks MSCI dari saham...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa (13/9) seiring para investor menantikan laporan inflasi AS untuk bulan Agustus. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang naik 0,26%, dan Indeks Topix menguat 0,18%. Di Australia, Indeks S&P/ASX 200 lebih tinggi 0,6%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan naik 1,78%...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik jatuh pada perdagangan Rabu (31/8) menyusul petunjuk negatif dari Wall Street, dan karena investor menantikan rilis data aktivitas pabrik China. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang turun 0,8%, dan indeks Topix tergelincir 0,6%. Indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia turun 0,7%. Di Korea...

Saham Asia-Pasifik jatuh pada awal perdagangan hari Rabu (10/8) seiring para investor menunggu data inflasi dari China dan AS. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang turun 0,63%, sedangkan Indeks Topix tergelincir 0,46%. Di Korea Selatan, Indeks Kospi melemah 0,54% dan Indeks Kosdaq turun 0,75%. Indeks...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik jatuh pada hari Jumat (16/9) seiring para investor mengamati data ekonomi AS dan menantikan rilis angka produksi industri dan penjualan ritel China untuk bulan Agustus. Yuan Tiongkok lepas pantai melemah melewati 7 terhadap dolar semalam, dan terakhir diperdagangkan pada...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik jatuh pada hari Senin (10/1) karena investor mengawasi pandemi virus corona dan kenaikan suku bunga di AS. Di Korea Selatan, Indeks Kospi turun 1,18% sedangkan Indeks Kosdaq melemah 1,7%. Indeks Australia ASX 200 diperdagangkan turun 0,1%, setelah menelusuri kembali beberapa...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik diperdagangkan lebih rendah pada Kamis (1/9) karena investor menunggu hasil survei pribadi tentang aktivitas pabrik China. Indeks Nikkei 225 Jepang tergelincir 1,05% di awal perdagangan, dan indeks Topix turun 0,73%. Di Australia, Indeks S&P/ASX 200 turun 1,24%. Indeks...

Saham Asia-Pasifik jatuh pada pembukaan hari Rabu (6/7) meskipun Wall Street memulihkan sebagian besar kerugiannya pada penutupan. Indeks Nikkei 225 Jepang turun 0,77% dan Indeks Topix melemah 0,72%. Di Korea Selatan, Indeks Kospi merosot 0,52% dan Indeks Kosdaq lebih rendah 0,28%. Indeks...

Sebagian besar pasar Asia-Pasifik diredam pada awal perdagangan hari Kamis (9/12) karena para investor menilai risiko seputar Covid varian omicron. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang turun 0,04% sedangkan Indeks Topix melemah 0,08%. Di Australia, Indeks ASX 200 merosot 0,11% karena subindeks energi dan...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik diperdagangkan lebih tinggi seiring para investor menantikan keputusan suku bunga Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang naik 1,13%, sedangkan Indeks Topix menguat 0,66%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan meningkat 1,51%, dan Indeks Kosdaq menambahkan...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik turun tajam pada pembukaan hari Rabu (14/9) setelah indeks di Wall Street merosot tajam menyusul laporan indeks harga konsumen AS yang lebih tinggi dari perkiraan untuk bulan Agustus. Indeks Nikkei 225 Jepang turun 2,8% di awal perdagangan, dan Indeks Topix merosot 2,19%....

Saham di perdagangan Asia-Pasifik bervariasi pada Kamis pagi setelah S&P 500 naik ke rekor penutupan tertinggi semalam. Di Jepang, Indeks Nikkei 225 tergelincir 0,55% sedangkan Indeks Topix turun 0,62%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan juga merosot 0,32%. Saham di Australia naik, dengan S & P...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik beragam pada hari Senin (4/7) menjelang keputusan bank sentral Australia dan Malaysia minggu ini. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang naik 0,6%, sedangkan Indeks Topix menguat 0,85%. Di Australia, Indeks S&P/ASX 200 menambahkan 0,45%. Namun, Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan turun 0,66%...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik beragam pada hari Kamis (13/1) karena Wall Street melihat kenaikan meskipun ada laporan inflasi panas yang menetapkan ekspektasi pasar untuk kenaikan suku bunga. Sementara itu, kekhawatiran Covid juga kembali menjadi fokus ketika Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia memperingatkan bahwa...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik beragam pada perdagangan Jumat pagi karena investor mengamati pergerakan saham teknologi regional menyusul penurunan sektor di Amerika Serikat semalam. Saham China Daratan beragam, dengan Indeks Shanghai Composite turun sedikit sementara Indeks komponen Shenzhen naik 0,349%....

Pasar di Asia-Pasifik diperdagangkan beragam pada Selasa pagi (26/4) seiring para investor bersiap untuk mengamati dengan cermat reaksi pasar terhadap kekhawatiran Covid di China saat Beijing memperluas pengujian massal. Indeks Nikkei 225 Jepang naik 0,17%, sedangkan Indeks Topix datar. Indeks...

Pasar Asia diperkirakan akan berayun lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis, setelah saham AS berbalik arah dari penurunan tiga hari berturut-turut yang menyebabkan Nasdaq yang sangat padat teknologi ke wilayah koreksi. Namun, perubahan arah pada saham AS sudah tercermin di beberapa pasar, sehingga...

Pasar Asia naik tipis pada Senin pagi seiring investor bereaksi terhadap serangkaian rilis data baru-baru ini pada ekonomi utama termasuk Amerika Serikat dan Cina. Indeks MSCI Asia Pasifik diluarJepang diperdagangkan 0,12% lebih tinggi. Di Jepang, Nikkei 225 naik 0,4% pada awal perdagangan...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik ditutup beragam pada hari Senin (16/5), setelah China melaporkan angka ekonomi yang mengecewakan sebagai akibat dari pembatasan Covid. Saham China Daratan lebih rendah, dengan Indeks Shanghai Composite turun 0,34% pada 3.073,75 dan Indeks Shenzhen Component turun 0,6%...

Saham Asia berada di bawah tekanan pada hari Rabu setelah Wall Street melemah untuk hari ketiga berturut-turut dipimpin oleh penurunan di perusahaan teknologi kelas berat, dan harga minyak mencapai posisi terendah yang tidak terlihat sejak Juni. Meningkatnya kekhawatiran atas Inggris yang...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik beragam pada penutupan hari Rabu. Investor tetap berhati-hati meskipun ada harapan vaksin, karena kasus virus korona terus melonjak. Sementara itu, dolar AS terus merosot. Indeks Shanghai Komposit China naik tipis 0,22% dan ditutup pada level 3.347,30, sedangkan Indeks...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik beragam pada awal perdagangan hari Rabu. Investor tetap berhati-hati meski ada harapan akan vaksin, meski kasus virus corona terus melonjak. Sementara itu, dolar AS terus merosot. Saham China tidak banyak bergerak di awal perdagangan. Indeks Shanghai Composite naik tipis...

Saham di Asia sebagian besar lebih tinggi pada perdagangan Senin pagi setelah data pekerjaan AS yang dirilis Jumat secara tak terduga melonjak, sehingga memacu harapan pemulihan ekonomi dari pandemi virus corona. Saham China Daratan lebih tinggi pada awal perdagangan, dengan Shanghai Composite...

Pasar saham Asia berayun dan safe-haven yen Jepang, emas dan obligasi naik pada hari Kamis karena jumlah kasus virus corona baru di pusat wabah melonjak tajam. Provinsi Hubei China, pusat dari virus, melaporkan 242 kematian baru dan mengonfirmasi 14.840 kasus baru pada 12 Februari, peningkatan...

Saham Asia melemah sementara emas dan obligasi dalam permintaan pada hari Kamis seiring kekhawatiran tentang penyebaran virus baru dari China. Federal Reserve mempertahankan suku bunga tidak berubah pada hari Rabu, seperti yang diharapkan, meskipun komentar Ketua bank Jerome Powell tentang...

Pasar Asia-Pasifik jatuh pada awal perdagangan hari Jumat karena investor tetap berhati-hati menjelang simposium Jackson Hole tahunan Federal Reserve di mana Ketua Fed Jerome Powell akan berbicara. Di Australia, Indeks ASX 200 turun 0,29% dengan sebagian besar sektor diperdagangkan lebih rendah....

Pasar saham Asia naik tipis pada perdagangan Jumat pagi karena investor menunggu angka nonfarm payroll AS di hari ini. Investor juga mengamati perkembangan di sisi perdagangan sehari setelah pasar global menguat karena berita bahwa AS dan China akan kembali ke meja perundingan bulan depan. Di...

Asia-Pacific markets fell Thursday, led by Japan as the country resumed trading after an extended New Year’s holiday during which it witnessed an earthquake that has claimed at least 65 lives and a collision at Tokyo’s Haneda airport involving Japan Airlines. The benchmark Nikkei 225 tumbled...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik tergelincir pada perdagangan Jumat (11/3) pagi, mengikuti penurunan di Wall Street karena perang Rusia-Ukraina terus membuat investor berhati-hati. Nikkei 225 di Jepang turun lebih dari 1% pada awal perdagangan, menumpahkan sebagian dari kenaikan hampir 4% pada hari Kamis....

Saham di Asia-Pasifik beragam pada perdagangan Rabu (29/12) pagi seiring investor mengkaji dampak dari varian omicron Covid. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang tergelincir 0,11% di awal perdagangan sementara indeks Topix juga turun secara fraksional. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan turun 0,71%. Saham...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik turun pada Rabu pagi (27/4) setelah mengalami kerugian semalam melihat Indeks Nasdaq Composite yang padat teknologi meluncur ke level terendah baru untuk 2022. Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang turun 1,77% sedangkan Indeks Topix melemah 1,34%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan merosot...

Pasar saham gelisah di Asia pada hari Rabu (24/11) karena perdagangan diterpa oleh peningkatan hasil Treasury AS serta harga minyak yang bergejolak dalam menghadapi pergerakan penurunan harga oleh Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara lain. Indeks MSCI dari saham Asia Pasifik di luar Jepang turun...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific traded higher on Wednesday after U.S. stocks rallied for a second day. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index jumped 4.39% on its return to trade after a holiday Tuesday, with the Hang Seng Tech index 5.44% higher. The Nikkei 225 in Japan rose 0.52%, rising above the 27,000...

Saham di Asia diperdagangkan bervariasi pada Senin pagi seiring investor mencari perkembangan lebih lanjut pada perdagangan AS-Cina. Secara keseluruhan, indeks MSCI Asia pasifik di luar Jepang diperdagangkan 0,05% lebih rendah. Di Jepang, Nikkei 225 naik sedikit di awal perdagangan sementara...

China led declines in Asia-Pacific stock markets Tuesday in a holiday-shortened week, with Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong markets closed for Boxing Day holiday. Japan’s Nikkei 225 dipped 0.17%, but was set to wrap up the year as the region’s top performer with gains of over 27%. The broader...

Bursa saham Asia bergerak lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa karena fokus investor beralih ke perdagangan AS-China, sementara yield Treasury stabil setelah mengalami kenaikan pada Senin. Indeks ekuitas Jepang naik, sementara kenaikan di Hong Kong dan China lebih rendah seiring pembukaan pasar....

Bursa di Asia-Pasifik bergerak lebih rendah pada perdagangan Jumat pagi seiring para investor mengamati saham teknologi China di Hong Kong setelah kekhawatiran peraturan muncul kembali. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan berada di bawah garis datar pada awal perdagangan. Di Australia, Indeks S&P/ASX...

Sebagian besar saham Asia naik pada hari Jumat setelah perusahaan teknologi memimpin rebound di Wall Street di tengah optimisme ekonomi dan mengurangi kekhawatiran tentang kemungkinan pengurangan stimulus AS. Dolar mempertahankan penurunannya. Indeks saham Asia-Pasifik MSCI Inc. membukukan...

Saham Asia membuka sesi akhir tahun yang tenang pada hari Kamis, menguat hampir 9% untuk kuartal ini berkat kekhawatiran yang mereda tentang ketegangan perdagangan AS dan China dan ekspektasi kenaikan ekonomi global pada tahun 2020. Saham-saham dibuka lebih tinggi di Tokyo dan flat di Seoul,...

Bursa Asia dan Wall Street berjangka bergerak lebih tinggi pada hari Rabu di tengah harapan pada virus corona terburuk di China mungkin telah berlalu, meskipun ketidakpastian tentang wabah telah membuat investor waspada. Indeks MSCI untuk saham Asia Pasifik di luar Jepang naik 0,1%. Saham...

Asian stock markets edged lower on Tuesday as economic data showed U.S. services sector unexpectedly softened, reinforcing expectations that the Federal Reserve may skip an interest rate hike when it meets next week. MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.1% at...

Asian Stocks Start Week Positively
Monday, 26 December 2022 14:45 WIB | Market update

Asian stocks started the week on a positive note Monday, buoyed by gains on Wall Street last week, although spiralling Covid-19 cases in China weighed on sentiment in thin holiday trade. Several markets were closed, including Hong Kong, Sydney and Singapore, but benchmark indexes in Shanghai,...

Stocks in Asia advanced following better-than-expected Chinese economic data and after the central bank took further measures to support the struggling economy.  Shares in mainland China swung to a gain after industrial production and retail sales data beat estimates, adding to evidence...

Asian stocks gained as investors bought shares of some major companies with most markets closed for holidays. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index rose 0.2%, with Toyota, Sony and Asustek among the biggest boosts. Key equity gauges advanced in Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam while mainland China benchmarks...

A gauge of Asian stocks dropped along with US and European equity futures as investors weighed the prospect of central banks tightening policy more than previously expected to tame inflation. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index slid about 0.3% in mixed trading that saw Chinese and Japanese...

Asian Stocks Brace For Central Bank Bonanza
Monday, 11 December 2023 07:26 WIB | Market update

Asian shares started cautiously on Monday ahead of a week packed with a quintet of central bank meetings and data on U.S. inflation that could make or break market hopes for an early and rapid fire round of rate cuts next year. An upbeat payrolls report has already seen investors scale back...

Asian shares were mixed on Wednesday while Japanese yields hugged a policy cap, with markets anxiously awaiting a pivotal Bank of Japan (BOJ) meeting that could see the world's third largest economy shift away from decades of ultra-low interest rates. The BOJ's official two-day meeting will end...

Asian shares started cautiously on Monday as investors waited nervously to see if the Bank of Japan (BOJ) will defend its super-sized stimulus policy at a pivotal meeting this week, while a holiday in U.S. markets made for thin trading. There were even rumours the BOJ might hold an emergency...

Shares in Asia gained after shares in the US rebounded from their worst week since March, with Wall Street optimism offset by the latest comments from a Federal Reserve official that pointed to more rate hikes to tame inflation. Shares rose at the open in Japan, South Korea and...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik beragam pada perdagangan Rabu pagi (7/7) menyusul kerugian di Wall Street dengan S&P 500 mengakhiri kenaikan beruntun tujuh hari. Nikkei 225 turun 1,46% sedangkan indeks Topix turun 1,08%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan turun 0,45%. Di Australia, Indeks S&P/ASX 200 naik...

Asia-Pacific shares opened in positive territory as investors look ahead to a highly anticipated Federal Reserve meeting and U.S. CPI data. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 was up 0.28%. The Nikkei 225 in Japan added 0.85% in early trade, while the Topix inched up 1.44%. Korean benchmark Kospi...

Asia-Pacific shares traded higher as investors looked ahead to the Federal Reserve’s Wednesday meeting, as well as some economic data in the region. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 was up 0.71%. Japan’s Nikkei 225 gained 0.8% and the Topix climbed 0.7% in its first hour of trade. South Korea’s Kospi...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific declined Monday as investors looked ahead to a Fed meeting and U.S. inflation data this week. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 was down 0.79%. Japan’s Nikkei 225′s fell 0.43% in early trade, while the Topix slid 0.27%. South Korean benchmark Kospi shed 0.62%, and the...

Stocks in the Asia-Pacific traded mixed on Thursday as investors digested the U.S. Federal Reserve’s smaller rate hike of 25 basis points and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell acknowledged inflation is falling. In Japan, the Nikkei 225 traded just above the flatline while the Topix lost 0.18%. South...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific were mixed on Thursday after Wall Street’s two-day rally fizzled. Japan’s Nikkei 225 gained 0.25%, while the Topix added 0.32%. The Kospi in South Korea rose 0.55% and the Kosdaq was 0.86% higher. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 fell 0.24%. MSCI’s broadest index of...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific traded lower on Thursday as economic fears weigh. In Japan, the Nikkei 225 lost 0.98% and the Topix shed 0.56%. The S&P/ASX 200 in Australia declined 0.83%. South Korea’s Kospi dipped 0.78% and the Kosdaq was 0.12% lower. The MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific...

Stocks in the Asia-Pacific traded higher on its last trading session of the year after Wall Street rebounded overnight, recovering most losses from the previous day. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index rose 0.56% carrying on the sentiment from the U.S. session. In mainland China, the Shanghai Composite...

Asia-Pacific shares traded higher on Tuesday after stocks on Wall Street rallied overnight. The Nikkei 225 in Japan rose 1.88% in early trade, and the Topix index was 2.12% higher. South Korea’s Kospi advanced 1.45% on its return to trade after a holiday. The Kosdaq added 1.96%. MSCI’s broadest...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific traded lower on Friday as investors await inflation data from several economies. The Nikkei 225 in Japan slipped 0.24% in early trade and the Topix lost 0.33%. Japan’s yen weakened further to touch 150.28 overnight after hitting 150 against the dollar on Thursday. In...

Asia-Pacific markets traded higher as Hong Kong and mainland China resumed quarantine-free travel over the weekend, signaling the end of zero-Covid policy which kept borders effectively closed for nearly three years. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.68% ahead of the country’s buildings...

Asia-Pacific markets largely rose ahead of key inflation reports this week, including the U.S. consumer price index report due Wednesday and the producer price index on Thursday. In the region, China’s inflation rate and producer prices later today will provide more context to the country’s...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific were mixed on Tuesday as investors weigh risks. Japan’s Nikkei 225 climbed 0.75% and the Topix added 1.1%. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 rose 0.51% ahead of central bank governor Philip Lowe’s speech at the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. Hong...

Asia Pacific markets opened mixed on Thursday after the U.S. Federal Reserve released the minutes of its most recent meeting that showed central bank members are still committed to fighting inflation with rate hikes. The S&P/ASX 200 opened 0.21% lower, while the South Korean Kospi started the...

Asia-Pacific markets are largely higher as most markets reopen after the long Labor Day weekend. For Tuesday, investors will be closely watching Australia’s central’s bank to see if it will continue to hike interest rates, having held the benchmark policy rate at 3.6% in their last meeting. In...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific fell on Monday as markets enter the last quarter of the year. The Nikkei 225 in Japan fell 1.07%, while the Topix index lost nearly 1%. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 gave up early gains to fall 0.65%. MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan...

Asia-Pacific markets traded lower, taking the lead from Wall Street’s losses overnight as investors looked to the year ahead. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 was down 0.88%. In Japan, the Nikkei 225 traded down 0.94% while the Topix shed 0.86%. South Korea’s Kospi fell 0.57% as the country’s retail...

Asia-Pacific markets slipped Monday as traders weighed the impact of Iran’s drone attack on Israel over the weekend, with focus also on key economic data from China and Japan later in the week. Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles against military targets in Israel on Saturday in an...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific fell on Friday ahead of the monthly U.S. jobs report, which is likely to guide the Federal Reserve’s monetary decision in November. Payrolls are expected to increase 275,000 in September, and unemployment is predicted to be steady at 3.7%, according to economists...

Shares in the Asia-Pacific fell Thursday as investors await U.S. inflation data, a key metric closely watched by the Federal Reserve, and as U.S. midterm results continue to roll in. The Nikkei 225 in Japan shed 0.9% in early trade and the Topix declined 0.65%. In South Korea, the Kospi dropped...

Asian shares held near seven-month highs on Thursday though traded mostly sideways as investors awaited fresh catalysts that would provide further clarity on the global interest rate easing cycle. Japan's Nikkei was headed for a fourth successive day of loss - its longest losing streak in about...

Asian shares got off to a hesitant start on Monday ahead of potentially market-moving inflation data from the United States and Europe later in the week, and a meeting of oil producers that could stop, or extend, the recent slide in prices. The approach of month end could also cause some caution...

Asian stocks rose, with Japan leading gains as much of the region was closed for the Lunar New Year holiday, as prospects for slower Federal Reserve policy tightening lifted investor sentiment. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index was up 0.4%, on track for its highest close since June 9, driven by gains...

Stocks in Asia followed US benchmarks higher ahead of a slew of Chinese data, after strong US economic reports revived speculation the Federal Reserve will be able to engineer a soft landing.  Equities in Australia rallied the most in two weeks while Japanese and Korean shares...

Shares in Asia were little changed, mirroring a flat day on Wall Street as bonds extended a rally on bets the Federal Reserve may start cutting interest rates in the first half of 2024. Australian and Japanese stocks were flat at the open while equity futures for Hong Kong...

Asian stocks fell to a 11-month low on Wednesday after another piece of resilient U.S. economic data sent Treasury yields to fresh highs, while a sharp rise in the yen had traders speculating that Japanese authorities stepped into the market. The yen breached the 150-per-dollar level before...

Asia Stocks Are Mixed as Traders Await US CPI Data
Wednesday, 13 September 2023 07:16 WIB | Market update

Asian equities were mixed before US inflation data for August that may give a better guide on the future path for Federal Reserve interest rates. Oil traded near a 10-month high amid strains in global supplies. Stocks climbed in South Korea and Japan, but fell in...

Asian shares drifted lower on Monday as the risk of a wider conflict in the Middle East clouded sentiment in a week laden with data on U.S. growth and inflation as well as earnings from some of the world's largest tech companies. Washington warned over the weekend of a significant risk to U.S....

Asia shares mostly slipped on Tuesday ahead of Beijing's expected release of weak fourth-quarter economic data, although investor sentiment about China's rebound remained positive even as the global economy edges closer to recession. MSCI's gauge of Asia Pacific stocks outside Japan was down...

Asian shares rallied for a fourth straight session on Monday after markets moved to price in earlier rate cuts in the United States and Europe, bullish wagers that will be tested by a swarm of central bank speakers this week. Battered bond markets also enjoyed a welcome recovery as a benign U.S....

Asian shares got off to a subdued start on Monday as a U.S. holiday made for slow trading ahead of minutes of the last Federal Reserve meeting and a reading on core inflation that could add to the risk of interest rates heading higher for longer. Geopolitical tensions were ever present with North...

Asian shares dithered on Monday as investors worried U.S. inflation data this week could derail the outlook for lower interest rates, while the risk of currency intervention from Japan stalled the yen's decline for the moment. China's central bank also engineered a rally in the yuan after setting...

Asia-Pacific markets were mostly higher on Monday as some investors returned from a long Easter weekend. South Korea’s Kospi gained 0.87% to end at 2,512.08 and led gains among the benchmark indexes in the region. The Kosdaq index also advanced 0.88% to finish at 887.78. Japan’s Nikkei 225...

Asia-Pacific markets were trading mixed on Thursday with Hong Kong looking to extend its gains. The Hang Seng index futures are standing at 20,301, compared to the index’s last close at 20,192. On Wednesday, Hong Kong markets gained over 2%, led by China’s tech giant Alibaba on news of its major...

Asia-Pacific markets were mixed on Wednesday as investors will keenly watch Alibaba’s Hong Kong-listed shares, after the Chinese tech giant announced it will split into six business groups. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 dipped 0.15% ahead of the release of inflation numbers for February,...

Asia-Pacific markets were mixed on Monday as investors continue to assess the impact of the banking troubles in the U.S and Europe. On Friday, Deutsche Bank saw a selloff of its U.S.-listed shares, after the German lender’s credit default swaps jumped, without an apparent catalyst. In Australia,...

Stocks in the Asia-Pacific were mixed on Friday after Wall Street’s rally driven by technology stocks. Meta surged 23%, marking its best day since 2013 after seeing a better-than-expected earnings report. The Nikkei 225 in Japan rose 0.28% and the Topix fell 0.09%. In South Korea, the Kospi also...

Asia-Pacific markets were all lower on Friday, tracking Wall Street’s losses overnight and giving up gains from the previous day. Traders will also be watching chip stocks, after Taiwanese chip giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp beat first quarter revenue and profit expectations on...

Asia-Pacific markets were higher on Tuesday as investor fears over the recent banking turmoil continued to show signs of easing. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 rose 1.11%. Japan’s Nikkei 225 was up 0.3%, while the Topix saw a larger gain of 0.57% in early trading. South Korea’s Kospi rose...

Most Asia-Pacific markets fell Tuesday, tracking declines in Wall Street overnight, while investors also awaited the interest rate decision from the Reserve Bank of Australia later in the day. Twenty-nine economists polled by Reuters unanimously expect the RBA to hold rates at 4.35%. In Japan,...

Asia-Pacific markets fell Wednesday after Wall Street saw the Nasdaq Composite and the S&P500 indexes tumble on the first trading day of the year. Investors in Asia await India’s factory activity data from S&P Global for December, while oil prices will also be closely watched following...

Asia-Pacific markets struggled to make headway in the early hours of Friday, after mostly falling for the first two trading days of the new year. Investors will be watching Southeast Asia’s economic data due later in the day, including inflation numbers from Thailand and the Philippines, as well...

Asia-Pacific markets fell Monday after Wall Street’s rally took a breather, with artificial intelligence darling Nvidia finishing down more than 5% in its worst session since late May. Separately, China recorded its first month of inflation in four months with the country’s consumer price index...

Asia-Pacific markets declined after the U.S. Federal Reserve hiked rates by 25 basis points as widely expected, bringing the federal funds rate range to 5%-5.25% — its highest level since August 2007. However, the Fed did hint at a possible pause to hikes. The post-meeting statement omitted a...

Asia-Pacific markets started Friday lower even as Wall Street mostly saw gains and ahead of private factory activity surveys from across the region. Most notably, investors will be watching China’s Caixin manufacturing purchasing managers’ index for November, after official numbers Thursday...

Asia-Pacific markets fell ahead of the Bank of Japan’s rate decision, which investors will be closely watching to determine if the central bank will make any change to its ultra-easy monetary policy A poll of Reuters economists showed that economists all expect the BOJ to hold its benchmark...

Asia-Pacific markets were set for a mixed start to the year, with official data from China over the weekend highlighting a deepening contraction in its manufacturing sector. Official data showed China’s manufacturing PMI contracted further in December 2023, in a sign that more policy support was...

Asia-Pacific markets rose on Tuesday, tracking moves on Wall Street as U.S. markets snapped a three-day losing streak. Australia will release consumer confidence surveys out from Australia, while the Philippines will also publish its trade numbers for June. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200...

Asia-Pacific markets were higher Friday after major Wall Street banks pledged a deposit of $30 billion in First Republic Bank in an attempt to bolster confidence in the banking system. The group of 11 banks, included Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase. In mainland China,...

Asia-Pacific markets mostly rose on Thursday after the U.S. inflation rate for June came in lower than expected at 3%, the smallest increase in two years. The figure was lower than the 3.1% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Month over month, the inflation rate rose 0.2%, less than...

Asia-Pacific markets climbed across the board as investors look toward China’s inflation figures for and the Reserve Bank of India’s rate decision. China’s consumer price index for January is expected to fall 0.5% year-on-year, while the Reserve Bank of India is forecast to hold rates at...

Asia-Pacific markets are largely higher after U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law a debt ceiling bill that allowed the U.S. to avert defaulting on its financial obligations over the weekend. The compromise debt ceiling bill passed the Senate by a 63-36 margin Thursday evening, winning enough...

Asia-Pacific markets rebounded after Tuesday’s broad sell-off, with traders watching trade data out of Japan and Singapore on Wednesday. Investor sentiment, however, might be tempered by comments from U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, who said there has been “a lack of further progress so...

Asia-Pacific markets mostly rose after comments from U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell hinted that interest rate cuts may not be too distant if inflation signals support. Speaking to the Senate Banking Committee, Powell didn’t offer an exact timeline for rate cuts, but noted they would go...

Asia-Pacific markets were mostly higher Wednesday, with the exception of Japan, tracking Wall Street gains as investors assessed corporate earnings from U.S. and Asian firms. Palantir Technologies surged nearly 31% after the company posted a revenue beat in the fourth quarter, while Spotify...

Asia-Pacific markets were mixed on Tuesday ahead of key economic data out from China, which will release its industrial output and retail sales figures for July. Japan’s Nikkei 225 climbed 0.95%, while the Topix was up 0.51% after the country saw its second quarter gross domestic product beat...

Asia-Pacific markets were mixed on Monday as some investors returned from a long Easter weekend. Japan’s Nikkei 225 were 0.34% higher, with the Topix seeing a larger gain of 0.53%. South Korea’s Kospi was 1.04% higher, and the Kosdaq index also gained 0.26%. In mainland China, the Shanghai...

Asia-Pacific markets are set to extend losses from Tuesday as investors await China’s one-year and five year loan prime rates and brace for the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate decision Wednesday stateside. The region also saw August trade data out from Japan, while wholesale inflation in South Korea...

Asia-Pacific markets are mixed as investors prepare for Australia’s third-quarter inflation figures, which will give clues to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s monetary policy decision when it meets on Nov. 3. Economists polled by Reuters expect the headline inflation rate to come in at 5.3%, lower...

Asia-Pacific markets are mixed as traders look to minutes from the Reserve Bank of Australia for its policy meeting on Sept. 5. The minutes will detail how the RBA came to hold its benchmark policy rate at 4.1%, the third straight month that it has done so. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 slid...

Asia-Pacific markets were mixed on Thursday, following Wall Street’s overnight losses which saw the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite fall for a fourth straight day. Tech stocks led markets lower as artificial intelligence darling Nvidia fell nearly 4%, joined by Netflix, Meta, Apple and...

Asia-Pacific markets are mixed as investors see private surveys of business activity from Japan and Australia, as well as the October producer price index from South Korea. Some markets also are poised to poised to recover slightly after Asia saw a broad sell-off in the last three sessions. In...

Asia-Pacific markets were mixed as Japan’s corporate inflation figures for January came in higher than expected. Japan’s corporate inflation rate for February rose to 0.6%, beating the 0.5% expected by economists polled by Reuters and climbing from January’s figure of 0.2%. A strong inflation...

Asia-Pacific markets fell across the region after the U.S. Federal Reserve held its benchmark policy rate, but said it will raise interest rates one more time this year, according to the central bank’s projections. Projections showed the central bank expects to hike rates to a median of 5.6% by...

Asia-Pacific markets were mostly higher ahead of key inflation data out of India and the U.S on Wednesday. Economists expect the U.S. inflation rate for June to fall slightly to 5%, down from 5.3% in May, based on a Reuters poll. The inflation print, along with producer prices data on Thursday,...

Asia-Pacific markets largely fell on Monday as investors look toward key data from Japan and China this week. Japan’s gross domestic product for the second quarter will be out on Tuesday, as well as its inflation print for Friday. Japan’s Nikkei 225 fell 0.1% to start the week, but the Topix was...

Asia markets kickstarted this holiday-shortened week mixed as investors awaited policy decisions from key central banks, including from the Reserve Bank of Australia on Tuesday and the Reserve Bank of India on Thursday. On Monday, private surveys on service sector activity will be released from...

Asia-Pacific markets inched higher Friday, with investors awaiting data on China’s property prices to assess any signs of improvement in the debt-laden real estate sector. Japan stocks were closed for trading on Friday for the Emperor’s Birthday holiday. Japan markets led gains in the previous...

Most Asia-Pacific markets edged higher Thursday after indexes in the region fell for two straight days, as investors focus on inflation data from China. South Korea’s main index, the Kospi, dropped 3.24% in the last two sessions, erasing more than half of what it gained earlier in the week when...

Asia-Pacific markets fell as banking fears were reignited on Wall Street, sending the three major U.S. indexes into a four day losing streak. Regional bank shares sold off, with the SPDR S&P Regional Bank ETF (KRE) dropping more than 5% and some banks seeing volatile trading. In Australia,...

Asia-Pacific markets fell on Wednesday after banking fears were reignited on Wall Street. Shares of First Republic Bank tumbled more than 49% after the regional bank posted its latest quarterly results, saying late Monday that deposits dropped 40% to $104.5 billion in the first quarter but have...

Asia-Pacific markets fell on Friday as investors assessed Japan’s July inflation data and fresh blows to China’s real estate sector. Japan’s core inflation rate fell to 3.1%, down from 3.3% in June. Headline inflation remained at 3.3%. Meanwhile, embattled Chinese real estate giant Evergrande...

Asia-Pacific markets fell on Wednesday mirroring moves on Wall Street after a decline in U.S. banks. Shares of JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo dropped 2%, and Bank of America dropped 3%. The action came after Fitch warned it may have to downgrade credit rating dozens of banks, including JPMorgan...

Asia-Pacific markets slipped Monday as investors look ahead to a week of central bank decisions. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision is expected early Thursday in Asia, while Australia’s central bank will release its minutes for its Sept. 5 policy meeting on Tuesday. On Friday, the Bank of Japan...

Asia-Pacific markets fell Friday after producer prices in the U.S. grew faster than expected in February, coming in at 0.6% last month. Excluding food and energy prices, core PPI climbed 0.3% in February. Economists polled by Dow Jones had expected a 0.3% gain for headline PPI and a 0.2% increase...

Asia-Pacific markets extended their declines as the world awaits Israel’s response to Iran’s air assault over the weekend. On Tuesday, China’s first-quarter gross domestic product numbers will be in focus, with the world’s second-largest economy expected to grow 4.6% from a year ago. China’s...

Asia-Pacific markets rose across the board on Tuesday, except Hong Kong which is set to fall, as investors continue to grapple with the fallout from Evergrande’s liquidation order. On Monday, shares of the embattled property developer were halted after plunging more than 20%. A Hong Kong court...

Asia-Pacific markets fell as investors braced for July consumer price index data out from the U.S. on Thursday. Expectations from economists polled by Reuters are the inflation rate will come in at 3.3%, slightly higher from the 3% seen in June. Japan’s Nikkei 225 slid 0.33% and the Topix was...

Asia-Pacific markets rose after Wall Street jumped overnight, following U.S. inflation data that largely met expectations. The U.S. consumer price index in February climbed 0.4% on the month and 3.2% year over year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Tuesday. Economists polled by Dow Jones...

Saham di Asia-Pasifik lebih tinggi pada perdagangan Jumat pagi (26/3) menyusul rebound semalam di Wall Street. Di Jepang, Nikkei 225 naik 1,23% pada awal perdagangan sementara indeks Topix naik 1,02%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan naik 0,54%. Saham di Australia, Indeks S&P/ASX200 naik 0,43%....


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