

Saham Eropa pada hari Senin mengakhiri kuartal dengan kenaikan ringan, membatasi tiga bulan kekacauan di bidang politik dan ekonomi. Naik 0,35% menjadi 393,15 pada hari tersebut, indeks Stoxx Europe 600 telah naik 2,2% untuk kuartal ini. S&P 500  naik 1,2% dibandingkan periode yang...

Saham Eropa dibuka melemah pada hari Senin di tengah kekhawatiran atas kebangkitan virus corona di Asia dan AS ketika pelonggaran lockdown. Saham Pan-European Stoxx 600 turun 2,1% pada awal perdagangan, dengan sumber daya dasar jatuh 3,5% untuk memimpin kerugian karena semua sektor dan bursa...

Saham Eropa dibuka lebih rendah pada Selasa pagi pasca Perdana Menteri Inggris Boris Johnson kehilangan tawaran kedua untuk mengadakan pemilihan awal tetapi menegaskan kembali janjinya untuk meninggalkan Uni Eropa pada 31 Oktober. Investor juga memantau pertemuan yang akan datang dari European...

November diawali dengan perdagangan yang positif, dengan saham Eropa naik setelah tergelincir pada hari Kamis. Fokus investor tetap pada perkembangan dalam pembicaraan perdagangan dan laporan gaji AS mendatang. Stoxx Europe 600 naik 0,4% ke level 398,38 pada pukul 8:12 pagi waktu London. Sumber...

Saham Eropa diperdagangkan lebih rendah pada hari Rabu karena para pedagang menunggu keputusan suku bunga dari Federal Reserve AS, sementara laba perusahaan tetap tinggi dalam agenda. Pan-European Stoxx 600 turun di bawah garis datar selama perdagangan sore, dengan sektor perbankan jatuh lebih...

Saham Eropa dibuka bervariasi Rabu pagi karena investor mengawasi perkembangan di AS menyusul pencabutan pembatasan lockdown di negara itu, sementara harga minyak yang telah Kembali jatuh. Indeks Pan-European Stoxx 600 naik tipis 0,1% di bawah garis datar pada menit-menit awal perdagangan, Saham...

Saham Eropa sedikit berubah pada Jumat ini karena pelaku pasar menunggu berita mengenai apakah Federal Reserve AS akan memangkas suku bunga bulan ini. Indeks Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 melayang di sekitar garis datar selama perdagangan sore dan mengakhiri sesi naik 0.12% menjadi 387.25 dengan sektor dan...

Saham Eropa sedikit berubah pada Jumat ini karena pelaku pasar menunggu berita mengenai apakah Federal Reserve AS akan memangkas suku bunga bulan ini. Indeks Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 melayang di sekitar garis datar selama perdagangan sore dan mengakhiri sesi naik 0.12% menjadi 387.25 dengan sektor dan...

Pasar saham Eropa berakhir di zona hijau pada Selasa ini setelah sehari bergerak berayun, di tengah harapan stimulus karena virus corona yang menyebar cepat sehingga memicu kekhawatiran akan terjadinya resesi. Indeks Pan-European Stoxx 600 sementara selesai 2,2% lebih tinggi di tengah sesi...

Saham Eropa ditutup lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa di tengah harapan bahwa Presiden AS Donald Trump akan menunda keputusan apakah akan mengenakan tarif pada mobil UE. Pan-European Stoxx 600 naik sekitar 0,5% pada level 407,40, dengan saham telekomunikasi memimpin kenaikan. Iliad Merupakan...

Eropa ditutup sedikit lebih rendah pada hari Kamis setelah sesi perdagangan berombak, karena investor mencerna langkah-langkah lockdown baru di Prancis dan Jerman dan keputusan kebijakan terbaru Bank Sentral Eropa. Pan-European Stoxx 600 ditutup turun hampir 0,2%, setelah naik di awal sesi. Saham...

Saham Eropa ditutup lebih rendah pada Selasa, dengan anggota parlemen oposisi Inggris mengajukan penawaran untuk mengambil alih House of Commons dan menghentikan Inggris meninggalkan Uni Eropa tanpa kesepakatan pada 31 Oktober. Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 turun 0,35% ke level 379.81 pada bel penutupan,...

Saham Eropa berakhir di wilayah negatif pada hari Kamis, gagal mendapatkan dorongan dari data pertumbuhan ekonomi China yang menunjukkan rebound. Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 turun 0,46% ke level 372.16, dengan sektor perjalanan dan liburan turun 1,9% untuk memimpin kerugian sementara saham konstruksi dan...

Bursa Eropa sebagian besar ditutup lebih tinggi pada hari Jumat setelah data ekonomi yang lebih baik dari perkiraan, meskipun ada kekhawatiran tentang pengetatan pembatasan virus korona. Pan-European Stoxx 600 ditutup naik 0,2% setelah sesi perdagangan yang berombak, dengan saham minyak dan gas...

Saham Eropa diperdagangkan sedikit lebih rendah pada Kamis karena negosiasi perdagangan antara AS dan China mengalami hambatan. Pan-European Stoxx 600 sedikit turun 0,29% di bawah garis datar pada level 404,70, dengan sektor automotif tergelincir lebih dari 1% memimpin kerugian karena sebagian...

Saham Eropa menyelesaikan sesi Kamis di wilayah negatif karena investor mengkaji data klaim pengangguran AS terbaru serta menelusuri kemajuan yang kurang dalam negosiasi atas paket bantuan pandemi AS. Indeks Stoxx 600 Eropa ditutup 0,63% lebih rendah, dengan sektor perbankan turun 1,91% memimpin...

Saham Eropa ditutup lebih rendah pada hari Rabu di tengah kekhawatiran atas pembicaraan perdagangan AS-China, sementara investor memantau komentar dari Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell. Pan-European Stoxx 600 turun 0,2% di level 406,04 selama perdagangan sore, terseret oleh saham bank....

Saham Eropa dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada Jumat seiring investor memantau perkembangan perang dagang China-AS dan kemungkinan gagalnya pemerintah Italia. Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 tergelincir 0,2% pada pembukaan perdagangan, dengan saham bank turun 1,1% di awal perdagangan sementara sektor kesehatan...

Saham Eropa dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa meskipun ada beberapa kekhawatiran atas keadaan kesepakatan perdagangan AS-China, dan lonjakan kasus virus corona di AS dan di tempat lain. Pan-European Stoxx 600 naik 0,6% di awal perdagangan, dengan sektor jasa keuangan, industri dan saham...

Saham Eropa anjlok pada Senin pagi seiring eskalasi cepat dari ketegangan perdagangan AS-Cina terus membuat kekhawatiran investor di seluruh dunia. Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 melemah lebih dari 1% pada pembukaan, saham sumber daya dasar memimpin penurunan dengan penurunan 3,3% karena hampir semua sektor...

Saham Eropa dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada Jumat, karena investor menunggu rilis laporan non-farm payroll utama AS, yang dapat memberikan indikasi apakah Federal Reserve kemungkinan akan menurunkan suku bunga pada pertemuan kebijakan moneter pada Juli. Pan-European Stoxx 600 tergelincir 0,1% di...

Saham Eropa dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa karena investor mengambil bagian dari pembukaan ekonomi secara bertahap di Eropa dan sekitarnya. Indeks Pan-European Stoxx 600 naik 1,5% pada awal perdagangan, minyak dan gas melonjak 4,3% untuk memimpin kenaikan karena semua sektor dan bursa utama...

Saham Eropa dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Senin karena optimisme baru atas pembicaraan perdagangan AS-China tampaknya akan memberi harapan kembali terhadap aset risiko dari investor. Pan-European Stoxx 600 naik 0,4% ke level 400.86 pada bel pembukaan, dengan sektor automotif melonjak 1,7% untuk...

Saham Eropa dibuka menguat pada hari Rabu pagi seiring investor memantau untuk pertemuan kunci bank sentral, sementara ketegangan perdagangan dan risiko Brexit tanpa kesepakatan telah mereda untuk saat ini. Indeks Pan-European Stoxx 600 menguat 0,3% pada bel pembukaan, sumber daya dasar melonjak...

Saham Eropa dibuka dengan hati-hati pada hari Jumat setelah Perdana Menteri Inggris Boris Johnson mengumumkan rencana untuk mendorong pemilihan umum baru pada bulan Desember, sementara musim pendapatan perusahaan tetap menjadi fokus. Pan-European Stoxx 600 melayang di sekitar garis datar pada...

Saham Eropa dibuka bervariasi pada Senin ini karena para pedagang menunggu keputusan penting dari Uni Eropa atas penundaan Brexit Inggris dan melihat ke depan untuk pertemuan Federal Reserve AS akhir pekan ini. Pan-European Stoxx 600 tergelincir tepat di bawah garis datar di level 397.70 pada...

Saham Eropa diperdagangkan bervariasi pada Kamis pagi (4/2), karena investor tetap fokus pada laporan pendapatan dan perkembangan pandemi virus corona. Pan-European Stoxx 600 melayang di sekitar garis datar pada awal perdagangan, dengan sektor otomotif naik 0,9% sementara sektor barang-barang...

Saham Eropa mengalami penurunan pada Jumat sore, di tengah meningkatnya kekhawatiran akan konfrontasi militer di Timur Tengah. Meskipun membuat keuntungan pada hari Jumat pagi, pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 diperdagangkan lebih rendah pada level 384,76 selama transaksi sore dan mengakhiri sesi di zona...

Saham Eropa dibuka lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa (28/12) ditengah volume kecil perdagangan terkait hari libur yang berlanjut di wilayah tersebut. Indeks Stoxx 600 pan-Eropa diperdagangkan 0,3% lebih tinggi setelah pasar dibuka dengan semua sektor di wilayah positif. Pasar Eropa sedikit lebih...

Pasar Eropa sedikit berubah pada hari Jumat (8/10) setelah minggu yang berfluktuasi untuk saham global, dengan fokus investor sekarang beralih ke laporan data tenaga kerja utama AS. Stoxx 600 pan-Eropa sedikit berubah di awal perdagangan, dengan stok minyak dan gas naik 0,9% sementara makanan dan...

Saham Eropa melemah pada hari Senin (4/10) saat pasar memulai minggu perdagangan penuh pertama bulan Oktober. Stoxx 600 pan-Eropa tergelincir 0,1% di awal perdagangan, dengan sektor perbankan turun 1% sementara sumber daya dasar naik 0,4%. Pasar Eropa memulai minggu perdagangan penuh pertama...

European markets bounced on Thursday as investors reacted positively to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s signal that interest rate cuts will take place next year. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index was up 1.6% in early trade, with mining stocks jumping 3.8% to lead gains as all sectors and major bourses...

European stocks were steady on Thursday as investors weighed a slate of upbeat corporate earnings reports against concerns around higher-for-longer interest rates. The Stoxx 600 was up 0.2% by 8:12 a.m. in London. Utilities and banks were the best-performing sectors,...

European stocks fell on Tuesday as doubts over how many interest-rate cuts the Federal Reserve could deliver this year and caution before US inflation data curbed risk sentiment. The Stoxx 600 index was down 0.6% by the close in London, with insurance, construction and industrial...

European stocks fell as risk sentiment took a hit on worries that interest rates will remain high for longer than previously expected.  The Stoxx 600 Index dropped 0.6% as of 8:12 a.m. in London, with almost all the sectors trading under pressure. Energy and mining shares...

European stocks rose on Monday as comments from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen raised hopes that the US economy is headed toward a soft landing.  The Stoxx 600 Index closed 0.3% higher in London, led by miners which got a lift from rising metals prices, while...

European stocks resumed their declines, following Thursday’s brief respite, as investors focus on a crucial US jobs report that will help gauge the timing and pace of Federal Reserve interest-rate cuts.  The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was down 0.6% by 8:16 a.m. in London, dragged lower...

European stocks rallied, adding to their post-ECB gains, as better-than-expected Chinese economic data boosted sentiment. The Stoxx 600 Index was up 0.2% at the close in London, driven by gains across luxury and mining stocks as data showed China’s industrial production and retail...

European stocks dipped as Federal Reserve officials pushed back against aggressive interest-rate cut expectations, while the energy sector gained as more oil companies and tanker owners began to avoid the Red Sea amid the ramp up in attacks. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was 0.3%...

European stocks opened higher Wednesday despite global markets being rattled by comments from the head of the U.S. Federal Reserve. The regional Stoxx 600 index opened up 0.07%, with most sectors trading in the green. Mining stocks jumped 1.3% while tech fell 1.6%. U.K. inflation eased to 3.2%...

European markets opened higher Thursday, bouncing back from lackluster momentum earlier this week. The Stoxx 600 index was up 0.2% in early deals, with most sectors in the green. Travel stocks led gains, up 0.74%, as construction slipped 0.3%. On the final day of a holiday-shortened trading...

European equities steadied after last week’s slump as investor attention turned to a pivotal US inflation print due on Thursday. Health care and banking stocks were among the key gainers. The Stoxx Europe 600 was up about 0.1% by the close. Miners like Glencore Plc and Rio Tinto...

European stocks muted on Monday after shaky start to the new year, as traders await inflation data later this week that could offer clues on the path ahead for central banks. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was down 0.2% in early trading as losses in energy stocks outweighed gains in tech...

European markets were muted on Friday morning, as traders around the world look ahead to a key November jobs report due out of the U.S. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index hovered around the flatline in early trade, with mining stocks dropping 0.6% while oil and gas climbed 0.5%. The European blue...

European stocks rallied after the European Central Bank raised interest rates and signaled that it is likely to be the last hike in this cycle. The Stoxx 600 Index rose 1.5%, the most since March, led by a 4.2% rally in mining stocks after iron ore hit a five-month high. Energy, real...

European stocks were little changed on Tuesday as investors awaited the Federal Reserve’s policy minutes and after the Bank of England warned that rates may have to rise again. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was down slightly by the close after hitting a two-month high in the...

European stocks traded near their highest level in two months, buoyed by gains across energy stocks and Swedish banks in a quiet trading session due to the US Thanksgiving holiday. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was up +0.3%% at its close in London, with energy stocks and banks leading gains. The...

European stocks finished higher on Friday, despite an earlier dip, as market participants reacted to stronger-than-expected U.S. jobs data. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index closed up 0.8%, managing to shake off a brief fall due to the U.S. labor report. Retail stocks led the gains with a rise of...

European stocks declined after data from China stoked fears of deflation and investors assessed the likelihood of higher-for-longer interest rates. The Stoxx Europe 600 declined 0.3% at 8:04 a.m. in London after the benchmark slumped most since March last week. Global stocks are...

European stocks edged lower as investors awaited key US inflation data on Wednesday for clues on the Federal Reserve’s policy outlook. Smurfit Kappa Group Plc fell sharply after it agreed to combine with rival packaging company WestRock Co. in an $11.2 billion deal. The Stoxx 600 Index...

European stocks edged higher Tuesday in thin trading, led by gains in real estate and health-care shares as investors looked ahead to the monthly report on US employment for clues to how high interest rates will rise this year. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index rose 0.1% by the close in...

European stocks fell on Tuesday as worries about economic growth and losses across energy stocks overshadowed some positive earnings updates. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index closed 0.2% lower in London, with energy stocks the biggest losers as oil declined, while more cyclical sectors like miners,...

European markets closed higher Tuesday as investors continue to ponder last week’s central bank policy decisions in Europe and the U.S. The benchmark Stoxx 600 index closed up 0.3%, erasing losses from earlier in the session. Sectors largely ended the session in positive territory, with retail...

European markets closed lower on Wednesday, while regional focus remained on the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The Stoxx 600 index provisionally ended down 1.2%, with all sectors and major bourses in negative territory. Mining stocks led the losses, closing the session more than 2%...

European stock markets closed higher Thursday as they built on positive global momentum this week. The regional Stoxx 600 index ended 0.1% higher, with sectors spread across positive and negative territory. Oil and gas stocks rose 1.3% even as the International Energy Agency warned of huge...

European stocks brightened Wednesday as markets digested the latest meeting minutes from the U.S. Federal Reserve and a swathe of fiscal announcements in the U.K. The Stoxx 600 index closed 0.3% higher following two lacklustre sessions. Most sectors traded moderately higher, with travel and...

European markets closed higher Thursday, as investors continue to monitor news and comments from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The Stoxx 600 index was up 0.57% by the close, coming off the back of three negative sessions. Travel stocks rallied 5% as utilities fell 0.7%. Watches...

European stock markets fell sharply Thursday as traders digested new economic data from the U.S. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index closed down 2.5%. All sectors and major bourses finished in the red. Travel and leisure led losses with a 4% drop, followed by retail stocks, which were down...

European markets opened higher Tuesday to kick off the first trading day of the new year. The benchmark Stoxx 600 index was up 0.43% at 8:05 a.m. London time, while most sectors moved higher. Oil and gas led gains, up 1.3%, as technology stocks slipped 0.2%. Germany’s DAX and France’s CAC 40...

European equity markets staged a muted open Friday, following the sharp drops in the previous session. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index was little changed as trading started, with sectors and major indexes spread across marginally positive and negative territory. Utility stocks logged the biggest...

European markets pulled back slightly on Tuesday morning as investors await significant inflation data due later this week. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index slipped 0.3% at the open, with basic resources shedding 1.4% to lead losses as most sectors and major bourses traded in the red. The...

European markets opened slightly higher Friday as investors digest the latest slew of corporate earnings and economic data. The pan-European Stoxx 600 opened 0.1% higher, with sectors trading in mixed territory. Health-care stocks were 0.7% higher, while utilities dropped 0.7%. German inflation...

European markets opened slightly higher on Monday amid heightened geopolitical tensions following Iran’s massive drone and missile attack on Israel Saturday night. The regional Stoxx 600 index opened 0.2% higher, with most sectors in positive territory. Autos and insurance stocks led gains, both...

European markets had a mixed start to the new trading week Monday, as investors continued to digest a number of central bank policy decisions in Europe. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index was close to the flatline in early deals after closing last week at a record high. Retail stocks fell 0.75% as...

European markets had a negative start the new trading week, following declines in the Asia-Pacific region overnight. The Stoxx 600 index was 0.4% lower in early trade, with technology stocks falling more than 2%. It follows a strong week for the index which saw it close above 500 points for the...

European markets opened slightly lower Tuesday as some of the momentum that powered a stellar month subsides. The Stoxx 600 slipped 0.1% in early trade as sectors traded mixed. Construction stocks nudged 0.3% higher while banks fell 0.4% and mining stocks dropped 0.6%. Telecom stocks were the...

European markets opened lower Tuesday as investors look ahead to more key economic data this week, including U.S. inflation figures out Wednesday. The Stoxx 600 index was down 0.2% in early deals as most sectors fell into the red after solid gains on Monday. Travel stocks led losses, down 0.5%,...

European markets opened lower Tuesday, with investors looking ahead to the start of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s two-day monetary policy meeting. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index opened 0.2% lower, with sectors spread across tentatively positive and negative territory. Health-care stocks made the...

European markets had a negative open to start this week’s trading, following their Asia-Pacific counterparts lower as investors look ahead to a week of central bank decisions. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index opened 0.2% lower, with sectors spread across positive and negative territory. Mining...

European markets opened lower ahead of a raft of interest rate decisions from central banks in England, Turkey, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index was down 0.6% at the start of trading, with all sectors in the red. Mining stocks saw the biggest drop, down 1.6%, while...

European markets opened higher Thursday, with investors in the region keeping an eye on the latest monetary policy decisions from the Bank of England, Norges Bank and the Swiss National Bank. The pan-European Stoxx 600 was up 0.9% in early deals, with virtually all sectors trading in the green....

European markets were muted on Wednesday as investors assessed incoming corporate earnings and inflation prints in both the U.S. and the U.K. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index inched 0.1% higher in early trade, with retail stocks adding 0.5% while mining stocks slipped 0.7% lower. Britain’s FTSE...

European markets were a mixed bag on Tuesday morning, as investors assessed incoming corporate earnings reports and awaited a key U.S. inflation print. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index slipped 0.15% in early trade, with tech stocks shedding 1.3% to lead losses while mining stocks added 0.5%. The...

European markets were cautiously higher on Thursday ahead of a key U.S. inflation print that could provide hints about the Federal Reserve’s next monetary policy move. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index rose by 0.4% in early trade, with insurance adding 1.3% to lead gains while mining stocks fell...

European markets were higher on Friday morning as investors parse through U.K. economic data and reflect on a somewhat murky U.S. inflation outlook. The pan-European Stoxx 600 was up nearly 1% shortly after the opening bell, with almost all sectors and major bourses in positive territory. Mining...

European stocks closed slightly lower Wednesday as regional markets struggle to find positive momentum. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index provisionally ended down 0.2%, with major bourses mixed and most sectors in negative territory. Banks fell 1%, while autos rose 1.6%. Shares of HSBC sank over...

European markets closed slightly higher on Friday as investors digested U.K. economic data and reflected on a somewhat murky U.S. inflation outlook. The pan-European Stoxx 600 closed up 0.06%, paring gains from earlier in the session, with most sectors and major bourses in negative...

European markets were slightly higher Monday, off the back of largely positive sentiment last week. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index provisionally closed up 0.17%, rebounding slightly from a negative morning session. Mining stocks led losses, sinking 1%, while health care stocks were up...

European markets pulled back on Tuesday as investors braced for significant inflation data due later this week and reacted to a shock banking tax announcement out of Italy. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index ended 0.2% lower, with banks shedding 2.7% to lead losses as most sectors slid into the...

European stocks closed lower on Thursday as global markets searched for new record highs to close out the year. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index closed down about 0.1%, with health care stocks adding 0.6% while banks dropped 0.5%. The continental blue chip index was last trading around the...

European stocks closed lower Monday as investors in the region gear up for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The Stoxx 600 index provisionally ended down 0.5%, with major bourses and most sectors in negative territory. Household goods fell 1% as as travel stocks climbed 0.9%. The...

European stocks closed lower Tuesday as markets struggled to find positive momentum ahead of the European Central Bank meeting later this week. The pan-European Stoxx 600 ended the session down 0.27%, with the vast majority of sectors finishing in the red. Mining stocks sank 0.9% while utilities...

European markets were higher Wednesday as preliminary purchasing managers’ index data showed improved activity in the euro zone in January. The pan-European Stoxx 600 provisonally closed 1.15% higher, with all sectors bar telecoms in positive territory. Tech stocks led gains, up 4.8%, following...

European markets pulled back on Friday after U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank is “not confident” it has done enough to rein in inflation. The pan-European Stoxx 600 index closed 1% lower. Food and beverage stocks led losses, ending the session down 3.1%, as all...

European shares rose to the highest level in a year amid a slate of upbeat corporate earnings, while the FTSE 100 closed above 8,000 for the first time. The Stoxx 600 closed 0.2% higher, advancing for a fourth straight session in the longest such streak since Jan. 18. The index hit a...

European stock markets closed slightly lower Wednesday as investors reacted to stronger than expected U.S. inflation data. The Stoxx 600 index ended down by 0.2%, with sectors and major bourses pointing in opposite directions. Retail stocks dropped 0.8% to lead losses. It comes shortly after...

Pasar saham Eropa ditutup lebih tinggi pada Kamis ini karena investor memantau perkembangan dalam perang perdagangan AS-China serta mengkaji komentar dari pejabat bank sentral. Saham memangkas kenaikan sedikit selama sesi sore, setelah para otoritas Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB) Klass Knot mengatakan...

Pasar Eropa diperdagangkan lebih tinggi pada Kamis pagi setelah China dilaporkan mengatakan dua negara ekonomi terbesar dunia tersebut telah sepakat untuk membatalkan tarif tambahan yang dikenakan dalam perang dagang selama berbulan-bulan. Pan-European Stoxx 600 naik 0,4% ke level 406,69 pada...

Saham Eropa diperdagangkan bervarisi Senin di tengah melemahnya optimisme atas pembicaraan perdagangan AS-China, setelah Presiden Donald Trump membantah bahwa ia telah setuju untuk menurunkan tarif barang-barang Cina. Indeks pan-European Stoxx 600 ditutup untuk sementara hampir tidak berubah pada...

Pasar Eropa dibuka sedikit lebih rendah pada Jumat pagi, karena investor memantau perkembangan terbaru dalam perang perdagangan Sino-AS yang sedang berlangsung. Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 turun sekitar 0,3% di level 405.18 tak lama setelah bel pembukaan, dengan sebagian besar sektor dan bursa utama di...

Bursa Eropa dibuka bervariasi pada hari Rabu karena investor terus memantau perkembangan AS dan Tiongkok. Pan-European Stoxx 600 melayang tepat di bawah garis datar di level 404,02 pada awal perdagangan, dengan saham bank pertahankan tren dengan kenaikan 0,8% karena hampir sebagian besar sektor...

Bursa Eropa dibuka bervariasi pada hari Selasa karena investor menunggu pembaruan tentang potensi kesepakatan perdagangan AS-China dan memantau perkembangan ekonomi global. Pan-Eropa Stoxx 600 melayang di bawah garis datar di level 403,52 pada awal perdagangan, dengan saham sumber daya dasar...

Saham Eropa memulai November dengan catatan positif pada Senin (1/11) dengan investor mengawasi perkembangan dalam pertemuan para pemimpin global yang berisiko tinggi. Indeks Stoxx 600 pan-Eropa ditutup naik 0,7%, dengan semua sektor berakhir di wilayah positif. Saham bank Barclays...


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